
The Bout of Fronin

The cut throat competition starts between the seven kingdoms of Socotra Planet when the years old phenomenon of reappearance of the Fronin (Throne) takes place and the one who will acquire the throne will rule the planet for next one century, but the battle won't be easy for any of the participants because none of them knows what the competition has in account for them

DaoistBDb2Iq · Fantasi
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3 Chs


And right after her announcement , one of the kings sitting amongst many raised his hands with a statement

"I will like to nominate my kingdom to become part of the competition to acquire the Fronin"

In response to his statement foremost Vermithrax speaks

"I am glad that you are the very first king amongst all the others to participate in the competition of acquiring the Fronin , King Gianpiero of Neirith kingdom"

"I would like to nominate my son Jarus to participate in the competition on behalf of Neirith kingdom", King Gianpiero speaks right after the completion of sentence of the foremost which spreads pin drop silence in whole court as no one expected such kind of statement coming from King Gianpiero

"But your son is just 16 years old , King Gianpiero and he is still studying in an institution and you want him to participate in the competition", Foremost Vermithrax speaks out of curiosity regards to the unexpected decision of King Gianpiero

"As of being a responsible father and successful ruler of my kingdom , I am taking this decision in order to make my son a better ruler at early age , so that he should become responsible and powerful king in his reign tenure", King Gianpiero responded to the question of foremost Vermithrax

"King Gianpiero , you have total freedom of whom you want to elect from your kingdom in order to participate in the competition , but I would like you to think again on your decision , because kids are like pots and they take the shape which we give them

And each and everyone present here knows , how destructive and deadly the competition is , along with the fact that punishment of the loser is nothing less than a death and hence I would like to adjourn the court for now

Meanwhile all the participating kingdoms should think about their contenders and should enroll the names by the end of tomorrow"

Foremost Vermithrax suggested King Gianpiero along with an announcement for everything and soon she got down her throne and once again as she passed from the throne till exit , all the members in the court bowed down before her like the earlier position

And right after she left the court , everyone started whispering about the decision of King Gianpiero which was no sort of stupidity for them and speaking about the same King Ceolmund of Miraovia kingdom taunted him as he was about to leave the court

"Seems like Kingdom Neirith kingdom is falling sort of brave soldiers that we have to fight with a child who don't even know , how handle the sword correctly , so forget about fighting against the enemies"

And right after completing his sentence , King Ceolmund started laughing along with which all the presented one's in the court joined him in insulting King Gianpiero

"Feels like King Gianpiero has lost his common sense due to the fact that his kingdom never ever won the battle of acquiring the fronin and hence he is speaking senseless stuffs"

King Mirit of Mangwa kingdom added oil in the insulting fire of King Gianpiero , but he left the court without responding to anyone as according to him , the response of other kings didn't made any difference until foremost Vermithrax agrees with his suggestions

Whereas on the other hand foremost Vermithrax who was on her way to royal palace ends up getting question from her minister

"What do you think about the decision of King Gianpiero your highness?"

Responding to which foremost Vermithrax stated

"I don't know minister Icarus , I mean , I am bit shocked as even after knowing all the rules and regulations of the competition which is followed from billions of years , King Gianpiero wants his son to participate in the same , which doesn't goes down well with me"

"So what are you going to do now , your highness , because you have given just one day to the kings to come up with the name of participants and ..."

But before , he could complete his sentence , he sees an arrow coming with speed of light towards them and hence without any further delays , he stands before foremost Vermithrax , by baring his chest which soon creates a protective shield and the arrow breaks into pieces after coming in contact with the shield and falls on the ground

While the whole action leaves foremost Vermithrax shocked as everything happened even before her mind could process it , but she too comes in her senses and created a gigantic shield around both of them , in order to avoid any further attacks and she hops towards minister Icarus who was standing few metres away from him and questions him

"Minister Icarus , are you fine ?"

Responding to which he once again covered his chest with his coat , right after disappearance of the shield and responded to her question with a smile on his face

"No weapon has been created in the whole known universe which can get through the shield of Icarus , your highness , so don't worry about me and rather tell me about your situation , I mean , are you fine?"

"I am perfectly fine minister Icarus", foremost Vermithrax responded with breath of relief , only for minister Icarus to come across a skin kind of material rolled around the arrow

In response to which , he picked up the broken tail portion of arrow and came across a fact that it was a letter which was written with blood of Beelzebub(snake) and he started reading it , right after opening it which read

"I hope that you are doing well , foremost Vermithrax and most probably your planet is about to gear up for the upcoming phenomenon which is going to occur soon and hence Socotra will get the next ruler after the end of phenomenon , am I right?

Ofcourse , I am always right and hence let me tell you that I am the first participate who is willing to take part in the competition , because either you consider or not , but I am the rightful citizen of not Socotra Planet , but atleast it's underground world and hence I am coming soon to participate in the same - Yours faithfully - Alevina - Superior of Inferno kingdom"