
The Boundless Universe System

It is a story which happens in a very advanced world where Earthlings have yet to explore the universe or maybe you can say that they have explored just a tiny bit of it. The protagonist here is a transmigrator who got a System and with the help of that System,he will rock in this endless nothingness. Journey together with the protagonist in this Boundless Universe as he starts from the same place where we all hail from. Stick with me as I will let you all experience a world which you will never get bored of . Mucho Gusto, Amigos .

Explorer_Nik_3 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Knowing The Unknown

"The fact that you have not refined your body yet , don't tell it to anyone unnecessarily to avoid being targeted."

"Ye Tian, you don't have to worry about anyone being ahead of you because whoever gets selected has already refined his body for once at least."

" We couldn't give you body refining potions in our city because we didn't get any stock for being a C rank city. "

" Because of you, now we can get some body refining potions allocated for our city which will make our foundation stronger than ever before."

"We are very grateful to you for that."

The City Leader said with a solemn face.

"City Leader, you don't have to thank me, I am from there too and it should be my responsibility to help my city. "

Ye Tian replied back .

"Ye Tian, when you go the Martial Arts Alliance Academy, you should choose a mentor according to your compatibility. "

"Yeah , I wanted to tell you something. The sword technique which you practice is a part of S Rank Sword Skill 'Lightning Thunder '. And from what I have seen, you are very proficient in it.

That technique is available at the academy, so you can learn it whole there."

"As for the Body Refining Potions, you can get it at the academy too."

After explaining everything to Ye Tian, city leader left.

" I am currently at Rank 2 Peak Stage. I wanted to breakthrough and become a Rank 3 Martial Artist before leaving for the academy , but it seems everyone start to refine their body as much as they can at Rank 2 Stage ."

" Now that I can't breakthrough, I should go outside the city wall and extract some more genes. There is still 3 days left before the commanding in charge of this trial will take us to the academy ."

Ye Tian calculated the situation and timing and went outside the city to kill some monsters of different kinds as there were not that many in the Silver Base City.

Three days later , Ye Tian came back with a simile on his face and ordered the system to show his panel.

[Host: Ye Tian]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: Rank 2 Peak Stage ]

[Genetic Power: 3 Times]

[Cultivation Speed Talent Lvl.1: Ten Times cultivation Speed.]

[Time Domain Talent Lvl.1: When you cultivate for ten days in your domain,only one day will pass in the real world.]

[Gene Extraction Talent Lvl.2(100/200): Consuming different monsters essence blood can make your gene evolve.]

The smile on his face was because of the number 100 on the gene extraction talent. He had already collected more than 50 monsters essence blood before the trial and the remaining ones were from the trial and the previous three days .

" I have already collected however I could in the meantime. Even if I am halfway through to update my genetic power again, I can still feel the minimal change in my strength brought by consuming those essence bloods."

" I atleast have the strength to fight against against a rank 4 late stage beast without falling back with my current strength."

After feeling the power in his body Ye Tian speculated his strength.

He soon reached the gathering place for all the selected students and waited patiently.

" Brother Ye Tian, you are finally here. I was searching for you since morning. "

Hang Dong came to Ye Tian's side and said.

" Ye Tian, you must be thinking that there should be only 50 students gathered here but how come there are so many, right?"

"Let me tell you something. There is a trial held for each A rank city around the world at the same time where all the surrounding B rank and C rank cities also participate."

" So, if the academy were to take the students from each city, it had to send aircrafts to all of them . This is not a problem for the academy as they can afford it but this will take a lot of time and manforce ."

"That's why the academy only sends three aircrafts, where one will have to take students from atleast 6 to 7 A rank cities ."

Hang Dong explained everything he knew to Ye Tian.

"So, that's how it is, I was also wondering what was happening here."

Ye Tian understood the situation and asked a question to Hang Dong out of curiosity.

" I wanted to ask you something, how many times have you refined your body?"

"Oh , about that, I have done it twice and that's also the highest from our base. Besides me , Bai Feng and and Lin Haoran who were ahead of me in the trial have also done it."

" I suddenly remembered to inform you something about this matter."

"You must be thinking that there are 20 A rank cities , right? But initially it is only 15. "

"The Martial Arts Alliance Academy is actually the best academy of the only S Rank City on the planet Earth ."

"Those five A rank cities are in control of it. Initially, we are also governed by them but we are different as the people who found those cities are originally from the Martial Arts Alliance Academy."

"That's why they are a step ahead of us in everything. Our strongest students have only refined their body twice, but the top students from there have done it three times or even four."

" They are stronger than us because they have better foundations compared to us as they follow the cultivation strategies of the Martial Arts Alliance Academy from the beginning."

After hearing Hang Dong 's worrying words , Ye Tian also had a question in his mind. He suddenly asked the system:

"System, will there be any limitation for me too?, as I also don't have a better foundation like them ."

Catching up with Ye Tian's doubt, the system answered.

"Host, you don't have to worry about anything. There is no one on the planet Earth who has a better foundation than you. You have even broken your genetic power.Do you really think anyone is better than you?"

When Ye Tian took in System's words, he forgot his previous thoughts and didn't care much about Hang Dong's reminder.

"Hang Dong , what are you doing here?"

Soon, there came two people behind Hang Dong and one of them said to him.

"Bai Feng, I told you about Ye Tian,right? This is him."

Bai Feng then looked at Ye Tian who was standing opposite to Hang Dong and spoke .

"Hi , My name is Bai Feng . "

"Hello, I am Ye Tian."

"Hang Dong spoke to me about you. Now that you are his friend , you're my friend too."

"This is Xin Yan. She ranked 2nd in this trial and she is also a friend of mine and Hang Dong."

Xin Yan who was standing beside Hang Dong also introduced herself to Ye Tian after Bai Feng's briefing.

"Hi, I am Xin Yan. "

"You are indeed amazing to rank 28 without even refining your body. You will be as strong as us when you refine your body twice."

"Yeah , Ye Tian, you don't have to worry about anything. You will catch up to us in no time."

When Hang Dong heard those words from Bai Feng and Xin Yan , he laughed within his heart.

'These fools , do they think Ye Tian has to catch up to them ? Hehe , I didn't tell them that Ye Tian is already far ahead of us because I promised Ye Tian.

Haha, haha... But it's funny watching them like this.'


Whoosh!!!! Whoosh!!!

Dear readers, I have changed the name of Lin Haoran to Xin Yan from this chapter. And if you have views regarding my story, you can comment and let me know .

I will try my best to improvise it however I can .


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