
The Boundless Universe System

It is a story which happens in a very advanced world where Earthlings have yet to explore the universe or maybe you can say that they have explored just a tiny bit of it. The protagonist here is a transmigrator who got a System and with the help of that System,he will rock in this endless nothingness. Journey together with the protagonist in this Boundless Universe as he starts from the same place where we all hail from. Stick with me as I will let you all experience a world which you will never get bored of . Mucho Gusto, Amigos .

Explorer_Nik_3 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Body Refining

An hour later,

"All the airship's captains, please dock your respective aircrafts in the D1 Sector Area .

Whoosh!!.. Whoosh!!!.... Whoosh!!!....

Soon all the airships from different cities landed and all the students came out to the gathering area where the announcement for the trial was going to happen.

The gathering area was very large as there were atleast 100 cities which were going to participate in this trial.

The most outstanding students were of course of the Blue Moon City itself and some of the B Rank Cities.

There was a different platform for the high officials . This trial was going to be supervised by an instructor of the Martial Arts Alliance Academy.

Ye Tian has never been a part of something where such strong people gathered together. The commanding in charge of this trial was a Rank 7 Martial Artist while the supervisor l of the Blue Moon City was also a Rank 7 Martial Artist.

It was just hard to imagine that just a simple instructor of the academy was this powerful.

The Commanding in charge came forward on the platform and said:

" The trial is going to happen in the Nova Forest . The Nova Forest is divided in three areas: outer area, inner area and core area ."

"Monsters with strength Rank 1 are in outer area , Rank 2 in inner area, and Rank 3 in the core area ."

"We will provide you all an inner vest which can protect you when you are in a situation you can't solve ."

"The vest can be activated with the help of the watch given to you. It will cover your whole body and can completely resist against any monster below Rank 5 ."

"But remember, the moment you activate it you will be disqualified from the trial ."

"There is not going to be any surveillance in the trial, so the points will be given to students on the number of beads they have collected after killing the monsters ."

"The beads have been implanted in all the monsters of this forest so you can collect a bead after killing each monster."

"The beads can be scanned by your watch and give you points according to the beads you have collected."

"Green bead will fall off from Rank 1 beasts, red from Rank 2, and purple from Rank 3 . The beast' s stages has been printed in the bead, so you don't have to worry about disparity in the points system."

"The trial will go on for three days and only the top fifty students will be selected for the academy."

"One more thing , killing between fellow students is prohibited and those who will dare to do it will be shot to death "

"The trial will start in 5 minutes after you all put the inner vest on your body."

Ye Tian was excited when he heard the rules of the trial as it was entirely different from anything he has heard .

When all the students were ready, the countdown ended and the trial started.

All the candidates entered the forest and the moment Ye Tian went in he heard the System's voice.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering two missions at the same time."

[Mission 1: kill 50 rank 2 monsters

Reward : D1 Grade Energy Potion ×10]

[Mission 2: Kill 20 rank 3 mid stage monsters

Reward: Body Refining Potions ×10]

After Ye Tian saw the no.2 mission , he asked the system.

"System, what is this body refining potion?"

"Host , the body refining potion can help you clear the impurities in your body and let you wield more power ."

Ye Tian was very happy to get such a thing and he was also satisfied with the system's first reward .

"I can easily kill Rank 3 mid stage beasts with my current strength, but if I were to do that it may arise troubles for me."

"Many people will think that I must have some huge secret. Now , with the help of the energy potions I can breakthrough continuously and reach peak stage of rank 2 ."

" I can complete the first mission today and cultivate for the remaining time before the last day ."

" 1 day of cultivation is 100 days of cultivation for me with the help of my Cultivation Speed Talent and Time Domain Talent. That's enough for me to reach the peak stage."

Ye Tian decided to go to the inner area first to complete his first mission.

Several hours passed.

On the platform of the trial announcement area, the commanding in charge of the trial asked the supervisor:

" Supervisor Kai , who are you expecting this year's top three students to be ?"

" Instructor Fan , our best students this year are more likely to be Bai Feng, Xin Yan and Hang Dong ."

"Why do you think so?".The instructor asked.

"Because all of them have reached Rank 2 peak stage and they can fight against Rank 3 mid stage monsters.

They have even refined their bodies two times . "Supervisor Kai replied.

"They have even refined their bodies two times? "

"Not bad , not bad . "

"They can atleast compete against those monsters from the top five cities if they can refine their bodies one more time in the rank 2 stage."

Instructor Fan said with an excited expression on his face.

Supervisor Kai was also happy within when he heard the Instructor's comment.

He was happy because even if the 20 A Rank Cities are equal in status, they still have some difference. Like those top five cities who have been on top for many years . All their students starts refining their bodies before reaching rank 3 and their best students have refined their bodies atleast 3 times.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and getting the reward ."

[Reward: Body Refining Potions ×10]

Ye Tian heard the System's prompt after completing the first mission.

And then he decided to find a safe place and cultivate for the remaining time before the third day of the trial.

Soon a day and a night passed,

Ye Tian's strength soared crazily.

Rank 2 Middle Stage



Rank 2 Late Stage



Rank 2 Peak Stage!