
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

One's claim: Sacred duty

Before Yuki, there are some people that summoned from Earth, a completely different realm than Yuki's world.

Among those people, there is a famous group who have a wide influence almost same as a Baron. A group of ignorant students in their world.

But in Aerium, they're called-


It's a diary of one of the heroes around the time of Cowfering.

- Side event: acquired -


Highfall Castle,

Center of Hearthen Kingdom

One of Heroes room

"Gaaaaahh...i'm wasteeed~" (Nobu)


Name: Nobu Weinricht (Male)

Race: Human

Age: 17

Job: Knight lv.22

Title: Hero of Courage

Class: None

"Hee~ you're sounded like an oldman, Nobu~" (Helen)


Name: Helen Tsugiyama

Race: Human

Age: 17

Job: Sage lv.21

Title: Hero of Knowledge

Class: None

"But it's really tiring, right Sena?" (Nobu)

"Not at all." (Sena)


Name: Sena Matsumoto

Race: Human

Age: 17

Job: Assassin lv.26

Title: Hero of Virtue

Class: None

"Hahaha poor Nobu, Sena doesn't agree with you~" *Giggle*

"Geh! Aren't you tired at all, Sena?"

"No, the training is surely hard for normal people. But it's not that hard compared to the training from my grandpa."

"Hee i guess we can't compare Sena with us." *Chuckle* (Helen)

"Guuh...i don't know you had that kind of training, Sena. But i don't think you'll admit it, too Helen." *Grin* (Nobu)

"What? Don't look at me like that! Ofcourse it's exhausting for me too, but i don't complain like oldman huh!" (Helen)

"Calm down, guys...so.." (Sena)

"So? What's on your mind, Sena?" (Helen)

"Hm? What is it?" (Nobu)

"Nah, it's just..what's our planning onward from now?" (Sena)

"Hmm i guess you're right. I haven't thought that once, i just follow the flow. What about you, Nobu? Do you have some plan?" (Helen)

"Ofcourse! What else should we do in another world of fantasy?" *Grin* (Nobu)

"Uh, that otaku habit comes out again. Gross~" (Helen)

"But it's fantasy! Our wishes can become reality as long as we desire!" (Nobu)

"Yeah, yeah. So what? You truly wanna look for a demon king?" (Helen)


"But the king and Mr. Dravius said there's no demon king. And our main objective is surpress the rampaging monsters." (Sena)

"That's the mistake they made there. Who can make those monsters become crazy?"

"What? Demon king?" (Helen)

"Exactly! We'll investigate by ourselves then execute the demon king before finally we claim the glory in front of the kingdom. How's that sound?"

"Nah, i don't know that kind of game in our world, so i prefer guidance from my tutor here." (Helen)

"Same with me, it's reckless to do out of our expertise. Better we look for more valid clues if you still insist to find this demon king." (Sena)

"Uughh...so what's yours? Any of you have better ideas?" (Nobu)

"Hmm i don't have any particular idea, but i wanna travel to all of places in this world. After all it's kind of fantasy, right?" (Helen)

"Hmm i agree with you, i'd like to enjoy culinaries in this world. I hope we can establish friendly relationship with other countries and visit their tourist spot." (Sena)

"W-wha?! Aren't you both too relax in this world?!!" (Nobu)

"Nah, it's fine. The guardian said so, too."


*Knock knock*

"Sir heroes, the meal's already prepared. Please come to the hall."

"Alright, thanks Nirian." (Helen)

"My pleasure, I'll excuse myself then."

"Since when you know the name of maids here?"

"Ofcourse since we're claimed as the heroes. Knowledge makes better understanding, you know."

That's right.

In here, we are the heroes of this world.

People who are summoned by the wizards and priests of Hearthen kingdom through Guardian's permission.

What the heck is Guardian's permission?

Ofcourse, it's authority of being that we usually refer as Goddess.

And since we get her permission, we met her and been granted abilities to survive in this dangerous world.

Aerium, as the guardian called it, is a undeveloped world where many fantasy and mythical creatures roaming all over the place.

As you'd expect from undeveloped fantasy world, its people use blades and magics in their daily life.

A dream world i desire since little kid, but my friends do not agree with me. They said it's a barbaric world where you can die at any moment. Though it's true, but that's what our abilities for, right?

Each of us is granted a limited unique ability, aside from our common abilities. For keeping the secret, i won't write it down even in my 'notebook'.

But i can tell you that it's a really unique ability that even people in this world can't learn it. So if you witness anyone who has a strange ability you've never heard of, you can say that person is another-worlder like us.

"What are you daydreaming for? Come on Nobu, i'm hungry."

"A-ah yes, it seems my exhaustion getting to my mind hahaha."

"Hmm i'm sure good meal will replenish your mentality."

"Haha guess so."

Now we're going to have meal after our morning exercise. Living in the King's castle is quite shocking even for Sena, who's from Conglomerate in the underworld.

We have big spacious room for each one of us, i imagine that it's big as four standard classroom combined into one. But it's still strange that my room is made into our meeting basecamp.

The meals here are quite delicacy, i thought they have seasoning problem since it's undeveloped world.

And actually it's not only the seasoning, there're some other things that can't be categorized as undeveloped. For example a clock, fortunately this world already know the time system. Is it really undeveloped world? Or..

Is the guardian being modest?

"Ah, our heroes. Welcome! Let's enjoy our feast together. It's just a humble one, but we have enough if you want more."

"Thank you for your kindness, my liege."

"Hoho like always you're good at modesty, Sena."

As expected of a daughter of Mafia to respond to the King of Hearthen kingdom.

In etiquette, I and Helen are a bit awkward. But the King himself is not the kind of person who prioritize formality over everything. That makes us more awkward.

"How is the meal Sir Nobu?"

"It's good as always, my exhaustion has lifted already!"

"Hehe good to hear that."

This is the only princess, the King has only two children. And they already welcome us as their own family. There's not any better treatment than this.

"Hey don't bother him, Irine. After this meal we'll have a sparring, right Nobu?"

"E-hehe..s-sure prince."

"Just call me Irvine, it's already the fourth times i told you!"

"Brother, you're the one bothering him."

"Haha let them be princess, boys always have their own world. Better we continue our previous talk, right?"

"Oh, you're right. Let's meet after this meal, Sena will come this time right?"

"I don't see any problem."

"Great! Then at last we'll have girl's meet for three of us. Hehe i'm excited."

"Heh, just some girl's talk. What's so exciting about that?"

"Same goes for you, brother. What's so exciting over brutal violence?"

"What?! You!-"


"Y-yes mother." (Prince and Princess)

"I guess both of you still need supplementary manner lessons, isn't it my king?" (Queen)

"Eemmm.." (King)

"We are sorry, Queen motheerr." *Cry*

(Prince and Princess)

"That's good to hear. Sir heroes please continue your feast."

"T-thanks hehe."

That's the Queen, i think she's more powerful than the king himself in some manner.

It's already 2 months since we're summoned. It's safe to assume the time flows in this world same as in the earth. So we're missing for two whole months, i hope our family isn't too much troubled by our disappearance.

For now we should focus on our mission, the King's Mage circle is trying their best in finding a way to send us back to our world. So we can only try our best in training and think of a plan, in case we (to be precise "i") can't go back to our home.

"Alright, you finish your meal don't you? Let's go to training field now."

"Haha alright, alright."

"See you later, Nobu~. We'll meet there as we planned, right?"

"Yeah, ofcourse. As we planned~"

"See you soon."

"You too, Sena."

Today we get a holiday to walk in the city street, it's our second chance actually.

Actually for our mission, we're instructed to do 4 trainings a day. Morning exercise at 5am till 7am then midday at 10am till 11am, evening training at 3pm till 5pm, lastly night training at 7pm till 8pm.

For some time at the beginning, only Sena who can stand without much sweat. But gradually i and Helen can keep up with the harsh training.

Oh and don't forget about that flexible lectures between our rest and before our bed time.

That's why since we have such crowded schedule, chance like this is truly golden ticket for us. Though for this case, we're told that our battle instructor, Mr. Dravius, and other elite guards are ordered for some big event. I wonder what is it?

Still, all of that training is sure worth our exhaustion.

"Ready, Nobu?"

"Sure, Prince Irvine."

"Alright, let's start it!!"

Now i, who's only a nerd in my world, can defend myself against the prince who trains since his birth, even a challenge as he said himself.


35 minutes later

Training field, Highfall castle

"Huaaahh..like always, it ended withdraw, huh." *Huff huff*

"Haha...i guess it's still long way to win against you, prince Irvine." *Huff huff*

"Ofcourse it is! You've learned only defensive skills so far! How can you win only by defending?!"

He's right.

I can withdraw against him only by blocking his fury attacks and preserving my stamina to the end. Basically it's stamina race.

"Haha i guess, but it's necessary for the time being."

"What do you mean?"

"As you know prince, i work with my friends as a team. As the situation dictates, i'm in position as a tanker. I have a task to distract enemies while my friends land huge damages."

In this world, there's stats system like in a game. There are various jobs that people can choose or change in the shrine. These jobs are different from occupation, they affect our growth and available skills we can learn.

In my case, since i have a job as Knight, my proficiency in defense are higher than my companions. That's why i think it's more effective to prioritize defensive ability than other things.

"Hmm if you say so, your choice is right. Your priority is indeed to be a shield. But still i suggest you to have at least one offensive skill. It could be used as your trump card in certain emergency."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks for your advice prince."

"Haha it's alright, you are our hero after all. If my little advice can be of use to you, it may save lives in the future."

Though the prince says that, i can feel his concern. I think it doesn't hurt to find suitable offensive skill later.

"Ah, i guess it's almost the time. I'll excuse myself prince Irvine."

"Where are you going?"

"Hehe we planned to walk in the street. You know, this world is still new to us. So it excites us to explore."

"Haha sure it is. In addition, this is the royal capital. I ensure you there're various things from all over the kingdom. Oh yeah, i recommend you to check out Hermit's collection shop. You can find any products of smithing and crafting, be it cooking ware or weapon."

"Wow! Really? That's like supermall!"

"What is that?"

"Haha nevermind. I mean, i'll be sure to check that store. Thanks for your tip, prince. See you later."

"Yup, see you later. And Thanks for the sparring!"

Now we're gonna explore the city for the second time. I'll be sure to satisfy my curiosity to the fullest.

"Hmm? Fortunately there's still no one waiting at the gate."

"Yohoo, Nobu~" (Helen)

"Ah speak of the devil." (Nobu)

"It's unusual to see you earlier than us."

"Eehh..your words are polite but sharper than a curse, Sena."

"Haha enough chit chat here guys, let's get down to the street~" (Helen)

"Sure." (Sena)

"Ofcourse." (Nobu)

We're walking in the street, to be precise, it's royal capital of Hearthen Kingdom.


Hearthen kingdom have a territory system that can be drawn in a cycle diagram. With the royal capital where the royal families reside as the center, the kingdom is divided into Three main territory of dukes.

It's Lovres, Haymont, and Indeline. Each territory has their own ideal to develop their region. The king only said that it must be a fair and joyous place to live. I only heard that the different ideal of each region what makes different development between regions.

All of those diversities can be reflected in this royal city, various unique stuffs from all over regions are traded in each corner of the city.

The girls seem more excited, indeed it is more crowded than the last time.

Is there any festival going to be held?

"What skin is this?"

"Young bullnoros, our supplier is trying their best to catch this one. But i assure you this skin is in great condition and i had it checked by an appraiser."

It's one of trading i'm listening by chance. While waiting for the girls buying accesories, i'm curious about common knowledge of this world.

By the way what is Bullnoros?

How strong is it?

"Really? Hmm that's convincing."

"By the way sir, may i know your need? From the gears you're wearing, you don't seem to need material for new armor."

"Ah, it's a backup for Cowfering. I join in that event, better safe than sorry right?"

Cowfering? What kind of event is it?


"Oh is that so? I see..."

"Why do you ask by the way?"

"Oh, it's just a merchant's habit, mister.

I may have your other needs in addition to this hide."

"Oh that's right. Do you have any of these?"

"May i see the list, sir?"

It's the first time i hear about Cowfering,

Is it the reason the city crowded like this?

Besides looks like that gentleman is an adventurer, a strong one. Perhaps he's B-ranker at least.

Ah i remember how excited i am when i was told this world has stat system, adventurer's guild, magic academy and fantasy monsters.

But Mr. Dravius told us in a vague way about stats measurement. He said normal people in this world has stats around 10-30 for each stat. And disable people has stat 1 point for each disability. So only people who have average stats above 30 can become adventurer.

If i see that gentleman from before, it seems he has a strong build with well-prepared equipments. I guess he's B-ranker with that fact as the basis. Well, there are only two options to know that for sure anyway. See him in action, or get his permission to look at his stats plate.

"Heeey~ Nobuu~ what are you dreaming, huuhh??!!" (Helen)


"Lately you often daydream, what's in your mind, Nobu?" (Sena)

"H-haha there's nothing to worry."

"Are you really okay? I bet you're just bored, huh?" (Helen)

"Hahaha n-no way! As a kni-"

"You can just sit there or walk around."



"Yeah, we'll just meet up at the food plaza over there." (Sena)

"Uhh..alright. S-see you later."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't stray too far."

"Sure, sure."

Haha looks like my curiosity can be seen all over my face. Though i still worry about the girls, guess i'll enjoy this 'festival' a bit, too.

The street is really crowded, even in the corner where is an empty space in our prior visit. The comodities are mostly just weird things while some are just foods or other daily stuffs from different regions.

There are some various swords, from simple one to twisted form. Next to it, there's a stand that sell various perfume.

Hm? Love potion? Is it legal to sell it publicly? How is it when there're children around?

No, the merchant who sell creepy sword publicly is already dangerous.

What is it next? Oh it's just, Bread? Wait, Dominating bread? What the hell?!

The tag explains that "use it when you're going to dominate your stubborn partner"?! The hell is it?!!

It's really fantasy world, in a creepy way!!

I better get away from here. I feel their curious glare.

But, Mr. Dravius statement is true. There's a complete different culture between the regions. I think it's wonderful that they can stand next to each other, despite their different cultures. What a peaceful kingdom.

Hmm oh yeah, at times like this i should look for any unique magical items, shouldn't i? Like in many stories, who knows i'm lucky enough to get my fated sword and other rare items.


24 minutes later

Haaahhh... *Sigh*

In the end i didn't buy anything.

There are indeed many interesting weapons, but it's so unusual that i doubt their usage in my future trip.

Flashing sword, Flying axe, Stretching dagger, Blocking bow. What the hell is that?!

Even the elemental weapons i found are low-grade, such as adding element by 2% of user's total damage. When i demonstrate the effectiveness, it only sparks a bit of fire. Perhaps it can be even called as torch.

Haaahh...in other words, i need to be stronger to use them effectively. But it's useless to use that kind of weapon if i'm already strong enough.

Better i go to that food plaza for now, i have planned to pick the girls along to the store recommended by prince.

"Yoohoo, Nobu~ are you finished walking around?"

"Haaahh..kind of.." *sigh*

"Hmm? You're not quite hyped up like before, what's up?"

"Haha no, it's just that i can't find anything suitable for me. How's end for you both?"

"Hehe we found some cute accesories from various regions. And we bought a bit of weird fruits, the ones that can't be found in earth~"

"Hmm hmm we plan to ask her majesty to cook these fruits, and i have some monsters meat. Later i'll ask advices from the chef."

"Haha looks like both of you quite pleased with your hunting."

"Hehe ofcourse i can get a big discount with my skills. I'm quite enjoying to use these abilities."

While we met the guardian, as starter we're allowed to choose 10 abilities which consist at least one ability for each battle, magic, passive, and knowledge ability.

As the result, Helen chose Negotiation arts as one of her knowledge. She must use that ability to haggle quite of sum from the merchants. I somehow pity the merchants.

"Oh yeah after this break, how about we going to the store recommended by the prince?"

"What's about it? Is it something special?"

"From his explanation, it's similar to a mall in our world."


"Prince said from cooking wares, clothes till weapons are traded in there."

"Then let's get going right now, right Sena?"

"Hmm! Ofcourse!"

"Eeehh..waait, i haven't eaten anything yet~"

"Guuh...alright, alright. I'll give 15minutes for you."

"Uugh..okay ma'am~"


At evening, 1hour 58mins later

The gate of Highfall castle

Guaaahh...it's really a supermall!!

Dammit!! I forgot that women have extra power when it comes to shopping.

Can i still have energy to do evening training?

"Good evening, heroe-

w-waaahh?!! What's going on, Sir Nobu?!"

"Hahaha it's nothing, Mr. Knight. Nobu just got a simple workout from us. Right Sena?"

"Yes, it's nothing serious."

Dammit you girls!!

"If you said so..."

"So is there anything unusual?"

"No, Miss Sena! Thank you for your concern like usual."

"No problem, it's my obligation to pay back the kindness of you people."

"Haha...we didn't do anything special."

"Yeah, to think getting some praise from one of the heroes."

Sigh, their blushing face are too obvious.

"Then we'll excuse ourselves, we need to take a rest."

"Haha indeed, after all it's our precious holiday. Come on, Sir Knight Nobu~"


I don't have any energy left just to answer.


"Poor boy"

"Yeah, despite he's hero too, women are still the scary being, right?"

"I agree."

Dammit..but, they're right.


Nobu's room

Highfall castle

Fuuaaahh...the girls really work me hard.

It feels more like weightlifting than shopping. Let me see the stats, it may increase my strength at least.

Ah, it increases my muscle by 2 point.

Yep it's less than what i expected, but it's still good thing. After all in this world, our efforts are always paid off. In addition, they'll be recorded clearly in our plate so we can monitor it easily.

Each stats growth is recorded in stats section and each ability we learned is recorded in ability section. Every activities we do has some effect to our stats and, in some cases, to abilities.

"Uh, in that case i should get up from this comfy bed and start my training immediately."

I wonder if prince still do the training with his royal guards. Since the elite guards and Mr. Dravius who usually train with him are absent, i bet it must be lonely enough for that energetic prince.

"Alright, i'll look around at least. If there's no one, i'll just do Jogging."

At least my stamina will go up, even a little bit is better to catch up with Sena. Furthermore, i'm sure right now Sena just relax by doing girls stuff.




Here i am in the training field, yep Sena is not around here. And the prince? Ah! There he is. Now i should run beside him and greet him.

"Hai Prince, been here a while?"

"Oh, Nobu! I know you'll be here. It's been only 10 minutes."

"Greetings, Sir Nobu." (Royal guards)

"Ah, hello Sir Knights. Sorry to startle you two. May i talk with prince?"

"Ofcourse, sir."


"Haaahh...you don't need to be so formal around me. They won't make a move with my order."

"Haha it still needs to be done, prince. After all i'm just a guest in this castle."

"Yeah, yeah i only want a friend on equal. By the way, where is Sena? It's rare to not see her around."

"Haha she takes a break with Helen, Girls stuff."

"Ah, yeah girls...wait, then you plan to surpass her while she's loosen up? Haha how cunning~"

"Ehehe you see me through, prince. Not that i'm envy of her, but it's natural that the weak look up to the strong right? I need to catch up to her so i won't be a burden."

"Hehe that's what i like about you, Nobu. Then let's step up the notch."

"Sure it is!"

At the end, i've done more exercise than i expected. They are pushup and situp 50 repetitions, running 10 rounds, and sword training 3 rounds.

As the result, my Physic improves by 3 points, Muscle 12 points, Stamina 330 points, Control 8 points, Focus 5 points, Speed 9 points and Swordmanship 1 level. Fuaaahh..quite achievement i got today.

But today is really tiring, more than usual routine. I'll stuff up my stomach to heart's content tonight then just go to sleep.


Night time, Dining hall

Highfall Castle

The night finally falls, and right now we're ready to feast our dinner.

"Let us enjoy the feast!" (King)

"Thank you, my king." (Heroes)

"Yes, my king." (Dravius)

Tonight the meal is quite special, the servants said it's rare meat of a monster, called Calden.

"Hmm as delicious as every year. How is the taste, my heroes? Does it suit your taste?"

"To be honest my king, it's more delicious than any food ever served here, my king." (Nobu)

"N-nobu..." *Awkward face* (Helen)

"Pardon us for our friend's enthusiasm here, my king." (Sena)

"Pfftt..." (Prince)

"Puha.." (Princess)

"Hahahahaha" (King, Prince, Princess)

"It's fine, alright. I just want to hear your honest opinion. And it's to be expected."

"But dear, please hold your laughter.

We don't know whether any ears around us." (Queen)

"But mother, i saw you turn your head to release your laugh, too~" (Princess)

"AHEM! As royalty, we should preserve our secrecy, my dear daughter."

"Haha come on, my dear wife. You need to relax from time to time."

"Hmm i gladly take your advice, dear."

"Emm excuse me your highness, so what exactly meat is it? Besides the cooking skill and the ingredients used to cook this meat, its texture itself is unusual. It's thick but tender at the same time and the sauce can seep easily into the fiber, making its flavor so rich in mouth."

"Hoho you know cooking stuff that good, Sena. Perhaps we can cook together sometimes?"

"My pleasure, my queen."

"Yes, you have sharp sense as always Sena. This is the special delicacy in this world, Calden's meat."

"Calden?" (Sena, Helen)

So it's true, the Calden.

"Yes, actually we have a yearly event that happens even at the time of war."

"What do you mean, my king?"

"The name of this event is Cowfering."

Cowfering?! So Cowfering is an event?

What kind of-

"You can call it as hunting festival, where you hunt certain creature that appeared only at certain time."

"It's still a bit vague to me, my king. May i hear it more?"

"Sure, it's our duty to enlighten the heroes about phenomena in our world."

"Let's see...perhaps i should tell you a bit from its history."

As king explains to us bit by bit that so we can take the reality, Cowfering is an event directly ordered by the guardian through its messenger, the first other worlder.

At 14th day of month Ostara, the Caldens and their minions, Minotaurs, are spawned to this world out of nowhere. It's B rank monster, but its whole group can be classified as A rank herd.

The phenomena is always happened even in the time of war. All of the priests across this world already gave their prayer, but this event is never stopped until now. And There was never a case where Calden roams in the wilds outside the time of Cowfering.

The main purpose of Cowfering is simple, hunt the Calden's herd as many as we can then enjoy most of the hunt's bounty with our people around us. Friends, families, customers, strangers, you can share with anyone.

But, the fieldwork is not as easy as in theory. The Calden's hide is stronger than any steel, make this creature's threat level similar to A-rank monster. And each year the amount of herd is varied, there's even a case when the herds are alot more than the participants.

"That's all the general information i can provide you for now, heroes. There are a few accidents that led to the death of participants, therefore all of the leaders of the world decide a safety measurement to prevent any further casualties in the future."

"It's quite...complicated."

"I know what you're thinking, my dear hero Sena. But rest assured, its main purpose is to celebrate our hardwork with our dearest people. That's why we apply some common rules to maintain that purpose."

"Yes, what my husband said is true. Since those regulations are applied, there's almost zero casualty. Ofcourse there're still some ignorant amateurs that over their head when join this event."

"Indeed, just let it go my dear. They have their own free will, we the leaders can only guide and warn them for their own good."

"Hmm so it's just a special celebration, i'm interested to join in the future." (Sena)

"Ofcourse, when you all have finished your basic training, you can join the Cowfering too. I'll even give you my recommendation."

"Thank you, my king."

"But, it's such a shame to have it only once a year."

"I agree with you, Nobu." (Irvine)

"Haha i know younguns thinking, but it has quite positive side. Because this event is only once a year, we can still adore the deliciousness of this meat and not bored of this flavor."

"I agree with my husband. No matter how delicious of something, we'll get tired of them right?"

"Haha that's right, my Queen. Don't bother with the boys childishness." (Helen)

Fufufu..*chuckle* (Helen and Queen)

Hmmpph..*agitated* (Irvine and Nobu)

"*Sigh* Please calm down, now we'll hear the news of Cowfering this year. Please your report, Mr. Dravius."

"Yes, my king."

"Oh, so Mr. Dravius' absence is to look at the Cowfering event?" *Low voice*

"Yes, Miss Helen. Haha sorry to not say anything to you all, it's quite urgent."

"N-no i don't mind at all."

"Haha yeah indeed, we have quite a time to explore the city ourselves."


"Haha i'm glad there's no problem at all."

"Then please continue your report, Mr. Dravius."

"Yes, my king. This year Cowfering has ended, our Odin order has already verified it all over the place."

"*Sigh* Glad to hear it." (Queen)

"What about the casualty?" (King)

"The report said zero casualty, death or even any injuries."

"Fuuuh..it's good this year there's no casualty as well."

"But my king, there's an abnormality..."

"W-what is it?! Don't tell me the monsters going crazy?!"

I knew it! There must be a demon-


"No, my king. Please rest assured, everything is settled."

Ah, there goes my expectation.

*Sigh* (Nobu)


"But as the report stated, some Minotaurs are more aggresive than usual while the Caldens are quiet as usual. And there're some sighting of a Lone Calden."

"A Lone Calden?! I-it's never heard of in history. Did it happen in all over the spawn spots?"

"Yes, my king. Though it's not that many, 2 Loners are seen in Lumis territory, 3 Loners in Crowden territory and 2 Loners in Ordict territory."

"That's quite alot, furthermore we don't know yet this Loner's power. So how's the condition of the territory we talk about?"

"Fortunately, most of them appeared in towns which have elite soldiers. So the territories can defend against it without any injuries."

"It's good to hear that. Please relay my message that later I'll give rewards to the soldiers who work hard in this accident."

"Thank you my king."

"Is that all the abnormality you talked about?"

"No my king, actually the main abnormality is another report beside this."

"W-what do you mean, Sir Dravius?!"

"Yes my king, please hear this carefully."

What the hell?! Is the demonlord already appeared right now?!!

"All of The Lone Caldens are repelled successfully, but no one can subdue or defeat it. Except one case."

"Which town?"

"The Report states Spawnhall city in Crowden territory, one appeared - one butchered."

"Butchered? Isn't that just a border city? Are there any elite soldier or high-ranker?"

"At the moment, there're only two S-rankers when Cowfering. They are Sir Vanheir and Sir Herald."

"Herald...i see, but still.." (King)

"...." (Dravius)

"So you say while other towns can't kill it despite they have elite soldiers and some S-rankers, this city can defeat it with only two S-rankers?" (Queen)

"No, my dear. I have witnessed his real power. I don't know how he manage the adventurers and the soldiers over there to kill this Calden, but it's possible."

"Is that so? Alright i'll trust your judgement, husband." *Sulking*

"Mr. Dravius, Please give my invitation to Herald. I'd like to discuss this accident with him at a simple dinner."

"Please pardon me, my king. But it's not them who kill it."


"It's a B-rank beginner who succeed to kill the Lone Calden by himself. And it seems he got Sir Herald's recommendation."

What? A beginner?

Side event: cleared!


Thank you for staying tuned with

'The Borrowed'

Next objective is comin' up.

More broaden stage will be surfaced.

Keep your imagination with you~

Fourth objective:

The dream he denies, acquired!