
The Book of Loki(Discontinued)

In a space that lesser beings could only perceive as darkness, there were several books on podiums and a new one had appeared. In an instant, a dark figure appeared and looked upon the book, instantly perceiving it. "Gather around all who can hear for a fantastical tale is to be revealed!" the dark figure boomed As he said that, many dark figures similar to him appeared before one of them said; "Oh, great one. What is this tale that even you shall call it fantastical?" "This tale is about a young boy not of that world reborn into one of its many gods. His adventures, his relationships, and much more will be told in this tale. This tale that I shall call "The Book of Loki" is going to be one you love my children and remember, the language of lesser beings is quite different compared to ours, so make sure to listen and translate it properly." "Oh, look, look it's about to start." one of the younger-looking dark figures said After they said that, everyone turned their eyes to the book as a small projection began to play as words appeared on the page. There will be some added concepts or characters from other fiction that will work themselves into the story. There will be a harem, but it's a small one with only three wives. If you're a Norse mythology fan, you'd know two of them. I'll try to post once a week This is posted on Webnovel (No images are mine)

Pure_Phoenix · Derivasi dari karya
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16 Chs


During the name-day celebration of Loki. Odin had found his first lover; Jord. The mother of Thor and the jötnar that became the personification of Midgard itself— Líf af Odin, Prose Edda.


As Odin opened his eyes, he immediately realised that he was no longer outside. In an instant, he stood up and took out his axe; his spear was still at Asgard. His eyes scanned the room around him before he pinpointed a letter on the table, picked it up, and began reading it.

"Brother, I dragged you back inside after I woke up. Don't forget that you need to come to my Name-Day Celebration and need to cast an illusion of a jötnar over yourself. Don't forget!"

As Odin read the letter, a smile appeared on his face as Loki called him brother. He hadn't expected that so soon. He had his younger siblings, Vili and Ve, but this was something different.

As he folded the letter and put it into one of his pockets, he walked towards the door and stepped outside. He then transformed into a wolf and started to run in the direction of Asgard before jumping and transforming into a raven. He had run and flown faster than he had ever before; he could just feel it. As he came upon a mountain, he swerved left and came upon a valley, and there was the capital village; Asgard was in all its glory. Asgard was at the edge of Nifleheim and was very simple; his grandfather Buri had come upon this place while trying to find a place to live, and there was only one entrance towards it, meaning it was easy to defend. It was a simple village of numerous big and sturdy wooden abodes. He remembered asking his father about the state of their village as if it were yesterday.

(Ten Years Ago)

"Father, why is our village not like the villages of the Jötnar?" A young Odin asked

"What do you mean, son?" Borr asked him

"Why is it that the abodes within our villages are made out of wood, while those within the Jötnar territory are mainly made out of stone?"

After he said that, Borr smiled at him before speaking.

"All is not as it seems when it comes to the trees that every abode is made of. There is a hidden power within them."

Odin's face became scrunched up with confusion as he tried to understand what his father had just said before he gave up and asked a different question.

"Is there a hidden power within me too?"

Borr's face turned serious for a split second before he started laughing at the question.

"Yes, son, there is a very special power within you too."

Odin had never figured out why his father had started laughing at his question or why, before that, his face was all serious. As he descended towards the abode of the Royal Family, the Great Lodge, he transformed back to his regular form the moment he reached the courtyard and started to fall towards the ground before he clicked the heels of his boots, causing wings to sprout from them and slowing his fall. The moment he landed, his two brothers came out of the lodge, running towards him.

They were the same age as Helblindi, and as twins, they were almost completely indistinguishable from each other. The only difference was their eyes: one had blue eyes just like their father's and Odin's, while the other had eyes just like their mother's. Odin knelt to hug them before they started walking with each other, Vili on the left and Ve on the right.

"Brother, brother, you're back!" They both shouted at the same time.

"Yes, I am. Now tell me where is father?"

"Oh, Father is in his study right now with Grandfather, and he told us that you should see him when you return," Ve said

"I'll be going ahead of you two runts, alright."

"Alright," Vili said

After Vili said that, they both ran off towards their rooms, and Odin went towards the right side of the wall and travelled down the stairs, coming upon a giant door that seemed older compared to most things within the house. When he opened the door, he noticed his father and grandfather whispering to each other before stopping when they realised he was there. His father had auburn hair and blue eyes; his helmet was in his lap, and his double-edged axe was on the table beside them with the shield on his back. His grandfather had white hair due to his age; he also had blue eyes, and his helmet and weapons were in the same place as those of his son. As his grandfather was about to open his mouth to speak, Borr beat him to it.

"Son, How was your outing?" Borr asked nervously as he looked at his father.

"It was good, Father, and how has it been since I left?"

"Well, noth-."

Before Borr could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Búri.

"Boy, we know what you have done! NOW tell us how it is being the blood brother of a jötunn and How it felt to be the to meet Ymir?"

Before Odin could answer, his father stood up and shouted at his father.

"Father, I thought we agreed that we'd take it slow before asking him about these things!"

"Well, I decided to just ask him. It's much easier!"

"But there was an even easier way, you old fool."

After Borr said that he and Buri started arguing, they didn't even realise that Odin had already left.

(25 minutes later)

As Odin walked down the stairs, he admired the abode of his brother Loki. He didn't realise that everyone's eyes were on him, wondering who he was because he had come down the stairs and not through the door. As he made his way towards a table that he saw had his name on it, he bumped into a girl, causing her to fall. He was stunned for a second due to her beauty before he composed himself and stretched out his hand so he could help her up, and she took it as he brought her up and apologized.

"I'm very sorry, it's just that you were too beautiful and blinded me."

As he said this, she smiled before speaking.

"No, it's alright. I think it was your handsomeness that actually blinded me."

She winked at Odin after she said this and walked away. As he stared at her in a daze as she walked, he quickly composed himself and followed her. He realised that the table she was sitting at was right beside his. As they both sat down, Odin began to start up a conversation again.

"Could I have the honour of knowing the name of someone as beautiful as you?"

"My name's Jord, Jord Annardottir. What's yours?"

"Oh, it's Gangleri Gangson."

Throughout the entire night, Gangleri and Jord became closer and closer. It seems that Loki wasn't the only one who found love this day.


I don't have much to say other than that this chapter will be the last chapter for a while due to my tests happening in a couple of days.