

What's life ?

How to lead life ?

"Life is a journey towards death"

Life is a journey towards death.but this journey should not end without achieving your destiny and success also fullfilling your dreams.do not lead your life in the fear of death, death is natural one onther day it will come for sure, once you take brith death is for sure..

Every minute and every second of your life we run towards your death but we are unknown or unaware about it instead of it we are in a halogination that we are heading towards our success and destiny where we need to be, but that is not the reality in this case of real life.

We can simply define life has two points point A and point B. Point A is our brith and point B is our death what ever you need to do you need to achieve it before reaching your point B.

Life asks lot sacrifices and make us toughf to achieve so that we can realize the pain the for the gain so that you never miss use your post and dignity. And sacrifices realise your past and the present the journey you walked through so that it gives you a satisfaction and respect in the society.

No one in the world is forever living being, every life that exists on Earth has a end for sure,when a life takes place it needs to end that's the law of nature.do not afarid of your death , instead of it be happy that you got a chance to lead a life and create a history and achieve the destiny and create a name in the society so that after your death your work and kindness,honesty may remained in some fellow hearts for ever in them.

Your money, your power, your status and your wealth is not going to be with you forever.

If their is anything going to be forever with you then that's is your work for the needy, poor and social services to them, so those fellows can give you a place in their hearts and that's your earnings which you are going to earn in their hearts finally you be remembered for ever even after your death.

That place what you earned in their hearts is the earnings more than what you earned in your life .

What ever money and status you earned is just success.

But success is measured in terms of society and satisfaction is measured by yourself.know think of it the decision is left to you what you need in this journey of your life.

We can describe the life into some stages where you get a clear picture of life which makes you more familiar about your partial life that you are going to lead in the society.


Brith takes place to lead life or begin life,how the death has a reason even brith has a reason.

Brith is the beginning of life we are unaware of the competitions of the world and also unaware about situations around us, so we can say it as a peak stage.

Brith is natural and it's a way from darkness to brightness.

Stage-2 knowledge

Knowledge is like a ocean, how much you want you can extract from it. So you can grasp knowledge how much you can it's so valuable. This stage is to gain knowledge and get education,but this education is not decided through your marks,but this education is gained to understand the right and the worng,and take decisions on your own so that you will able to stand on your feet and Be independent.

Stage -3 knowledge to destiny

In this stage your marks are not going to decide you, but rather than your knowledge your potential and knowledge is been tested so that you can be launched independent.In this test you will be sent to swing in River, in this who fails will choose the negative and who wins choose positive, positive and negative destiny will be choosen on your own capacity and capability.

Stage -4 Destiny to Impression

Destiny to Impression means, your situation and time made you to choose your positive and negative destiny through your negative destiny society will never like you ,will be ingnored and the positive destiny will be appreciated and honered by the society, so your destiny is your impression.

Stage -5 Death (end)

That's for sure to everyone,one onther day, you and me are surely going to end but you will be remembered only if your destiny to Impression is positive, because society gives example to the upcomming generation to walk On the positive destiny not on the negative destiny.

"Remember life brings many difficulties and many responsibilities we need to balance them that is the basic of Life"

"If you fall then stand up , every time because once you are going to succeed, because,no one knows what is going to happen in the next movement"

Life brings more and more difficulties to stop you and create unwontedly the mess and rises the problem so you face many difficulties to reach your goal and you think to give up and your confidence will be low and you think you can't do it and finally you go to give up.so don't go to give up, don't be afarid of difficulties and problems rather than increase your confidence level and say you can do it .so that you can do it really and overcome all the failures and win the failures.

In life always problems arises it is like climbing a mountain once you need to go down, come up and again go down and also it's very risky to reach on the top of the mountain,but if you reach once on the top of the mountain then no one can win over you.

Life is journey towards death

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DaoistHb87bucreators' thoughts