
The Book Is Closed

Scorpious_star · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

I Was Ready For a New Start

*Kim Yuri's POV*

I had been on a call with Aerum for the past 2 hours. The both of us were residing where we could head for the long vacation that was coming next week. Aerum and I had become friends when we both started working in 'Juveline Journals'. 

From being deskmates to working together on almost every other project, we had both grown fond of each other. I was pretty much aware of all Aerum's likes, dislikes and also her taste in men. She was nothing less, she was the first of the many few who knew about my relationship with Joon Woo Oppa.

Don't get me wrong, Oppa and I have been in love, to the point that if he proposed a marriage I would happily agree on starting a new life with him right at this very moment. However, I don't trust a lot of people around me. I keep my private life as close as possible. Not everything needs to be shown to the public.

"Why don't we go to Jeju this time? The weather calls for it!" Aerum spoke as she settled on her bed after completing her daily night routine. 

"We can after all Oppa won't be home for another two weeks, and I don't want to rot in here" I settled down with my cup of warm lemon water.

Aerum smiled devilishly making me knit my eyebrows at her, I knew the next thing coming out of her mouth was nothing serious, "You miss him or...." She wiggled her eyebrows making me want to hit her with the pillow beside me. 

"Oh my heavens, your brains in the gutter!" I would be lying if I said I wasn't missing Joon Woo's touch on me but again she didn't have to make it so obvious. 

"HAHAHHAAH! You are so freaking cute!" I could feel her hitting me while laughing that loud.

I sighed at her childishness and tried again, "So it's Jeju? Let's leave tomorrow morning so that we have enough time to visit everywhere!" 

Aerum finally sat straight and nodded, "Then get packing, don't forget to keep some warm clothes you never know the weather's been changing rapidly." 

Finally, after an hour of gossiping and laughing, Aerum went to sleep so that she could wake up on time tomorrow. Just as I was about to place the phone on the bedside, the notification panel stated a message from "Darling".

Opening it mindlessly, I quickly screenshotted the picture he had sent. He told me earlier that his colleagues were going to the after-party organized by his company. He was invited and I had to persuade him to leave his hotel room for once and hang out with his friends. 

He looked handsome in the plain black polo paired with his dirty black jeans. His dark hair fell effortlessly over his forehead, and there was a hint of a smile playing on his lips that warmed my heart. As I gazed at the photo, I just wanted nothing but to have him by my side, and hug him to sleep.

Just as I was about to type a message, the screen lit up again with a follow-up text from Darling: "Wish you were here."

A bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of my lips. The distance between us, both physical and emotional, seemed insurmountable. I found myself typing a response, fingers dancing over the keys, "Looks like a great night. Enjoy, Darling. I'm about to head to bed" The message sent, and I gently placed the phone on the bedside table, the soft glow of the screen fading in the darkness of the room.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to push away the longing that threatened to cloud my thoughts. The anticipation of the upcoming vacation to Jeju Island with Aerum brought a sense of excitement, a temporary diversion from the complexities of my personal life.

As I started packing, folding clothes and choosing essentials, I couldn't shake off the echoes of Aerum's laughter from our late-night conversation. Her friendship was a comforting anchor in the sea of uncertainties.

Morning came, and with the rising sun, Aerum and I embarked on our journey to Jeju. The scenic beauty of the island, with its lush landscapes and azure waters, served as a picturesque backdrop to our shared laughter and adventures. For a moment, the weight of my distant relationship lifted, and the present became a haven of joy.

"I can't believe we are doing this, this is our first ever trip after working for 4 years now!" Aerum's enthusiasm was contagious, and her excitement mirrored my own as we stood on the edge of a breathtaking cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of the Jeju landscape.

The sea breeze tousled our hair, and the rhythmic waves crashing against the rocks below whispered promises of adventure. "I know, right? We've been so engrossed in our work that we forgot to live a little," I replied, feeling a sense of liberation in the air. The weight of deadlines and responsibilities had momentarily lifted, replaced by the freedom to explore and savour life's simple joys.

Aerum chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, here's to many more spontaneous adventures and breaking free from the monotony of routine!" With that, she raised her water bottle in a toast, and we clinked them together, sealing our pact to embrace the unpredictability of the journey ahead.

Our days in Jeju unfolded like pages of a story, each chapter revealing a new facet of the island's beauty. From vibrant marketplaces to serene temples hidden among emerald forests, every experience became a cherished memory etched in the fabric of our friendship.

Sitting at our hotel, I could not believe that we were here for a week already, "WOW!" I exclaimed making Aerum look my way.

"What's wrong?" She said going back to scrolling through her social media to find the next best spot to visit. 

"I can't believe we are here for a week already!" I couldn't help but count back to the wonderful memories we made. I couldn't help but smile as I recalled Aerum falling in one of the ponds near our hotel trying to catch a tadpole. The water splashed everywhere, and she even managed to get me soaked. 

"Hey! Let's go to Hyeopjae Beach, what do you think?" Aerum jumped on the bed beside me rolling over to my side and showing me the mentioned beach.

Looking at the pictures, I couldn't help but be in awe. The beach looked beautiful, the white sandy beach mixed with crushed seashells caught my attention and I found myself agreeing to her faster than ever. 

"Okay then! It says the best time to visit the beach is early morning. So, if we hit the bed now I am pretty sure we will be able to reach there in time, it's a thirty-minute ride!" Aerum said as she read through the reviews.

After an hour of packing and tidying up the room, Aerum and I finally lay down covering ourselves completely with the comforter. I looked at my phone contemplating whether to message Joon Oppa or not as he had mentioned this week was very hectic for him.

As I closed my eyes and put my phone on the nightstand, it suddenly went off. I took up the phone as soon as I saw the caller ID and said, "Hello!"

"I miss you so much baby, I am so sorry for not calling these days, things are hectic in the company here" Joon Woo Oppa spoke in a groggy voice.

It's okay! I also miss you. I realized I was missing him a bit too much when I felt my eyes welling up with tears.

"Hmm... Goodnight baby girl!" For an instant, I believed I heard someone else, but I dismissed the idea, wished him a good night, and grinned as I headed to bed.

The next morning, we set out for Hyeopjae Beach with excitement bubbling within us. The cool breeze and the promise of a day filled with adventure invigorated our spirits. As we approached the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the shore grew louder, and the sight that greeted us was nothing short of breathtaking.

The sun had just begun to cast its golden glow upon the pristine beach, illuminating the white sand and creating a dazzling reflection on the crystal-clear water. Aerum and I couldn't help but run towards the shoreline, the soft sand beneath our feet, and the cool ocean breeze kissing our faces.

We spent the morning building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and allowing the waves to wash away the footprints of the world we left behind. Laughter echoed against the backdrop of the tranquil sea as we revelled in the joy of the present moment.

as the sun dipped below the horizon, Aerum and I found ourselves at a seaside café. The waves gently caressed the rocks below, and the sky painted itself in hues of pink and orange. The tranquil setting prompted a conversation about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

"Kim Yuri, you're like the ocean," Aerum mused, gazing out at the vastness before us. "You hold depths and mysteries, and just like the tides, you ebb and flow with the rhythm of life. Maybe it's time to let the waves of change wash away the pain."

Her words resonated with me, and I realized that Jeju had become more than just a vacation spot. It was a metaphorical journey, a sanctuary where I could unravel the layers of my heart and rediscover the resilience within.

As the week in Jeju drew to a close, I found myself standing at the edge of another cliff, the wind carrying whispers of the sea. The waves below seemed to echo the rhythm of my heartbeat, a steady reminder that life, like the ocean, held boundless possibilities.

On the flight back home, I felt a newfound sense of clarity. Jeju had become a chapter in the story of my life, a chapter that unfolded with laughter, introspection, and the warmth of friendship. The scars of heartache began to heal.

Now that I was finally back in my domain, I couldn't wait to get in the shower and take a hot relaxing bath. dropping off Aerum, I headed home the drive was almost twenty minutes from her place. 

I pulled up at the elevator and immediately pressed the 7th floor, not waiting for the doors to completely open upon reaching the desired floor, I pulled in my keys and opened the door only to stop at the unusual voices.

I took hold of the umbrella placed beside the shoe box. walking as quietly as possible I could hear the murmurs of a woman and clapping. Not quite being able to grab hold of the situation I walked closer to the sound only to stop inches away from my bedroom. 

I think we all know where this is going... My heart is in pain right now...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Scorpious_starcreators' thoughts