
The Bond of the Fox

Tell the story of an alternate world where Naruto and Anko are members of two rival clans: the Uzumaki Clan and the Orochimaru Clan, respectively. Despite their differences, Naruto and Anko fall in love and struggle to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. As their relationship deepens, they both realize that their rival clans will not accept their romance, and they will have to face opposition from their respective families. However, Naruto and Anko are determined to fight for their love, no matter the consequences.

Shihao777 · Komik
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29 Chs

Chapter 17…

Naruto sat on a branch in thought. He was surrounded by clones as he did not want Kakashi to get the jump on him. He was thinking about the question that Kakashi told him about.

"What did he mean by what he said? Anko-oneesan doesn't go on missions alone, yeah, but what does that have to do with this test?" Naruto asked himself. Kakashi wanted him to concentrate on his oneesan for a reason. "She doesn't go alone. She's always with a team. Team? Could that be what he wants me to realize?" He was cut off when he heard Sakura scream. While he didn't like the girl any more, he wasn't about to leave her hanging. He shot off with his clones to check on her.


Sasuke was glaring at Kakashi from his position. After he heard Sakura's scream, he confronted Kakashi. He told the jōnin that he was not like his two teammates but Kakashi made it a point to tell him that Naruto was the only one to get a bell. This pissed Sasuke off and he attacked Kakashi. During the small fight, he was able to touch one of the bells. Seeing that his traps and taijutsu wasn't working, he decided to use ninjutsu. He did the hand seals for his clan's most used jutsu, Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique). He saw that this surprised the jōnin and he was not able to dodge the flames.

When the technique died down, Sasuke only saw scorched earth. He quickly looked around, wondering where Kakashi was going to attack from. He got his answer when he was dragged underground. His whole body was underground with the exception of his head. He was still able to glare at Kakashi who was kneeling and smiling at him.

"Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique), a perfect counter to your own jutsu. I have to say that you are right about something. You are much different that you teammates." Kakashi said with amusement. He suddenly moved away from Sasuke and dodged several shuriken. Three Naruto appeared and faced him. "Well, ready for another go Naruto?"

"Something like that." Naruto said. He patted the back of his two clones and sent them off. They charged at Kakashi who readied himself. He watched as Naruto did some hand seals and took a deep breath.

"Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique)!" Naruto shouted and blew out a faint white mist. Kakashi thought that it was a great strategy until he smelt the mist. When he noticed that the regular Naruto high-tailed it out of the area with Sasuke, he knew that something was wrong. That's when it happened.


Anko was eating some dango, wondering how Naruto was doing with his test. She was a little concerned since she knew that Kakashi never passed a single team. She knew that he would be bummed if he had to go back to the academy. That's when she heard an explosion. She stood and looked to see some black smoke coming from one of the training grounds. She realized that was where Kakashi usually held his meetings. Thinking a bit more, she let out a small chuckle.

"That brat, I only suggested that he use his clones like that. Well, I can't really be blamed for it. It is a good idea after all." Anko said to herself and made her way back to her dango.


Kakashi popped out of the ground and looked around at the damage that was caused by Naruto's little stunt. He knew that the Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone) was mostly used for spying because of its' special condition. However, this was one extreme way to use them. He knew that he said to come at him with the intent to kill but using clones for a suicide bombing was going a bit far. Something told him that this was Anko's fault.

Kakashi sighed and decided to put out any flames before going after the genin again.


Naruto was with Sasuke and Sakura, surrounded by traps. He pinched the bridge of his nose as the two was working his last nerve.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to say this. This isn't about the bells. There is a whole other meaning behind this test." Naruto said.

"I don't have time to waste with your theories dobe. It's almost noon and I have to get a bell." Sasuke spat.

"Oh my god, can you for ONCE just listen to someone besides your own ego! I'm telling you that there is something wrong with this test!" Naruto exclaimed.







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