
The Blue.

It's been fourteen years since Courtney has been taken into the Greg's house and she's had nothing good come out of it. For some reason unknown to her, the five kids and her aunt herself harbored deep hatred towards her. Although she was given a room and clothes and food, it just wasn't what she would literally call a home. With no memory of her life till she was six, the questions just kept coming. Was there a place out there for her? A place she could belong? A place she could call home? What is her purpose? What is her stand? Who is she? All her answers laid in a camp that was built for special people hidden away from the world. She was taken in when her hair had suddenly turned blue, but just when she thought she had finally found a place to call home, strange incidents started to happen and they all pointed at one person... her.

Autumn_01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


"You've got to be kidding me!" Courtney groaned in frustration as she pushed past the thick bushes and the path got harder to walk past as she kept moving forward "I've been walking for hours!" she yelled.

Courtney had planned to just wait on the spot, probably the door would appear back and Mrs. Holly would explain... well... everything, but that option became invalid the moment she saw a spider crawl it's way past her. She had screamed and had immediately ran off in whatever direction, if it could lead her away from the spider then she would prefer to walk through the thick bushes than to be in a space with her archenemy.

"What did I do to deserve this!" She cried out and pushed on.

Finally, she came out in the open and in sight was a road, a huge smile crawled up her face but it faded again when she realized there were two paths leading to different places. "Great. First I had to play a test of courage in the forest now I have to play left or right."

She sighed and looked from her left to her right then to her left again. She couldn't decide. "Fine. We're going to have it that way huh? alright," She furiously took off one of her shoes and turned her back to the road, deciding the back of her shoe would be right and the front would be left. She flipped it over her head and turned to see her it fall on its back.

"I guess left it is then" she picked up her shoe as she walked away, then she muttered in disbelief "I just bet my life on the toss of my shoe. I feel so safe"


She didn't know if she could consider herself lucky or not but it didn't take long for her to come across a huge gate that stood over twenty feet tall. Staring in awe, she tried to recall if she'd seen a gate as huge before, but her head gave her a no way. She also felt she was thinking too much into it, but the skull heads engraved on it with two swords crossing didn't give her much of the welcome vibes.

"Hey!" She flinched at the voice that suddenly snapped at her from behind the gate.

"H-huh?" Courtney was a little taken aback by the older girl behind the gate. She had dyed some part of her black hair green. Her face screamed goth with the black lipstick and eye shadows, she had piercings on her nose, her upper lip and her ears were like a mini jewelry mall designed with all sorts of earrings. The black cropped top with a skull design and black leather jeans she had on did the finishing touch.

Courtney stared quietly as she was starting to consider going back and taking a right.

"Who are you?" The girl asked with a frown.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I-huh-got lost and I don't know where exactly this is," she chuckled nervously as the girl gave her a suspicious look.

"You new here?" She asked

"Well... you could say that" she said and thought 'I don't even know where HERE is'

She scanned Courtney for a while, suddenly the girl's look softened a little and she smiled at her. She opened a small part of the gate "come on in"

"Oh that isn't necessary I'm just trying to find my way back to the library,"

"Its okay. We can help you get back. Follow me,"

"Uh okay?" Courtney was surprised by her sudden Change in mood but she went in either way, the girl walked ahead and Courtney followed behind her. They walked for a while on an empty path that had hedges covering up both sides, and when they finally made a turn Courtney could hear noises. They walked a little further and she couldn't tell what was going on anymore.

"Uh? Excuse me huh..." Courtney started but stopped when she realized she didn't know her name.

"Taylor," the girl said and looked back at Courtney "what's wrong?"

"Um, where are we?"

"Camp." Taylor replied her.

"Camp huh? so what kind of camp is this?"

"Just a normal lively one" Taylor said with a shrug and just then Courtney's eyes widened as she froze at the arrow that flew past her face.

"You don't usually have an arrow almost pierce your face in a normal camp" Courtney said and looked up at Taylor who was walking ahead without looking back.

She looked at the corner where the arrow had come from. it looked like a training center but the hit was on the other side. She saw the group share a high five as they looked back at her with a smirk.

"Did they just do that on purpose?" she mumbled but shook off the thought. 'Surely they didn't'.

She caught up to Taylor as they kept walking in deeper. For starters, the size and space in the camp was quite the shock... it was really huge.

"Wow! Are those real?" Courtney asked as she stared at another group cleaning swords and some other weapons.

"You bet it is."

"Cool!" she said now getting excited. She could make out a lot of places, a horse ranch, a mall, a grocery store, a pig sty, an eatery, it was like she was in a different town. All this in Mrs. Holly's room?

"Wait here," Taylor said and she stood "Hey, Dray!".

Courtney couldn't stop looking around and wondering where on earth they were, they seemed to be inside a training hall now as she could see a few taking squats and lifting weights with a few other training equipment hanging around. Just then her eyes caught sight of a guy who seemed to have just finished his run, he had taken a seat as he wiped off his sweat with a towel then he began to look around for something but he didn't seem to find it. He looked over to the person sitting next to him who was fixing his shoe lace.

"Hey Joe, give me your bottle,"

"Go get yours." The guy called Joe said immediately as he went on tying his lace.

"Come on don't be such a cheap-stake, I need a drink,"

"And I said go get yours, I don't want your sweaty hands anywhere near my bottle." Joe said as switched over to tie the second lace. What caught Courtney off guard was that the other guy leaned back and stretched his hand towards Joe's bottle like it would fly over to...

...Her eyes widened as the guy opened the bottle and started taking large gulps from it.

Joe looked up and gave a shout "Hey!"

Again, Courtney felt her eyes was deceiving her as the water floated out of the bottle and circled over to Joe. She blinked and wiped her face with her palm but it felt like her view got even better, she could see the floating water... it was real.

"Come on don't be such a selfish old man,"

"Go get yours."

"Hey," She flinched at Taylor's voice behind her and she spun around


"Come on. Dray wants to see you,"

"Whose Dray?" she asked but Taylor was already walking away. Courtney caught up behind her and they walked up to a man who was now calling to everyone in the hall.

"Alright guys, that's enough for the day. Great job" With that he looked back at them and flashed a smile at her. "Well hello there, you must be..."

He tilted his head a little and paused. It took her a while to realize she hadn't given her name.

"Courtney. My name's Courtney"

"What a lovely name, you can call me Dray. So Courtney," He began and like he had realized how uncomfortable the difference in height was, he squatted but that still didn't get her on an equal range with him.

Courtney isn't actually short for her age but Dray on the other hand seems to be on the unique side with his height.

"I heard you're lost,"

"Yes, and I honestly have no idea where this is, but if you could just tell me the way back to Mr K's book store... No first I have to get a letter to Ray,"

"K?" Dray asked then he snapped his finger "Oh! you mean Kane?"

"Oh, yes, sorry its become a habit," she loosened up a little as it looked like Dray was familiar with Mr Kane.

"Its okay. I see Kane sent you in," he said and appeared to think about something then he looked at Taylor and back at Courtney.

With that he stood straight and turned back to Taylor.

"Go get me Shawn."

With that, she left the hall "We'll get you Ray in a while but first, it seems you're unaware of this place. I see Kane left you in the dark too."

"Too?" Courtney furrowed her brows.

"Come with me" he said and led her out of the hall. You probably saw a lot of weird things on your way here,"

"Well... I- wouldn't exactly disagree with you," she dragged and Dray smiled.

"Where we are right now is camp, but totally not your ideal normal camp,"

"You don't say," Courtney mumbled and he stopped and stared at her

"You might find this hard to believe but this camp is for people with extraordinary talent,"

"Like being able to bend water and move things through the air?"

They both went silent as they exchanged blinks, then Dray chuckled and said "I see you witnessed it yourself,"

"Just a minute ago, but you mean... every single one of you here... Including you..."

"Yep. Well, we can't all bend water and move things but every single person has what they're good at," he nodded and Courtney looked around. She knew she hadn't seen the whole camp but as far in as she had gone and where she stood, with the population of people she had seen, all she could manage was.


Dray blinked with a shrug in agreement and he gestured to her.

"As much as I would like to give you a tour I am quite busy, so why don't you take a look around before Ray gets here,"

"I can?" Courtney's eyes twinkled excitedly.

"Yes, you can,"

She looked around with her mouth open before she dashed off and Dray simply watched her go as a smirk pulled up on his face, a boy ran up to him.

"You called Mr. Dray,"

"Yes Shawn, why don't we put our little butterfly over there to a quick test before Kane hogs all the good ones to himself."

Shawn followed his gaze and he let out a smile as he immediately understood the message passed at him.

"Got it, Sir."