

"What the hell?" The guard in front of Lillian said, turning his attention away from her and to the front. 

She also looked at the all too familiar stature of a man stopping the blade of the axe, only inches from the woman's neck, with a sword. 

Everyone stared at the stranger that came out of nowhere, his teal hair blowing in the wind as he smiled at the executioner. 

"Pardon me, but I don't think you should be doing that. You see, she is someone that I … sometimes … tolerate. It will bug me if she dies here." He said, still fighting with the executioner who is adamant on cutting her neck. He looked down at the woman, "Hello, fairy godmother~. Got yourself in a bit of a pickle here, didn't you?"

Lillian looked back at Jasmine then at Roman with awe on her face. 

A couple of seconds before, 

As Lillian struggled with the guard, Jasmine murmured, "Lillian's going to get executed."