
The Blossom of Edo

In period Edo, love is something absurd to the samurai. Unfortunately, Hiroshi is the samurai who feels love is important that bring bad things to him...

Danish07 · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 11 : True Love

Kazuo's death leaves Yuki devastated. She struggles to cope with the loss, but she finds solace in her art. She dedicates herself to honoring Kazuo's memory and the legacy of Hiroshi and Aiko. Her art becomes a testament to their love, a beautiful reminder of the life she and Kazuo shared.

Ueno Park, with its Tree of Eternal Love, becomes a place of pilgrimage for those who have heard their story. The cherry tree beneath which Kazuo and Yuki spent their final moments together is named the "Tree of Eternal Blossoms," a symbol of their enduring love.

Years later, Yuki, now an old woman, returns to Ueno Park. She sits beneath the Tree of Eternal Blossoms, her heart filled with memories of Kazuo. As she gazes at the blossoms, she feels a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. She knows that Kazuo is watching over her, and that their love will live on forever.

As the cherry blossoms drift down around her, Yuki closes her eyes and joins Kazuo in eternal rest. Their spirits, forever entwined, find peace beneath the blossoms that have witnessed their love.

The story of Kazuo and Yuki becomes a cherished legend in Edo, a timeless tale of love, honor, and the beauty of a life well-lived. Beneath the ever-blooming cherry blossoms of Ueno Park, their legacy endures, inspiring future generations with the power of love and sacrifice.