
The awake of the deity

It wasn't so long after the existence of the vampires, werewolves and other dreadful creatures we can think of that the ANGEVILS arrived . The angevil is a school for supernaturals this is were all creatures with powers unimaginable school and learn to life in the world of humans, it was established in year 2000 after the first against greedy humans like lord gastrus and his evil mistress morgania(a Greek ruler). Lord gastrus believed that humans had more Dominion over other creatures of the earth and so he mistreated those with powers and due to this exploitation there was a revolt and this lead to the war in 2000. The school is a beautiful place for both the good and the bad ,rich and poor ,least powerful and extremely powerful . But this story isn't about the school but about a very unique student named SAPPHIRE which means a blue precious stone and she was given such a name because of her blue shiny eyes and her unique beauty. Though she never thought for a second that her actions may lead to the destruction of the world or school but eventually it did . And it all started from an earthquake with the moon shininig red as even it was envoloped in blood , leading to the awake of the deity who was locked up in a temple in a very deep sleep as punishment for disobeying the Creator's orders and rules.

My imagination helps me create worlds that people dream to be part of ,Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ifeoseh_Ben_awunorcreators' thoughts