

(Author's note: listen to this while listening for awesomeness)


A handsome, tall young man made his way in a sea of flickering color-lights, dancing people and the smell of sweat that flooded the area.

He was eye-catching that was for sure. Every woman would turn her eyes towards him, biting on her lips as if they were beasts seeing the first meal in days. The sound of lips smacking was lost behind that broad back of his.

His silver hair shined in the darkest of colors.

His eyes seemed to be carved of the purest and most purple amethyst. He looked side to side, trying to catch as much as possible.

His sleeveless robes reflected the eyes of the crowd that stared at him.

But was most eye-catching was his tattoo. A dragon that seemed to throw lighting in every direction, coiled around him and ended up in his right arm.

Whispers followed the man whenever they saw the tattoo. Can he be a part of the Triads? Is he a man of the Emperor? What if he is a High-Elder?

The man chuckled every time he heard this. "Fools, if only they knew the truth"

He dodged elbows and slaps of the people dancing as if he was doing a ballet of his own, with no useless movements whatsoever.

The man seemed to teleport everytime the light flickered as if darkness was his domain, and he was its master. Each time he passed and squeezed between the crowd, it would seem as if he faded in and out of existence.

Suddenly his feet had stopped moving. He was already where he wanted to be.

In front was a roundtable that somehow man, big enough to fit two people inside of him, bloated like a water-filled balloon. He was sitting in a corner of the club, hugging two exceedingly beautiful ladies at each side, whose faces showed they would rather be somewhere else.

The pig-face man furrowed his brows and his skin folded into itself, giving him a clear resemblance to a pork. His rough voice resonated throughout the club, amplified several times beyond the music.

"You insolent peasant!" He barked to the man standing "Move! Or don't blame me for being a bit impolite." He smiled in an exceedingly crooked way, showing sharp shark-like teeth. The women at his side tried to pry away from his embrace, but the more they tried, the more he would pull them in.

The young man smiled, unperturbed and unamused. His eyes looked down the man as if he was a kid playing with mud. He took a folded piece of parchment from inside his robes. It was brownish in color and had wrinkles in every corner. He put the folded parchment on the table and with a flick of his finger, he slid it across. The pig-like man grabbed it with an agility uncommon to someone of his size.

"Open it." The young man spoke in a low and rough voice that imposed itself.

The pig-like man grumbled and his nose contorted as he unfolded the piece of parchment. He was about to tell his hidden guards to kill the insolent young man as soon as he had finished with this joke.

That was until he saw the one word that was written inside the parchment.

A coughing fit took over the old man, making his big belly jump up and down. Sweat started streaming down his neck and the folds of his skin were becoming damp. As soon as he calmed down, he looked at the young man in front of him in a new light.


Why did this bastard know of such a thing?

His sausage-like finger trembled as he pointed to the young man in front of him. "W-where did you get this?"

The young man didn't answer, instead, he asked a question of his own. "So you do know something, Elder. Would you be so kind as to tell younger brother what it is?"

The old man became furious, the veins in his neck and face were already about to burst out and his face was red as blood.

"Guards! KILL HIM!"

The young man smirked "I was hoping we could leave this on peaceful terms" He then produced a large syringe that contained a bright blue fluid.

The old man's eyes went as big as marbles, words escaped his lips "Heavenly Qilin's blood. . ."

The young man smiled like a wolf and stabbed himself in the artery in the neck. His muscles started to tighten, his veins protruded more and more each passing second as the redness in his face accumulated and his screams of pain rose in volume. In his veins, a blue, fluorescent pulse was scaling, until his entire body was filled with roads of blue that emanated a heavenly light.






Outside stood a single woman she was standing still like a rock in the river while every person of the club rushed out as if the building was vomiting them out.

She was wearing a revealing cheongsam that showed a ravine between two large mountains, the slit on her dress displayed a long leg with skin as white and smooth and white as jade.

Her obsidian hair fluttered in the wind, making her seem even more beautiful.

She was stroking her chin as she amusingly tried to imagine the who did the screams from inside belonged to.

Blades of air would occasionally go to her head, to what she simply inclined her head to dodge.

People stopped flowing out and shortly, a small silence followed.

Nothingness. Silence. Even the music had stopped.

She was squinting her eyes. Something was moving in the dark, limping as it made its way to the entrance. It was then that a blood-covered hand emerged from the darkness and shortly after a man wearing sleeveless robes. His hair looked like a mess and bruises covered every part of his body.

The vixen shot him an enchanting look and said "Oh dear, are you alright? If I had known it was this bad, I would've gone there myself."

Contrary to what she was saying, she was still smiling in amusement as she saw the young man limp her way.

The young man was struggling to get words out and link them together "It's the effect of the qilin's blood."

The woman shrugged. "Well, did he know anything?"

He shaked his head to the sides

"Ah well. We just need to keep looking. . .Ban Zou"

A cheongsam is the traditional Chinese dress you usually see in women in films and cartoons

Gehrmancreators' thoughts