

In the little town of Kingsville, far west of London, there have been strange tales of vampires and warewolves in the old past. Mothers at times read such stories to their brave and stubborn kids prior to bed time to either motivate them to be stronger or scare the hell out of them to behave better the next day.

Carlos San Diego has always perceived such stories to be myths or a bunch of fabricated folklores to entertain kids . He just turned 18 years and has been hearing this crap since he could bath himself though he believed this to be nothing but a bunch of lies.

Carlos was with his two sisters and also his only siblings Deborah and Stefnih. Carlos would never call her Deborah, he prefers to call her Debbie, maybe because he's her elder brother. She's tall, fair, slim and funny but what Carlos loves so much about her is that she sings very well and alot too . Stefnih on the other hand is more of an introvert, she's mostly quiet, thoughtful, moody and serious. Debbie and Carlos totally agree that she's a replica of their late beloved mom, Therese San Diego.

Carlos, Debbie and Stefnih were in the garden working. It was just like any other day but the sky was a bit dull like it was gonna rain in a couple of minutes but the sky is not always like that plus Stefnih has not been her self since morning. She had a terrible bad dream where she fell down from a very high mountain. In the dream she wore her favorite hot short purple gown, she has always noticed that many desperate men try hard to either flirt with her or get her attention anytime she rocks the pink gown and when she gives details of how the day went by to Therese. Her mom will always end her response with "that pink gown", then she smiles and fixes her gaze on anything she can and then drift away in thought, fantasizing. "Edwin", she will smile and call out softly yet sexily, still with that look, she will say "that's the man l was supposed to marry but he strangely disappeared and I never saw him again", she will look back at Stefnih and conclude her response, "that was the worst thing that has ever happened to me". Therese loves blinking when she's speaking to her, "your father San Diego saved me loneliness and extreme depression.

"But he's dead and here you are alive", Stefnih would say changing her voice to sound funny, breaking her silence and trying to get her pretty mother not to get upset . Both will laugh cheerfully. Stefnih remembers her mom all the time, she smiles at the thought but then the dream, her falling from a mountain, and the dream flashed in her eyes again but hazy though. Yeah that was exactly what happened, someone was holding her hand but her weight was too much for him, him? lt was Carlos, she could see the dream replay very clearly before her as if it was happening all over again. Gradually his left hand's grip released Stefnih's right wrist as she got even more heavier but it was never intentional plus the ultimate law of gravity MUST prevail. Then their hands finally gets separated. Carlo's face is filled with utter disbelief and surprise as his only elder loving sister flies backwards away from him down the deep forest and he goes "Noooo!!!. "Carloooos!!!", Stefnih screams with all her might looking even more disbelieving and astonished than her junior brother .

"Hey what's up with you, you've been acting strange since we woke up this morning", Debbie question her elder sister. She has that inquisitive look of a sixteen years old babe, raising her hairy eyebrow and flattening her curly lips. She understood very well how close Stefnih and Therese were and how much her elder sister misses their mother. Stefnih gets statled and remembers she in their garden of tomatoes which they started harvesting just yesterday, the farm is a plantain and cocoa farm but this farm belongs to Therese. The songs of the chirping bird fills her ear, the natural smell of the ripen tomatoes sips into her nostrils and she felt as if she was here for the first time. She sighs because she knows she's not here for the first time, she's been havesting tomatoes here since she was thirteen. "I had a very terrible dream Debb", she replies her lil sis. Debbie suddenly feels very disturbed, she knows one thing very well. Her elder sister is Steifnih the dreamer and she hates her dream talent because the bad ones happen often. Then she becomes even more disturbed because Stefnih dreamt of their mother's death a week before it happened.

"Hey you're the one asking whats up with me but l should be asking you that right now". She smiles looking just like Therese trying to distract her startled lil sis. But Debbie is not easily fooled, "Stefnih l know how dangerous your dream can be", she nods slowly, "especially the bad ones", she looks away, heaving out a deep breath with parted lips, it was very cold, this makes warm air to ooze out of her sexy lips as if she's puffing out smoke

"Hey what's up with you guys", Carlos shouts at them, he was like a stone throw away. The girls burst into serious laughter, he smiles confused wondering what the hell could possibly be wrong with both of them. They've been strangely quiet for minutes whispering inaudible what he doesn't know and when he gets worried and tries to find out what's goin on they get him even more confused by laughing at him. Stefnih decides to help him out, she shouts back at him, "few minutes ago Debbie asks me hey what's up with you"? Few minutes later l was asking her, "hey what's up with you", Debbie starts laughing, Stefnih looks at her, she loves the lovely dimming of eyes her lil sis does when she's laughing heartily, she dims her eyes since barely few weeks after birth. Stefnih joins Debbie in the laughter but she needs to finish what she was saying before her junior brother starts thinking they're high on something.

Laughing she continues, "few minutes later Carlos San Diego was asking us hey what's up with you guys"

CHAPTER THREE (loading...)

It's raining n cold here but u dearest beloved n wonderful readers make me feel warmth. Thanks alot guys...

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts