

Lorenzo Carboni swung his right hand twice above his head holding the iron cable whip, then he throws it like a fling stone to Carlos; this was supposed to tear off his flesh.

As the dangerous whip travelled to Carlos, halfway; Carlos opens his eyes, they can burn a hole through a plastic plate.

Still kneeling, he stretches out his left hand like lightning and grabs the incoming whip by the tip. He forcefully pulls it, taking Lorenzo unawares.

Enzo flies like a kite; headlong towards him. In the same instance, he speedily pulls his chained hands towards each other; using the motion to make an 'X' sign with his arms. This made the two marines holding him on chains on both hands, fly off from where they stood; diving headlong towards Carlos as their grip was very tight on the chains. He speedily gets up and takes a step backwards.

Carlos unbelievably did this in a split second but what puzzled Marcus and Kabir was that he leapt into the air and took an impossible two-step pace facing the sky, kicked the incoming marine on his right with the right leg. Same second did he with the left leg kick the flying marine from his left, he even turned leftwards a bit. All this happened in the air in less than a second.

What puzzled Marcus and Kabir the most was that Carlos turned to his left after kicking the marine on his left, he took a back-head dive; bending his back by shooting out his heavy chest. This makes him perform a back tumble acrobatic move but while he tumbled backwards in the air, he used the force to kick Lorenzo's jaw so hard that he blacked out instantly.

Unbelievably, Carlos and the three marines performed a crazy head-back tumble almost at the same time

As Carlos lands like a Ninja; so did Enzo and the two marines drop unconsciously. One of his hand was right behind his back while the other hand placed on the ground gave him balance.

Kabir tries to rush at him and give him hell but Marcus taps his shoulder, asking him to wait.

The marines are not a bunch of clowns to be messed with, most people know they're very specialized in bringing pain and death to their victims. Having a warewolf as Boss now even adds more credit to their Curriculum Vitae.

Carlos was still in his Ninja-landed posture as two marines rushed to welcome him back to reality but this was not the young man they fought a while ago.

Stefnih's death resurrected a very dangerous beast in him. He knows something is wrong with him, he can clearly see that he's behaving strangely but there's no room for plenty questions right now.

He has a very important task at hand now; killing everyone here except the females.

He too runs to meet them; Marcus and Kabir watch attentively.

His first attacker swung his sword violently at him, screaming. Carlos ducks on time passing beneath the incoming sword. Cleared, a second marine was approaching but Carlos was already air-borne.

He shoots out his favourite but very dangerous left foot while he bent the right one a bit, assuming a hook shape.

He kicked very hard at the face of the marine who wasn't expecting an air attack.

Air-borne Carlos practically slapped the marine with his in-step on the face, the kick forcefully swept him off his feet as his feet assumed the position of his head and vice versa.

Unconsciously he threw his sword up soon he recieved the kick, but Carlos was damn too fast; he first grabbed the sword with his right hand. Then he supports it with the left hand.

Still air-borne but landing, he caught a marine approaching him from his right. With the sword in both hands, he spinned to his right using the motion to swing the sword with all his might.

The head of the marine gets separated from the body while his feet swept off the ground as a result of the powerful strike.

Carlos feet lands on the ground.

"Whyyyy!", he roared. Seems he's loosing his mind. The marines dont answer questions, they just give you hell and that was what Kabir was gonna do right away.

Soon as Carlos finished yelling 'why', he received a powerful flying kick from Kabir. The kick was so forcefully delivered by Kabir that he had to run to Carlos while he was still yelling 'why'.

The kick sent Carlos flying backwards in the air, doing a crazy four feet. Carlos kept riding an invisible bicycle, also fighting with all he's got to grab nothing.

He finally lands; hitting hard his back on the watered ground and there was a very big splash. But Carlos surprised all the marines including Kabir and the evil Marcus.

Soon as Carlos touched the ground with his back, he used his two palms pressed forcefully on the ground to push his upper body up. The great force with which he landed instantly turned to his advantage coupled with his palms pushing forcefully at the watered ground.

He managed to push himself to about three feet. He used the same kinetic energy to tumble backwards, spinning a crazy twist that made him see Kabir on his right ; previously they faced each other. Then he lands with his usual Ninja pose. Instantly he got up, clenched both fist with a daring arms posture which made him look like he just punched someone on the face with his right hand while the left hand was getting ready for a second punch.

Then his upper body turned rightwards without his legs moving; now he was facing Kabir the vice-devil.

He used his fingers bending backwards, returning and bending them again to signal Kabir to bring it on.

Kabir couldnt contain the fury in him; he instantly ran like lightning to Carlos but seems like something ingnited a kind of subconscious energy in Carlos. Despite the impossible speed Kabir approached him with; he dodged the blow Kabir threw to his jaw. He dodged another one and other one. The last one he dodged sent Kabir staggering after the big miss; badass Carlos was standing calmly at his back. Kabir instantly turns to a big warewolf, turns round and speeds to Carlos.

He throws a first punch with the left hand, Carlos blocks it but the blocking was irrelevant as the punch still hit him, causing him to take a step back staggering. Another powerful punch comes again with the left hand, he blocked it but it still hit him on the face causing him yet to take a staggering step backwards

The third punch Kabir fired at Carlos with the same left hand was the most deadliest which came instantly he dropped the second one.

Though Carlos managed to block the punch again, the fury in Kabir made the punch to push Carlos back while his boot's underneath dragged along the wet ground, their hands were glued together. Carlos forcefully pressed his boots down but the push from the blow kept pushing him back like a feet and half.

Carlos sensed that Kabir's push has lessened, he forcefully pushes back at Kabir but even though he did this with all his might he succeeded in pushing him back just a little bit. Kabir sttacks again violently and even threw a very aggressive punch.

Carlos carefully dodged the punch; ducking down and allowing the punch to fly above his head. This move drew Kabir very close to him.

While he was ducking down to dodge the punch, he used the force to shoot out his left leg launching a deadly blind kick.

Carlos standing on his right leg and still bending down from the duck used the back heel of his left boot to deal a decisive wicked blow on Kabir's nose; who was now a wolf. The wolf staggered back

Seems the kick got it mad, he rushes, grabs Carlos on his shirt and yanks his mouth wide open to bite off his neck... "Stop", yells Marcus.

The wolf glances at Marcus and flings Carlos to the nearby tree. The latter hits the tree with his back almost breaking it. Then he blacks out again.

"The vampires are here", warned lssabel, she has a phone which is no ordinary phone showing her green dotted lights on a black background moving through a red rectangular line.

Let them come boasted Marcus, he was very proud of his new soldier; Kabir. "Leonard heads them Marcus", replied lssabel.

"That bastard", cursed Marcus. Kabir turns back to human, he bends his neck, making it to crack noisely.

"We have to leave, now", lssabel warns again. They all rush leaving, "get me that lil bitch, she's gonna be my prisoner", said Marcus. Kabir lifts Debbie who just opened her eyes on his shoulder as they all leave.

Carlos gets up, his body aches alot. He felt like he's been dreaming while he fought Kabir. He felt like something has gone out of him.

He looked around for a young girl he saw some while ago but she was nowhere to be found, then he decides to forget about her for a while but he wondered how she came here. He wondered what he's been doing here and who killed all the men on ragged long robes, most of them had nose masks on.

Then he saw a face that made his head swell up. He began to wonder why he had so much emotional connection with this lady on purple short gown. She's pretty and he loves her but 'who is she?', he thought in his mind, then his hearth skipped as he realized her neck was not with the body.

Sobbing, he crawls to her with eyes full of tears. He cries like a baby; placing his head on her belly. She was lying on her back; facing the sky.

A strong hand grabs the temple of Carlos; he's been sobbing.

Carlos hears the vicious sound but he couldn't fathom it, 'death can come and take him away', he must have thought.

"Stop" barks another voice.

It was the cold and dangerous voice of Leonard, he stopped his junior brother Festus from sucking the blood of Carlos. His mouth was still very wide open; he hasn't drank any fresh blood since morning.

"He has the mark of the cobra goddess Emilia that means his blood is cursed and infectious and...", said Leonard but he stops casting a suspicious look at his brother.

"Leo you're hiding alot of things from me", complained Festus.

"I need Marcus alive" barked Leo, he and his men were like fifty in number...

Everywhere grew silent again but Carlos wasn't gonna leave the beheaded lady, he kept wondering why he's so much attached to her.

He looked around, he can't remember nothing but he knows he heard some voices and someone mentioned "the mark'. Then he places his head on her bosom and cries till the sun rose the next day.

A man arrives with his tall shadow standing beside Carlos who was kneeling with his head on dead Stefnih's bosom; weeping pitifully. He wasn't alone bcos he came with an immaculate white female horse and two very old friends of Carlos; Buba and Torque carefully dragging the family cart.

Its true cows dont shed tears but the expression on the face of these deceased cows can make and old woman to shed tears, even asking for a handkerchief and blowing out her nose very loud.

He grabs Carlos by the chest from behind and lifts him on his white horse, Carlos slumps on the horse's back as he couldn't sit upright.

The man carries the body of Stefnih handling the dangling neck carefully; he placed her gently in the cart which contains some dry grasses for the goats in the farm but the old man will attend to them much later.

He hit the horse with his two legs on the belly, says some indistinct, strange words and the horse leaves the scene. So did the two cows follow suit behind the horse. As the wheel of the cart ascends the rough hilly road, so did Stefnih's corpse dance around in the cart.

So did Carlos with his face on the horse's back bounce around like a hangover, drunken teenager.

Thanks alot guys for ur support and motivation. Love you...

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts