
WARNING. 18 + chapter

I give time to skip. if not skipped then well 😑

3rd person- ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Harry clutched his wrists, shoving them above his head in one fluid motion. The blond writhed under his intense gaze as he lay on his back, hands helplessly bound. He gently untied the green striped tie from around Draco's neck, and tied his captive's hands in the silky material. With an undignified whimper, Draco leaned up as far as possible, once again finding Potter's warm, inviting

mouth.Potter's devious hand found purchase cupped around Draco's firm arse cheeks, kneading and watching the blond pratically writhe, begging for the touch. Harry leaned up and breathed in Draco's

ear, nipping the lobe and licking the shell.

"You don't have to tell me to. I'm going to pound you so hard into the mattress you won't even be able to remember your own name, let alone screaming mine."

Malfoy didn't realize where Potter's clothes had gone, but the annoying fabric and those over-sized glasses had both disappeared. Draco growled slightly, but it quickly turned into a groan of pleasure as Harry 's cock, hot and hard, touched his, creating unbearably erotic sparks of friction between them. Draco's vision swam as the brunet on top of him grasped his cock firmly and stroked, making him lift his hips off the mattress in pleasure. His pupil were dilated, but he was still mesmerized by the sight of Harry's face just inches above his. He tried to jerk his hands down to touch, but remembered that he was bound tightly to the headboard.Harry's vivd green eyes shone playfully as he kissed Draco's lips, and then moved his attention down to the other's engorged member. Draco jerked his hips up so the tip of his dick nudged Harry's lips. He deftly slipped the boy into his mouth and sucked, lapping along the underside with his tongue. Nipping slighly as he went, he made Draco's hips continuosly thrust into his face, lost between pain and pleasure. Draco bit his tongue to keep from moaning out. Harry pulled away. Malfoy kept his jaw clenched shut, doing his best not to scream out in ecstasy as the dominate man proceed to look in his eyes and swallow him whole. He came in Potter's mouth, gasping at the sight as Harry drank up all he could.

Harry ground his hips into the boy underneath him again, and this time Draco let a moan slip past his lips. Rolling his hips forwards, he basked in sensation of his coiling orgasm. He thrashed, squirmed, and panted harshly against Harry's lips. But denied much- needed oxygen, they settled for wrapping their tongues around each other's in a slow but sensual kiss, lips not even touching. The Slytherin pulled away slowly and then snuggled up to Harry, kittenishly tired. Harry Stroked the blond hair gently, lulling him into sleep. "I love you, Malfoy." he murmured, but Draco was already sleeping soundly cuddled againts his chest.