
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Komik
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99 Chs

The QR Code (II)...

With his current Status parameters, Daichi found that killing Level 0 Zombies was as easy as squashing ants, but no matter how easy it was, he knew he couldn't lower his guard which turned out to be a good thing, especially when a Level 1 or 2 mutated Zombie decided to take a bite out of his trusty metal pipe. Daichi stared at his trusty pipe before staring back at the mutated Zombie.

The Zombie looked like any other Zombie he had encountered, kind of dead and rotting, but Daichi couldn't shake off the feeling that the Zombie looked somewhat smug. After only a moment, Daichi realized that he wasn't mistaken, the Zombie did look quite pleased with himself. Moments later, the Zombie's skin was covered by a metallic sheen.

'What ridiculous power?' Daichi gaped as he swung down his weakened pipe toward the Zombie. The pipe collided against the Zombie's head and a loud clang was heard. Since the pipe was already weakened, the pipe broke. The Zombie's lips twitched and it roared in anger.

"Ah… shit!!" Daichi exclaimed and jumped back, dodging the Zombie's claw. "I can't believe this shit!" Daichi whined as he pulled out the common knife. He couldn't believe that the Zombie had the ability to take the properties of something it ate. Daichi looked down at the knife in his hand and grimaced. His metal pipe broke, what the hell was he going to do with this pathetic knife in his hand?

The Zombie roared for the second time and lunged toward Daichi. There was something Daichi was really glad about, the Zombie was pathetically slow. Daichi could easily dodge the blows without much difficulty, but the Zombie's defense was extremely strong. There were two weak spots Daichi was able to find, but both of them were quite guarded. If Daichi really wanted to target them then he needed to be quite close to the Zombie's mouth and he wasn't comfortable getting that close to its mouth.

The eyes of the Zombies were only the weak spots Daichi was able to find. 'Should I take a risk?' Daichi wondered. The Zombie was quite slow, so he did have a huge advantage over the Zombie. After a few seconds, Daichi finally decided to take a risk and make his move. With a swift motion, Daichi stepped forward, getting quite close to the Zombie. The Zombie also decided to take this chance and take a bite out of Daichi.

Thankfully for Daichi, Kemono had taught him how to handle a knife. He wasn't an expert or anything, but he was way better than any street thugs who used knives to threaten people. Daichi twisted his arm and stabbed the Zombie through one of its eyes before it could take a bite out of him. The Zombie reared back and Daichi couldn't help but grimace, the blow wasn't strong enough to take down the Zombie. He placed his other hand over the knife and used all the stats in his Strength parameter to put pressure.

With a loud crunch, the knife finally went through the Zombie's skull and the troublesome Zombie dropped to the ground, completely motionless. Daichi yanked out the knife from the Zombie's skull while breathing heavily. Daichi looked down at the Zombie and there were no orbs or notifications, which meant that it was a Level 1 Zombie. Yesterday, he had killed so many Level 1 Zombies without even noticing, and today a Level 1 Zombie gave him so much trouble.

'Skills could make a lot of difference' Daichi concluded inside his mind. The Zombie was only able to give him so much trouble because of his ridiculous Skill. Daichi was glad that the Zombie was only Level 1 or he would have been in deep shit due to having lower stats, but at the same time, he was also displeased. It was a nice Skill, he would have liked having that Skill for himself. Daichi looked around and found that the intersection was almost clear.

Daichi's pipe was no longer usable, so he had to keep using the knife to kill the Zombies. Daichi quickly realized that he could easily behead the Level 0 Zombies even with the knife. He would no longer call it pathetic, the knife helped him kill the troublesome Level 1 Zombie and it was still helping him to survive. After nearly 10 minutes, they finally cleared the intersection from all Zombie nuisances. Daichi was sure that some Zombies were probably still lurking around, but they were of no consequence.

'Status Window' Daichi decided to check his Status Window…

[Yozora Daichi

Status Points- 13

Level- 1

Race- Human (???)

Job- None

Title- Heartthrob of Onee-sans, (???), (???)

Strength- 58

Agility- 55

Health- 54

Stamina- 29/56

Mana- 500

Magic- 500]

[Form a stable bond with your First Summon:- Accomplished]

[Kill 100 Level 1 Enemies with the help of your Summon. 15/100]

[Kill 10 Level 2 Enemies with the help of your Summon. 1/10]

He had spent nearly half of his Stamina and when he checked his Job Requirements, he was sure that even though Bella wasn't helping him directly the Mana Archive considered that Bella was helping him since she was keeping away the other Zombies from him.

"That was quite hectic" Daichi commented as he looked at Yuriko. The mature purple-haired woman looked like she was about to pass out. "Are you fine?" Daichi asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yes, yes, I am simply tired" Yuriko said, trying to dismiss Daichi's concern, but Daichi decided to keep a close eye on her for the time being. There was a chance that she might have been infected and Daichi couldn't deny the fact that Yuriko was beautiful, so watching her wasn't going to be something unpleasant as long as she is alive.

"Let's go and check out the QR code" Daichi said and all of them made their way towards the QR code floating in the middle of the intersection.

"What is this QR code? Is it tasty?" Bella asked with an innocent look on her face.

"It is something hard to explain. Think of it like a coupon" Daichi said. That was the best explanation he could think of right at this moment. Daichi was pretty sure that Bella didn't know what a smartphone was, so she obviously wouldn't know what a QR code was. Well, QR codes have been used for quite some time, but they only became famous after the arrival of smartphones. Bella tilted her head in confusion and decided to drop the matter for the time being. She felt that it was probably nothing important…

The group of four finally arrived in front of the QR code and immediately a small screen appeared in from of their eyes…

[Sacn the QR code with your Smartphone]

'Eh? What? Is this someone's Skill?' Daichi wondered and his hand instinctively went towards his pocket where he used to keep his smartphone. Unfortunately, he had stopped carrying his smartphone since it was nothing more than junk right now.

"I don't have my mobile, I left it in the… Takagi Mansion" Yuriko said with a small pause. She still wasn't comfortable talking about the place she had left. She had talked with Saya and right now, she didn't have any plans of going back to the mansion.

"Ah… My mobile is in the backpack in the car" Daichi sighed. At least, he had his phone at hand and from the looks of it, Saeko also didn't have a mobile on her person.

"Wait here, I will get your mobile" said Saeko as she started to make her way back toward the car.

"What is a smartphone?" Bella asked innocently and Daichi finally started to explain what a smartphone was in simple terms. After Daichi finished his explanation, Bella was left completely shocked.

"Muggles can do that?" Bella questioned in a bewildered tone. Daichi was about to answer, but Bella was already lost in something else by that time. She thought that it wasn't that important and decided to look around while Daichi and the others were busy with the QR code and smartphones.

Yuriko had been watching Bella from yesterday and there were several questions in her mind regarding that woman. "I know that she hasn't lost her memory, so what is her problem?" Yuriko asked as she continued to stare at Bella, who was skipping while dancing and humming a song. Obviously, Daichi wasn't going to tell her the whole truth.

"She is insane… Well, that would be putting it mildly, she is nuttier than a fruitcake, but she is my fruitcake" Daichi grinned and Yuriko didn't know what to think about Bella anymore. She had already realized that Bella had a few screws loose in her head, but she didn't know that Bella was simply insane. "Don't say that to her face, or else you will experience what she did to Ichika yesterday" Daichi warned her and Yuriko gulped loudly as she shivered in fear.

Saeko finally returned with Daichi's mobile and a water bottle in her hand. "Thanks. Did you also not bring your mobile?" Daichi asked Saeko, who pulled out her mobile from a pocket in her skirt.

"I don't think I can scan that with my mobile" Saeko said as she opened her flip phone.

"No, I don't think that is going to work" Daichi commented dryly as he stared at Saeko's mobile. He released a sigh and scanned the QR code with his mobile. For a moment, Daichi didn't even realize what was happening, but finally, a notification popped up on the screen of his mobile.

[Mana Archive Community App has been installed on your phone]…


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1623 words in this chapter.

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