
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs

Mana Stone...

"By the way, how long have I been out for?" Saeko questioned as she finally got off of Daichi's lap. Bella just got up a few minutes ago, and after snuggling for a few more minutes they finally decided to get up as they thought that they have wasted a lot of time. They also needed to inform Yuriko that they had survived or she would worry unnecessarily.

"Nearly an hour" Daichi answered as he also got up and stretched his body. His body had become quite sore due to the hard surface.

"Milord, please forgive Bella" All of a Bella bowed her head and started to ask for forgiveness. Daichi simply raised his brows in question.

"What are you asking forgiveness for, Bella?" Daichi asked with a sigh. Bella was an oddball so he honestly had no idea what was going through her head.

"You have to take care of Bella even if it should have been Bella's duty to take care of you" Bella spoke sullenly with her head still bowed.

Daichi simply released a sigh as he shook his head. "I may be your Lord, Bella, but that doesn't mean that I can't take care of you… In fact, I like taking care of you" Daichi said with a grin and then he grabbed Bella's shoulders to pull her up. Daichi slowly lowered himself and captured Bella's lips with her own… for a moment, Bella was taken aback, but she quickly gathered her bearings and she started to kiss back Daichi with full gusto.

After a few seconds, Daichi finally separated from Bella, who had a flushed look on her face. Then he slowly turned toward Saeko. "Come here" Daichi grabbed Saeko's arm and pulled her into his arms. Saeko simply smiled and lifted her head, so that Daichi could kiss her easily. Daichi didn't disappoint Saeko as he placed his lips on Saeko's. Unlike Bella, Saeko gently returned the kiss. After a few more seconds, Daichi finally separated from Saeko.

"You said that there was something you wanted to show us?" Saeko questioned with a smile.

"Yes, come here. After entering the fuel pump I finally found what those Wolves were trying to protect" Daichi said with a cheeky grin marring his face.

"The wolves were trying to protect something?" Bella tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah, and that is why the wolves only attacked us when we got down the vehicles. Though I think it would have been better from their perspective if they attacked us when we were still inside the vehicles" Daichi explained with an unsure look on his face. "Well, I am not a specialist when it comes to wolves, so I can't say for sure, but they were surely protecting this" Daichi said as he pointed towards a shining stone placed over the counter.

"Is that a diamond, milord?" Bella asked in a cheerful tone.

"No, read the description" Daichi commented dryly as the three of them moved closer to a stone. It looked exactly like a fist-sized diamond. As the three of them finally arrived over the Stone, a small screen appeared in front of their eyes…

[Mana Stone]

[A Mana Stone is the solidified form of Mana, Mana Stones could form somewhere around large reserves of fossil fuels. Mana Stones could also be found inside Dungeons and Tombs.

A Mana Stone could be used to permanently increase the Mana capacity of an existence, but overuse might lead to various problems, including death. The Mana Archive will inform the existence when it has reached the limit].

"Impressive, right?" Daichi asked with a grin and Saeko stared at him like he had killed a puppy.

"We could use this thing to increase our Mana capacity?" Saeko questioned with a frown on her face.

"Yes, at least, that is what the description says. So, who wants to give it the first go?" Daichi asked and Bella immediately raised her hand and started to wave it in front of Daichi.

"Me! Me! I want to go first!!" Bella cheerfully exclaimed. Daichi turned towards Saeko, who simply shrugged. She didn't have any problems with Bella going first. So, Daichi turned back toward Bella and gave her a nod. Bella cheerfully clapped her hands and grabbed the Mana Stone with her hands. Moments later, the Mana Stone started to glow brightly.

"It's working! It's working!!" Bella cheered excitedly. Daichi decided to open Bella's Status Window and it was working just like Bella had said. Bella Mana parameter was going up, but Daichi noticed that Bella's Magic parameter was still the same. Previously Daichi never wondered about the Magic. He wanted to know how the Mana was different than Magic.

So, Daichi tapped on the Mana parameter on Bella's Status Window…

[MANA:- The Mana parameter represents the amount of Mana the user can contain in their body].

'Well, that is what I expected since that the parameter which is increasing right now' Daichi mused and then he finally tapped on the Magic parameter on Bella's Status Window…

[MAGIC:- The Magic parameter represents the amount of Mana the user could use during a single instance.

If the user's Magic is low then they won't be able to use a Skill that has a high Mana cost even if they have the necessary Mana to activate the Skill].

'Ah… so, that's what the Magic parameter means… Having high Magic is going to be very important if you want to cast high-level Magic Spells or any area of effect attacks. Are there any area of effect Spells in this world?' Daichi thought as he rubbed his chin. After a couple of minutes, the warning finally appeared in front of Bella's eyes and even Daichi could see it as he had her Status Window opened.

[Warning!! You have reached your limit. You cannot increase your Mana anymore in your current Level].

Bella also understood the meaning of the warning so she quickly placed the Mana Stone on the table. Daichi looked at the Stone it looked slightly duller than before, but it wasn't anything noticeable. "Milord, check my Status Window. Now, Bella can use Magic for longer periods of time!!" Bella cheered excitedly and Daichi could only nod his head in agreement.

[Bellatrix Black

Status Points- 61

Level- 2

Race- Human

Job- Black Summon

Title- The Darkest Witch in History, Insanity Incarnate

Strength- 54

Agility- 65

Health- 59

Stamina- 47/60

Mana- 3500

Magic- 1500]

'Bella stat's have also improved a lot since the last time I have checked her Status Window. Unlike us, she could still receive free Staus Points by killing Level 1 enemies. Maybe we could also get those Points after we finally reach Level 2. Right now, we are kind of hanging in the middle of some sort of limbo' Daichi thought as he turned toward Saeko.

"I will go at last" Daichi said and Saeko grabbed the Mana Stone after giving him a small nod. Just like it was with Bella, the Mana Stone started to glow brightly in Saeko's hands and after a few minutes, Saeko was also done as she placed the Stone on the counter.

"Daichi-kun check my Status Window" Saeko suggested, Bella might have a lead in this department since Daichi could open her Status Window any time, but Saeko wasn't going to lose. Daichi understood what was going on between Bella and Saeko since he had already seen it yesterday. So, he simply grabbed her hand and Saeko's Status Window appeared in front of his eyes.

[Saeko Busujima

Status Points- 1

Level- 1

Race- Human

Job- None

Title- None

Strength- 53

Agility- 64

Health- 34/50

Stamina- 46/55

Mana- 400

Magic- 40]

'Saeko's stats haven't improved since she didn't get to kill any more Level 2 enemies. After all, she wasn't involved in the hunt of the Level 2 wolf' Daichi thought as he finally let go of her hand. "You Mana has increased by a lot, now you can use your Skill without worrying about Mana" Daichi grinned and Sakeo hummed in agreement.

"I guess, it is finally my turn" Daichi said and grabbed the Mana Stone from the counter. Moments later, a notification appeared in front of his eyes. Daichi started to wonder if the notification had appeared for both Bella and Saeko…

[Do you want to permanently increase your Mana Reserve by absorbing Mana from the Mana Stone. The Mana Archive will inform you when you reach your limit. Do you want to start?]


Obviously, Daichi selected [YES]. The Mana Stone started to glow brightly, Daichi could feel that something inside his body was growing, but he couldn't exactly describe the feeling. 'Status Window' Daichi called out and started to see as his Mana reserve continued to grow. After a couple of minutes, he finally reached his limit and a notification appeared in front of his eyes.

[Warning!! You have reached your limit. You cannot increase your Mana anymore in your current Level].

'Hoh…' Daichi released a sigh and placed the Mana Stone on the counter. "Bella, can you keep the Mana Stone for safekeeping?" Daichi asked and Bella eagerly nodded her head. "Oh, and don't speak about this in front of the others" Daichi added as Bella pulled out a purse from her pocket. The purse was quite big, so Daichi started to wonder how Bella had kept that purse hidden in her pocket…


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1567 words in this chapter.

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