
One Last time, One Beautiful memory!

After Elise's funeral, everything settled. 

Matt's family decided to sell the house since Elise passed away and no one will really live there. Isabelle will live at the company's apartment, Winston will go oversea on business. Matt and Sophia will live together at Kate's house. 

"Is there anything else to pack?" Sophia asked Matt as he organized Elise's books into a box. 

"No, we are pretty much done. Winston did most of the work for us. We'll donate this book and other stuff that we don't need. I guess." Matt said as he checks off the list.

"This house must've held lots of memories for you. You could've stayed here." As Sophia looked through the photo album.

"I could but how about you? You have my child. This house doesn't have enough bedrooms compared to Kate's house." As Matt fixed Sophia's hair and kissed her forehead. Sophia held onto Matt's hand tightly and said, "Everything will be fine. The other people should be coming soon. Shouldn't we place everything by the door?" Matt nodded as he moved the stuff to the door. 

"Are you okay? Don't overwork!" Sophia nodded and said it's fine. 

When the other people came and took the stuff, everything in the house was cleared and cleaned. Matt and Sophia thanked them as they helped them donate Elise's stuff and other things in the house. 

After few hours, Matt and Sophia were alone in the house. Matt held onto Sophia hand and hugged her. "Sophia, thank you for staying beside me when I was at my lowest. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for having my child. I'm going to be such a lucky father." Sophia smiled and kissed Matt. "You will be a wonderful father." Matt kissed her deeply and said, "When the trip is over, let's get married." Sophia nodded happily as they embraced each other for another minute or so. "I love you, Matt. I'm so lucky to be your wife." Matt smiled and whispered, "I'm lucky to have you and my child. Can I touch our child again?" Sophia nodded. "You can talk to him, he can hear you." Matt bend down and kissed her belly, "I cannot wait to see you, little one." Matt stood up and kissed Sophia, "We should get ready and go to Kate's house now." Sophia nodded as she took her luggage and her other bags with her. 

As they arrived at Kate's house, Kate greeted them with a smiling face. 

"Sophia! Matt! You came just on time. Our flight is in the afternoon, we should get going in another hour. Peter and Tiffany are picking up other people now. We will meet here after they finish. Come on in and rest for a while." Kate prepared some cold and hot instant coffee as they waited for Peter and Tiffany. "Matt, is Isabelle coming with us?" Sophia asked. "She has some other business to take care of so she won't come with us." Matt sat down with Sophia on the sofa while sipping his hot instant coffee. 

Kate came over and sat down on a chair, "Allie and her boyfriend are coming with us. His brother is on business trip so it will only be us." Sophia nodded as she drank her favorite orange juice. 

"Sophia, since you are pregnant, we didn't sign up many rigorous activities. There are plenty of small shops and beaches around Greece. It will be lots of fun." Kate smiled at them. 

"Matt, I need to get something upstairs. I'll be right back." Sophia went upstairs and got her stuff. As Sophia heads downstairs, Peter and Tiffany came in. 

"Come in, come in." Sophia greeted them. Kate and Matt also greeted them as they head to the living room.

"Hey guys! We should get going now." Peter said.

"Everything is set. Let's get on the car." Kate said as she rolled her luggage. 

As they head out, Sophia made sure everything is turned off and Kate locked the door. 

On the way to airport, Sophia fell asleep. 

"Matt, I didn't get the chance to say this but congratz. I don't know what you did to Sophia but please take care of her. She's my best friend." Kate said as she drank her water. Matt nodded and smiled, "I will." 

When they arrived at the airport, their sign in process was really smooth. After getting through security, they were free since their flight is in an hour. 

"Matt, let's go and get something to eat." Ed puts his hand on Matt's shoulder. "The girls will be fine. We'll be quick." Sophia told Matt it's okay. 

"When did they became best buddies?" Kate and Sophia laughed. "Just now. I barely saw them talking before." Sophia said. 

"Kate, can you watch my stuff? I need to go to the lady's room. Or wanna come with me?" Sophia asked. "Sure, wait a second." After Kate told Allie, we headed to the lady's room. 

"I'll wait outside, Sophia!" Kate waited outside while looking at her phone. 

"I'll be out soon." Replied Sophia as she went in. 

After few more minutes, Kate noticed Sophia didn't come out. Kate called out to Sophia but she didn't answer. 

"Sophia! You okay in there? I'm coming in." Kate noticed one of the doors was locked. 

"Sophia! Are you in there? Sophia?" Kate frantically called Matt. "Matt, I think something happened to Sophia. She's in the washroom but the door is locked." Matt tries to calm Kate and told her to call an employee to unlock the door.

After few minutes, an employee came and tries to unlock the door. After trials and errors, the employee finally opened the door. 

"Sophia! Sophia! What's wrong? Matt is here. Matt, let's take Sophia out of here." Sophia weakly opened her eyes. "I'm sorry, I suddenly blacked out. I don't remember anything." Kate reassured Sophia, "It's okay. It's good you are okay. Can you stand?" Kate and Matt supported Sophia as she walked outside. 

"Sophia, what happened?" Tiffany asked worriedly. "Sit down for now." 

"I don't remember anything. I suddenly blacked out and fainted. Where's Matt?" Sophia asked. 

"He's getting you some water and ice pack. He's coming." Kate said. 

"Sorry, I scared you guys. The doctor said these things will happen because the blood is focused on the baby instead of my head. I should be okay. Don't worry. The baby is safe." Kate was relieved. 

"Kate told me you were pregnant. I didn't know that. Congratulations!" Tiffany hugged Sophia. She was grateful everyone is very supportive of her. 

As Matt came rushing, he's relieved Sophia was alright. 

"Sophia, drink some water." Matt sat beside her and kept her close. 

"I'm okay now. Don't worry, Matt. Should we get going? We can line up now." Matt took care of Sophia's carry-on as Kate walked beside Sophia.

"After we get to Greece, you should rest in hotel, Sophia." Kate said. 

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. If the weather is good, we can take a good walk around the place." Sophia smiled. "Matt, you're fine with that, right?" Matt replied, "I'm fine with that but you need to tell me if you're not feeling well. I don't want to lose you." Matt smiled.

"Aww, Matt. You're so cheesy you know that right?" Kate teased him. 

"I am cheesy thank you very much." Matt replied. 

When they got on the plane, Sophia sat beside Matt while Kate is in front of them. 

"Matt, I'm so lucky to have you." Sophia placed her head on Matt's broad shoulder.

"I'm lucky to have you as well. How's our child doing?" Sophia placed her hand on her lower abdomen and smiled, "It's doing well." 

When night falls, Sophia woke up from her nap. Everyone was asleep. She quietly found a magazine in her bag and started reading. When she was half way finished, Matt suddenly grabbed her hand. Sophia thought, it must be the nightmare again. She gently held Matt's hand and said, "Matt, I'm here. Everything will be alright." Matt wasn't shaking anymore thankfully. 

They finally arrived in Greece the next day, the weather was so beautiful. Sophia breathed in the fresh summer air. Kate, Tiffany, Allie, and Sophia all took a group selfies while the guys stood there chatting. 

But, no matter what happens. Let's make beautiful memories together! Our last time together as a group.