

When they arrived to Matt's house, the atmosphere was indeed different. It was quiet and only clock ticking can be heard. The light was dim. The house was quite clean but it was eerily quiet.

"Matt, was this you when you were young?" Sophia asked.

"No, that's my younger brother. We do look alike, right?" Sophia looked at Matt and then at the photo, "You guys do look alike." As Sophia scanned the picture, she noticed his father was missing.

"Where was your father? Why there are no pictures of him?" Sophia asked.

"Sophia, I want to tell you something. Come here." Matt took her hand as they sat down on the sofa.

"My father was the one who commited suicide in the forest when I was in elementary school. He left this note saying he was sorry for everything. He was struggling financially and mentally as well. He worked in Japan for quite some time and it was stressful for our family. He couldn't come back often to stay beside my mom. My mom went into deep depression after hearing this news. I was still a child so my dad's friend, Peter's dad took me and my older sister in. My younger brother died because he had cancer. There was no way to treat him because the cancer was already spreading too quickly. As a young child, I was only close to my older sister. You met her at the party. She was the oldest so she took the most responsibility. She studied full time and worked part time to tutor Peter and saved up money for my schooling. She barely spend anything for herself. It was Peter's mother who took care of our needs. Peter's father noticed that she was saving up money and he told her that he can pay for our school. As a exchange, she studied business to take care of Peter's father company because she has the skills. That's how I got into university because Peter's father paid for my tuition. I got a great job too at his father's company. But for now, he told me to take a break to take care of my mother. My sister and I take turn to come home once in a while to accompany her. My mother is still weak physically but she's getting better after long time counseling. It is still hard for her mentally but she also found a great friend whom she can depend on. His name is Winston, they got married when I was in high school. They are still together thankfully. He should be back soon. Want to go and say hi to my mother?" Sophia nodded and embraced Matt.

"I am so sorry Matt for your loss. I don't know what to say. It's been hard for you isn't it? I hope i can at least share some of your burdens. I'll stay with you. When things get hard, you can always come to me. I don't want you to suffer." Sophia kissed Matt deeply. "I love you, Matt." They hugged for a long time.

"What's your mother's name?" She asked.

"Elise." Matt said.

As they head upstairs, Matt's mom was sitting on her bed reading.

"Matt! You came home!!" Matt embraced her mother tightly. His mother had tears in her eyes. Sophia stood there watching the beautiful scene.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend. Sophia." Sophia went close to Matt and bowed her head.

"Hi, Mrs. Elise. My name is Sophia. Matt's girlfriend. How are you?"

"Matt, let Sophia come close to me." Elise asked.

As Sophia went closer to Elise, Sophia noticed Elise was very frail.

Elise said, "You are a very beautiful young lady. Thank you for staying beside my son. He had a difficult childhood. Please take care of him if I'm not able to be with him." Elise coughed a bit.

"Mrs. Elise, don't worry. I'll stay with him until he gets tired of me. Is there anything you want?" Sophia asked.

"Matt, come here." Elise held onto Matt's hand and she placed our hands together.

"Matt, Sophia. You have my blessings. Sophia, please stay with Matt. He really needs you." Sophia held back her tears.

"Don't worry. I will stay with him. I will watch over him." Sophia said.

"Matt, I would like to talk to Sophia alone. Is that okay?" Matt nodded and signalled Sophia that he will be outside. Sophia nodded.

"Sophia, thank you. I was really worried for Matt. He is a good child but he hides too much things in his heart. I wasn't able to care for him as a mother. I was in depression for a long time. I was very happy when he told me you are his girlfriend. I am sorry for all this time I wasn't able to love him and care for him. Sophia, when i am gone, please take care of him. I don't want him to end up like his father. Can you promise me that?" Sophia nodded and agreed.

"Thank goodness. It will be very hard for him when I am gone. I'm in third stage of lung cancer. I don't have much time left. Oh right, I would like to give you this locket. This is what my previous husband gave me as a lucky charm. I am giving this to you because you might need it." Sophia accepted it and told her, "I will take good care of it. Thank you. Also, I would like to ask about something. About Matt." Elise nodded.

"When we were at the party, we saw the forest painting and Matt's face went pale. From that time, he started to have nightmares. Do you know what caused it?" Elise sighed and she took out a pile of photos.

"Matt saw these photos as a child. This is after his father's body was found... after he hunged himself. These photos must've scared him. Ever since that time, his nightmares started. He kept telling me he felt someone was watching and following him like a black shadow. The black shadows are unknown, even I don't know. We went to a priest and he said it's a spirit but neither good or bad. Sometimes, it is there to watch over him or wants to harm him. When he is under stress, please watch over him. It is still hard for him to accept even right now. Even if he doesn't show it, his heart knows. I know it is still difficult for him even right now. So, Sophia, as a mother... I really hope you can help my son. Stay beside him. He really needs someone." Sophia held onto Elise's hand and told her firmly, "I will. I will stay beside him through thick and thin. Don't worry." Sophia embraced Elise and said thank you.

"Can you call Matt for me?" Elise asked.

"Of course." Matt came in after Sophia called him.

"Matt, I love you." Elise hugged his son.

"When I am gone, please take care of yourself. I am sorry I didn't love you enough. I am sorry. It is all my fault." It was hard to say goodbye.

"Mom, no. It's not your fault. Dad must've had his reasons. Don't blame yourself. I don't want to believe dad died. It was hard to accept. It took me a long time. I still miss him every single day. Whenever I have nightmares, I missed him. It was hard for you, mom. Dad left the world too early. It wasn't your fault. I love you mom. Don't leave me!" Matt cried on Elise's lap. Sophia's hand held onto Matt's shoulder.

Elise passed away few hours later after Winston came home.

It was a difficult day for Matt and Winston. Isabelle came after hearing the news. Sophia stayed with them until night falls.