
The Black Dragon's Legacy

Dark_Star02 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

"Echoes of Dread"

Amidst a village consumed by flames, soldiers roamed, their armor bedecked with draconic symbols, their weapons honed from the very scales and claws of their mythical overlords.

Some bore features evocative of dragons themselves, with scales shimmering in the inferno's glow and eyes ablaze with primal fury.

In this chaos, amidst the carnage, Yugho suddenly ripped from the clutches of his dream,bolted upright in bed, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath.

Huff... Huff..."

he panted, his voice husky with relief. "Thank God, I'm alive. What a terrible dream... I thought I was dead."

Yugho, a 20 years old youth, dwells in the village of Yomoshaki, nestled close to the forest's edge. Within its bounds, he resides with his father.

Yugho's hair, a rich chestnut brown, cascades in loose waves, framing his face with a youthful charm. His features are defined by a strong jawline, complemented by deep-set, thoughtful eyes that mirror the wisdom gained from his rural upbringing.

Despite his youth, his physique boasts the subtle strength earned through years of tending to the land and exploring the surrounding wilderness.

His father, a weathered woodsman whose hands bear the calluses of years spent amidst the trees.

His mother was died when yugho was 7years old.

Yugho cherishes the bond he shares with his two companions, Lukus and Martin, a friendship as enduring as the ancient oaks that guard their village.

Lukus, with his formidable strength and Martin, with his quiet wisdom, complement each other perfectly, forming a trio whose unity is unbreakable. Through laughter and tears, triumphs and challenges, they stand by each other's side, their friendship a beacon of light in the darkness, a testament to the power of camaraderie and love.

Lukas and Martin were at Yugho's house, in discussion about the dream he had at that morning.

Yugho recounted the details of his nightmare to Lukas and Martin, his voice tinged with unease and uncertainty. "It felt too real,"

"The flames, the soldiers... it was like staring into the abyss."

Suddenly the sound of people shouting "Kyaaa!.. Kyaaa.." in fear echoed through the air, reaching their ears.

Yugho with confusion asked his father,

" Ohhh" daddy what's happening?

I dont know son let me go out and check.You all stay here.

As he emerged to assess the situation, he was met with a harrowing scene.

The village lay engulfed in flames, and panic gripped the streets as people ran for their lives, desperation etched on their faces.

He saw the soldiers with a armor bedecked with draconic symbols killing the people.

Two soldiers, their voices booming with a deep roar, charged toward him, shouting,

"I will kill you!"

With fear gripping his heart, he hurried inside the house, urging yugho,lukas and martin to hide in the secret room under the house.

Whatever happens, don't come out," he instructed firmly to them.

Yugho grasped his hands tightly, tears welling in his eyes.

"Don't go, Daddy, please stay with us."

yugho pleaded,him with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Don't worry, son. I will come back for you,"

he reassured, planting a tender kiss on his yugho's forehead before heading outside. With determination in his eyes, he gripped his weapon tightly.

"You monsters how dare you did this to our village"

he shouted angrily at the soldiers, his voice echoing with fierce resolve.

As he attempted to strike one soldier with his weapon, another swiftly countered, their sword piercing his abdomen. Blood spattered across the floor as he collapsed, clutching his stomach in agony.

In his final moments, he lay on the cold floor, gasping for breath, his lifeblood staining the ground beneath him.

The pain was unbearable, yet amidst the agony, his thoughts lingered on his son, hidden away in the safety of the secret room.

As his vision blurred and darkness closed in, he whispered a final prayer for yugho's safety.

With a trembling hand, he reached out, as if trying to grasp onto the fleeting threads of life.

But fate had other plans, and with a shuddering breath, he succumbed to his wounds, his life extinguished like a flickering flame in the wind.

Meanwhile, the soldiers scoured the house, searching every nook and cranny for any sign of life.

"I think no one is here,lets go"

Despite their thorough search, the secret room remained hidden from their view.,so the soldiers leaves the house.

After sometimes the village settled with silence

"I think everyone had left"lukus said with a gentle voice".

Then they emerged out from the secret room .

As we cautiously emerged from the cramped confines of the secret room, my heart pounded in my chest like a drumbeat of dread.

The air felt heavy with sorrow, thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the lingering echoes of terror. Lukas and Martin followed closely behind me, their presence a comforting reminder of the strength we drew from each other.

Yugho's heart shattered as he beheld his father lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he knelt beside him, his hands trembling with grief and disbelief.

"Father," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion,

As Yugho knelt beside his father's lifeless body, his mind reeled with a whirlwind of emotions. Shock, disbelief, and overwhelming grief washed over him in waves, threatening to drown him in sorrow.

With a heavy heart, Yugho rose to his feet, his eyes hardened with resolve.

Yugho's voice trembled with suppressed rage as he spoke, his words cutting through the heavy silence like a sharpened blade.

"They took everything from us,"

he seethed, his fists clenched at his sides, knuckles white with tension.

"Our homes, our loved ones... my father." Each word dripped with venom, his anger boiling over like a cauldron of molten fury.

"I will not rest until every last one of those monsters pays for what they've done,"

he declared, his voice rising with a fierce intensity.

"I will hunt them down, one by one, and I will make them rue the day they ever set foot in our village."