

life core is everything for demons but what will happen when the demon’s king betrays his own people and give some life cores to human’s king

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22 Chs


As everyone was in the war Han walked through the silent and lifeless castle halls, a satisfied smirk forming on his face. He had successfully completed the task Charles had assigned him, and now he felt a compelling urge to see Eric.

Han paused in his steps as he approached Eric's room, his ears picking up some strange noises. he wondered who could be visiting Eric at this hour. Realizing that only he and Charles were allowed to see him Han couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity mixed with protectiveness.

He smirked as he pulled his dagger "oh that could be fun~" Han silently entered the room, his smirk growing wider as he took in the scene before him. Eric sat surrounded by flowers, his eyes covered by a black cloth, while a girl stood nearby, cautiously using magic.

The knowledge that such magic was forbidden near Eric only fueled Han's curiosity and excitement With a silent grace, he held a dagger in his hand, his smile growing even more mischievous.

Acting swiftly, Han quickly placed his hand over the girl's mouth and forcefully drove his dagger into her life core, effectively silencing her. Simultaneously, he muttered a spell, ensuring that her voice would remain muted.

Oh how he love that look her eyes was opened wide as she gasped for her life before she fall down lifeless And her life core was completely destroyed

"Han, is that you?" Eric's voice carried a hint of familiarity as he tilted his head towards Han, As Han responded casually, "Yes, I came to see you," As he continued to stab the girl relentlessly, the sight of her blood satisfied han.

Han's voice took on a slightly playful tone as he made an invitation to Eric, his gaze fixed on the blindfolded demon. "Eric, how about coming with me?~" a hint of excitement in his words.

-in other place-

As the stranger demon had fallen between aria's arms she looked at her hand cover with his blood. "It wasn't the time to freak out" she thought to herself as she tried to pull his heavy body to the tent she need to heal him!

Aria worked tirelessly, using her healing powers to tend to the wounded demon that had saved her life. Once the humans had been defeated, the focus shifted towards treating the injured demons. The atmosphere was a mix of exhaustion and sorrow,

Aria was puzzled and somewhat confused by the selfless actions of this demon. Normally, demons were known to prioritize their own survival and viewed sacrifice as a rare behavior. The notion of this demon putting herself in harm's way to protect someone else was highly unusual for their species.

As the time pass. when Aria returned to her surprise, the demon was now conscious. She felt relieved to see that he had awoken, though she took note of the scratch marks on his life core.

"Oh you are here! Are you okay any scratches?" Aria was momentarily taken aback by the demon's question about her well-being. Slightly amused, a soft, sweet laugh escaped her lips. Thinking that she should be the one asking about his state

, she responded, "Aren't I the one who should be asking if you're okay?" The demon smiled at her, casually replying, "Oh...well, that's true, but I asked first anyway."

Aria couldn't help but express her thoughts aloud, finding the demon's action puzzling. "That was a foolish thing to do," she remarked.

The demon's reply came with a smile, and he spoke with genuine admiration, "Well, it would be an honor to die for you, the great healer Aria!"

Aria's cheeks subtly flushed with a faint rosy hue as she crossed her arms. Curious, she inquired, "I see...what is your name?"

In response, the demon smiled and introduced himself, his words tinged with a hint of satisfaction, "Oh, have I captured your interest?"

"David ma'am," he answered, a subtle sense of pride in his tone.