
The meeting

The next morning, while she was chatting with Zach, a new user joined in his name was Mitko. When he joined in Julie was ready to welcome him so she did. Mitko said hi to her and Zach. Zach was mean to him he didn't answer his message but Julie did. Mitko and Julie chatted for hours on the server. When 1 night Julie decided to add him so she did and Mitko accepted it she them dmed him and asked if they could be friends,mitko said yes and from that day the two started chatting all the day. Mitko decided to make his online friend to join the server, and Mitkos friend did so. Crystal used to post pictures of her in the server and her friends and Zach used to worship her but for Julie she was a normal looking girl. Mitkos friend thought that she looked ugly. He commented under her post that she was ugly. Crystal's friends and Zach came rushing to start roasting him. Zach then asked me if I knew that guy i said: yes she then told him that he was mitkos friend. Mitko decided to introduce Julie to his friend and they became friends. When Zach checked the mutual friends of mitkos friend he was astounded to find Julie in his friends list. Crystal told Julie either to unfriend him or get banned from the server. Julie didn't want to betray her friend so she said "ban me from the server" Julie and mitkos friend were both banned from there while mitko was still in the server.