
Guangru will Eat

The clock ticked eleven, and it was time to sleep. Liu Xiaodan stopped time one last time to finish the last page. After doing so, he nodded at himself as if giving himself a pat on the back. He then piled the completed arts inside a folder and brought it to Huo Taiyang who was dozing at the librarian's nook.

"Sir, I'm finished." Liu Xiaodan woke him up and gave him the book and the folder. "Thank you for letting me stay here most of the time."

"It's nothing. It's nice to see someone do something interesting in this place." Huo Taiyang received the items and got to his feet before patting Liu Xiaodan's shoulder. "Cherry Medical isn't just a sick hall. I'm pretty sure there would be a place for you to enjoy the same pastime you have here."

"Thank you." Liu Xiaodan walked out of the library, and then a small child followed him out. Guangru also waved at the old man. "Thank you..."