
The Birth of a Demon Lord

Labels affect people's lives in any world. As it turns out, being a demon brings a bunch of dangers. After his reincarnation the idea of being a demon didn't really bother Azemo, instead the reality of magic and fantasy occupied his thoughts. Gaining more power or a new technique was more important than learning about the war between demons, humans and beasts. Also he was reborn with modern day villains so being a demon was the least of his worries. At first it was like he was back at school, a school filled with violence and death but he was still learning stuff. However Azemo would be forced to learn about the gravity of being a demon when he ventured from the demon stronghold. Azemo did not have any grand goals or ideas but the world has a way of forcing troubles and tribulations upon beings.

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277 Chs

Beaten Up (part 2)

Azemo did not want to wake up. Even in his sleep he could feel his body aching. It would probably be better to sleep for the entire day. That way he would be able to recover. 'Yeah I deserve it.'


Azemo felt a sharp pain. 'It's probably just a dream.' Azemo rolled over and tried to fall into a deep sleep but suddenly he was tossed out of the bed.

"Do you know what time it is? You slept for way too long, what is wrong with you?" An angry voice made sure Azemo realized he was in fact in the real world.

Azemo quickly got to his feet and faced his master.

"I don't think I slept for that long."

"Hmm remember when I said we would start training in the morning, it is the bloody afternoon now. HURRY UP."

Azemo quickly got dressed and followed the Spear Goddess out of his room.

"I should have the bed removed and make him sleep on the floor, that way he might actually wake up the next day." Kaede was angrily muttering to herself.

"You are such a benevolent master, you would never do that to your lowly disciple. Right?" Kaede just sneered at him. Somehow it was still cute.

They finally arrived at the training area. It seemed like Kaede was not going to let Azemo have any breakfast.

Azemo quickly pulled out one of his meat skewers hoping Kaede wouldn't notice. Kaede just rolled her eyes before saying.

"I was going to go easy on you but since it's already the afternoon you start by sparring with me. No skills allowed just use your spear."

The meat skewer had already disappeared so Azemo got ready for the bout. He already had beaten some people with a spear so he was not super worried, but he should have been.

Sparring with the Spear Goddess was extraordinary, extraordinarily painful. She took out a small book, sat down and started drawing. Azemo just stood there wondering what to do.

"Are you going to attack or what?" The Spear Goddess didn't even look up when she said this but Azemo didn't want to question his master.

He rushed towards the Spear Goddess but was quickly brought to his knees a floating wooden spear had tripped him.

"What are you a sword user? Don't rush. It is important to always be at the right distance at the right time."

Azemo approached slower this time and managed to dodge the first spear right before the second spear hit him straight in the face.

"Uhh maybe don't be so focused on a single attack."

Azemo approached again spinning his spear. This time nothing was able to hit him but right before he was going to attack he noticed his spear was not spinning.

One of the wooden spears had perfectly wedged itself in the circle his spear created as it was spinning. Right after that happened another spear hit him in the back.

"It's not like no one can stop the spinny move so you should have a contingency plan."

The rest of the afternoon continued in much of the same manner. Azemo would try to attack and get beaten back and then Kaede would offer some advice and Azemo would try again. For over four hours Azemo never managed to get a single hit in and instead received various new bruises all over. If he thought he was hurting yesterday than today his whole being was screaming in pain.

"Okay that is enough for today." Kaede had finished up her drawing and finally allowed the beaten and exhausted Azemo some respite.

"Thank you master." Azemo was doing his best to be respectful. His body would probably crumble if he received another blow.

"Oh also you should probably imprint your mana on that spear if you don't want people trying to steal it." As she was a Spear Goddess Kaede had been able to tell the quality of the spear Azemo found in the Zepsile's lair and she didn't want her idiot student to lose it.

"Thank you master." It was about the only thing Azemo could think of saying that would keep him safe from his master's retribution.

Azemo quickly imprinted his mana on the spear, wondering for a second why he hadn't thought of doing so but exhaustion returned him to his normal state of not using his brain. As he imprinted his mana on the spear for some reason his tome burned, like when he learned a new skill. 'I probably should look at that later.'

"Okay now your master will give the honor of eating with her." The Spear Goddess was ready to eat and she knew Azemo would be hungry. "What a caring master I am." She said to herself and Azemo had to use all of his will power to keep his mouth shut.

For this dinner the two decided to go to a nearby restaurant and the Spear Goddess ordered an immense amount of food. Everything was going swimmingly and Azemo was starting to relax when the Spear Goddess tried to order some alcohol. Sensing a problem Azemo began wolfing down food as the Spear Goddess started arguing with the owner of the restaurant.

"I won't serve alcohol to a little girl." The owner was resolute in his decision but this was just angering Kaede more.

"I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL." Kaede was shouting at the top of her lungs, obviously angry, but all the owner could see was a little girl throwing a tantrum.

"Sir can you please control your little sister, I don't want to have to kick you out."

Azemo could not hold himself back and started chuckling before he quickly received a punch to the face. Azemo was not prepared for such a sudden punch and collapsed. The Spear Goddess walked over and began to drag him out of the restaurant after dropping a bag of coin on the table. The bag was one coin short and that was Kaede's revenge for not getting her drink.

As she made her way out, a lot of people turned to stare at the little girl dragging a young man throughout town.

Once they were back in the palace Azemo finally regained his senses. "Master I need to introduce you to Bella and Ima."

"Oh will they be staying with us, who are they?" Kaede had calmed down a little and she was trying her best to be a good kind master.

Azemo quickly left and returned with Bella and Ima in monster tiger form, he doubted Kaede would care that they were monsters. Before he brought them out he was sure to talk to Bellania and Imagine.

"I am going to introduce you two to my master, she is very powerful and she is my teacher so be sure to be nice. Oh and if she wants to call you by your nicknames it means she likes you so don't be mean."

"Master these two are Bellania and Imagine, I hope they can stay here with us."

At first Kaede said nothing but suddenly she jumped towards the kittens and began rolling around with them. It was almost funny because Kaede was only a little bigger than the kittens.

"Az is this small person really your master?" Ima was a little curious but let Kaede do as she pleased.

"I want to fight her, if she is worthy to be your master she must be super strong."

"Calm down Bella, just play nice and I will teach you a new move later on."

Kaede was too busy playing with Ima and Bella to notice how Azemo was communicating. After a bit she realized she was acting childish and quickly straightened her clothes.

"Yes it is fine if they stay with us."