
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Fantasi
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73 Chs

16 | Hunting Contest; Team mates

Icy blue eyes that look intimidating enough to look at and her shining dark blue hair that shone under the bright moonlight of the lake, a beautiful yet frightening aura — Queen Lucia, Wife of King Samuel and is also one of the Alphas and the murderer who killed everyone.

Her pale skin and red rosy lips and pink cheeks make her look even more beautiful like the snow moon.

"Greetings, Descendant of Almighty Aniya. This lady's name is Luna. Lucia's Descendant." She bows her head down, showing her respect and courtesy towards Elyse which feels so new for her.

Everyone ridiculed her instantly when Luna bows down her head. It made Elyse understand the situation quickly well when she sensed everyone was glaring at her with sharp knives.

Luna is trying to humiliate her.

Elyse smiled.

"Stand up, My Lady you shouldn't do this." Elyse tries to act pitiful.

"I should be the one showing the courtesy My Lady, This Lady's name is Elyse. Although everyone is telling me I am Aniya's Descendant, I shouldn't confirm it today." Elyse justifies. Although it was a bit strange for her to not say she's Aniya's Descendant since she's wearing her necklace. The true reason behind it is that she couldn't accept to be a traitor's descendant.

Luna quickly felt pissed and turns to look at the audience.

"You all dare to ridicule Elyse?!" She said with her frightful voice which made Elyse surprised.

'I thought she was trying to humiliate me...'

'Am I mistaken?'

"You of all people don't know the true story behind so you better seal your lips unless you want me to know what death feels like," Luna exclaims which made the audience avoid their gazes toward Elyse.

'Amazing...' Elyse thought. 'So, this is what it feels like to be Lucia's Descendant.' she said to herself feeling a little bit jealous. Lucia's Descendant is extremely confident in everyone while Elyse who was supposed to be Aniya's Descendant should also be confident in herself. But she couldn't bring it to be confident.

"Pardon their rudeness, Elyse they —"

"It's fine. Totally fine. C-can I sit now? I'm a little tired." Elyse cuts off Luna's words.

'No, she might be trying to trick me again and then humiliate me. Yes, that's right it must be it.' Elyse said, convincing herself.

"W-well, if you say so," Luna answered. "Well then, I shall get going now." She continues and walked away from Elyse with a smile on her face. Elyse avoided her gaze and went straight away from them.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Arbor grabbed her arm. "Huh? I'm going to sit —"

"You're a member of the school, Elyse. You should sit here." Arbor said and drags her all the way to the line seat where all of the important and high-profile officials such as Wayne, Maria, Lucas, Yohan, The Student Council President, and Hezelle sat at.

"Wait! Why am I—!"

"Yo, Elyse." Her words were interrupted when Wayne approached her.

"M-mister Wayne..." She whispered and Wayne nodded his head. "Yes! That's me, your very handsome — OUCH!" Lucas suddenly slapped his head.

"Shut up. That's a kid. Stop flirting." Lucas's words pierce his heart.

"No! I am not flirting, I'm just teasing! Besides I already have someone I like!" Wayne raised his voice which made Maria giggle. "Wayne, please we're in the public," Maria whispered to Wayne but he didn't listen.

"Huh! This punk just suddenly accused me of flirting with Elyse when in truth I am just being a brother towards her." Wayne explains himself.

"You're not even his brother." Yohan butted in which made Wayne feel like a knife stabbed in his heart. Those words made Wayne shut his mouth off, humiliated.

"Greetings, Elyse. I am Yohan, the 1st Leader, and is a close accomplice of the old Master." Yohan reached out his hand to give her a handshake.

"A pleasure to meet the leader, guard of the Moon." Elyse accepted his handshake and Yohan nodded his head.

"Tsk! Look at them act lovey-dovey!" Wayne said.

"Please Wayne, we're in the public don't raise your voice." Maria whines.

"Huh! I don't want to!" Wayne said, hard-headed.

A little later, the Trumpet was played and everyone's attention turned to look at the closed huge doors of The Hunting Arena.

"Representing, The Princess of The Kingdom of Chetan, Sarah. The Student Council President, Raymond, The Student Council Vice President, Luna, and The Master of our blessed Empire — Hezelle."

The crowds cheered for the important people entering the hunting grounds. Everyone gave their applause and cheered while they stood up. Some were even waving their handkerchiefs toward them while others keep on clapping and cheering.

Even in her seat line, everyone stood up not clapping for them. Elyse felt dizzy by the overwhelmed people in the audience. She felt anxious because she couldn't know what to do.

"Stand up." Yohan grabbed her arms gently and Elyse looked at him.

"You need to stand up." He continues. "But I should greet them too, right?" Yohan nodded his head from Elyse's question.

"Then, I shouldn't be here —"

"Both the Master of Empire and The Student Council President want you to stay seated here," Yohan said, convincing Elyse.

She couldn't do anything but nod her head. Truthfully, she is uncomfortable here and she wants to sit down with the Arrow, Arbor, and Eli. But they were in the seat far away from her and she basically sat down between the 3rd and 1st Leader of Empire.

She heard steps coming towards them and noticed that Yohan went to the Master of Empire — Hezelle and kisses the back of the palm of her hand while bowing down his head.

"I greet the Sun of Empire," Yohan said and the other leaders knelt down.

"We greet the Sun of Empire." Hezelle sigh.

"Rise, everyone." She said and everyone stood up.

Hezelle noticed Elyse staring right at her and she chuckles. "We meet again, Aniya's Descendant." She said and pats her head. Everyone saw how the Master of the Empire pats a Descendant's traitor in front of them.

Elyse was fascinated by the beauty Hezelle had. As if everyone in the Alpha is beautifully carved by the Gods.

"I finally meet you in person, Elyse." The Student Council President butted in and kissed the back of her hand. It made Elyse feel overwhelmed.

"I am thrilled to have finally witnessed the Alpha to be completed."

"I am Raymond. Samuel's Descendant, The Alpha of Skies and Thunder. Here I am standing in front of the gracious and wise Aniya's Descendant, Elyse."

He said as he gazes up meeting their eyes. She blushed hard when she witnessed the captivating beauty of this young gentleman. His captivating ocean blue eyes and shining blond hair that's swaying in the wind.

'Lucia really hit a jackpot in the past.' Elyse said to herself. Both Samuel and Lucia were married in the legend. If both Ray and Luna were Samuel and Lucia's Descendant, does that also mean they are destined to be together as what they have done in the legend too?

"My Lady?" Ray asks and it made Elyse go back to the present.

"O-oh, right. Greetings to the Alpha of Skies and Thunder — I-I mean the Student Council President!" She said with her flustered face.

'Goodness, he's so handsome! What should I do? I feel so out of place, everyone is a beauty!'

Ray laughed and everyone's mouth went agape.

"HEY, WAIT DID YOU JUST LAUGH, RAY?!" Chad suddenly butted in and shakes Ray off it his senses.

"N-no, I didn't stop shaking me I'm feeling dizzy." He said while Chad is still shaking him.

"Haha! It is indeed a great pleasure to meet Aniya's Descendant!" Chad said.

"But you should let go of her hands, Mr. President," Chad said with his strange tone of voice. Ray feels fascinated by Chad's reaction.

"Fine, I won't bug you anymore." Ray then let go of Elyse's hands and Chad quickly went straight toward her.

"Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? Did he harass you?" Chad asked.

"Uhm. w-wait —"

"Take a seat everyone, the show is about to start," Hezelle said and everyone sat down. Elyse was still in shock to see both Lucia and Samuel's Descendants also sitting beside Hezelle and the other leaders. While the other members of the Council are far away from them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We're all been waiting for this time of year!" The announcer said and he starts announcing the mechanics of the game.

The Hunting Contest was made centuries ago while the Alphas are still alive. It originated from Artemis's family; it was only a simple game until it became a survival one. It is said that the Hunting Contest Survival Mode was made for the training of the future Alphas.

The old Master hasn't forgotten the old habits and games they've always played. So, she made the Hunting Contest alive again after centuries to commemorate Artemis and the other Alphas. In other words, to remember the happy memories they made before the disaster.

And so, this year's Hunting Contest is a survival mode and it only consists of 5 members per group.

Unfortunately, Elyse was in the group of Samuel and Lucia's Descendant. Eli and Chad are with them. While Arrow, Arbor, two more members of the Student Council, and one student from the Academy.

"What...." Elyse said with her mouth left agape.

'Why am I in a group with them? It's chaotic! I want to stay beside Arbor and Arrow.' Elyse said to herself.

Suddenly, someone patted her head and it was Arbor when she turned around.

"Don't get sad. We're still going to see each other." Arbor explained.

"I don't want to stay with them," Elyse admitted.

"Why? You're lucky to be in a group of both The Student President and Vice President." He spoke.

"Yes, but it's uncomfortable. They have absolute power and authority while I am nothing." Elyse said which made Arbor stop patting her head.

"I heard from Eli you want to join our ranks." Elyse froze and gazes up at him.

"What —"

"If you want to join us, you should do whatever it takes to make the President notice you." He said with a warm smile to Elyse.

'Right. I'm here for my family. I should not forget my mission.'

Elyse's worries fade away and she nods her head. Strangely comforted by Arbor's words.

"Yes, I will, thank you Arbor!" Arbor was stunned by Elyse's beautiful smile as her eyes shone brightly. He froze, he couldn't move an inch from his place while his heart beating faster. His ears turned tomato red.

"I need to go now." Elyse waves her hand towards Arbor and he also waves back. He saw her running towards the members of her group. Smiling and being polite.

His hearts start to beat faster once again.

On the other side, Arrow witnessed what happened earlier. A smirk carved into her playful lips, laughing with amusement towards her twin brother's reaction.

"Ho ho, someone's falling in love ~ right? Dain." Arrow looked at Dain, Hethan's Descendant.

His ordinary black hair and black eyes make his atmosphere gloomier. But nevertheless, he still looked a beauty. With his pale skin and red bloody lips. He almost looks like a living corpse. Indeed, he is Hethan's Descendant Afterall. An Alpha of Death.

"I am not interested," Dain said with his gloomy expression and closes his eyes to sleep.

"This guy... only sleeps," Arrow said feeling irritated but oh well.

'There'll be something interesting going to happen in the future.' Arrow hums while her face beaming with excitement.