
23 Ken, You Can

Ken looked at Ardy. Right now, he was forced to deal with Ardy alone because Ardy's three men were already down and he wasn't allowed to help Ardy.

Ken was forced to follow Ardy's words to fight Ardy alone and this time, Ken was forced to beat Ardy up. So, Ken began to prepare himself. He pointed both hands forward with his right hand in front and his left hand slightly behind his right hand.

"Wing Chun? Here we go. The young master's opponent will be beaten right away. Tsk tsk. That's too bad," Tony thought as he watched what Ken was doing. Then he went back to sipping his coffee casually.

"YES. EXACTLY. USE THAT MOVE, KEN. THE ONE I TAUGHT YOU LAST MONTH. You'll be able to do it easily," Lukman shouted, nodding to Ken as if he was the one who taught him the move. In his entire life, he himself had never seen that move.

"Okay, Lukman." Ken gave Lukman a thumbs up.

Hearing the conversation between Lukman and Ken, the three women who had begun to admire Lukman, looked at Lukman proudly.

Clara, who already felt she owned Lukman, immediately glared when Diana and Sisca looked at Lukman. "HE'S MINE!" Clara shouted. Diana and Sisca were forced to look the other way.

"KEN, YOU CAN." Lidya shouted while smiling at Ken.

Ken, who heard Lidya's voice, immediately turned and smiled at Lidya.

Ardy took advantage of this opportunity. Seeing Ken staring sideways at Lidya, Ardy immediately performed his boxing moves that he had learned from an American middleweight boxing champion who became one of Ardy's teachers while studying at a boxing gym in New York.

Ardy peppered Ken with punches that were already in while Ken was still looking to the side to see Lidya's smile.

Lidya and some of the spectators shouted to warn Ken that Ardy was attacking him. But it was too late.

It was not too late for Ken but too late for Ardy because Ken's two hands, which had been stretched forward, reacted as soon as Ardy entered their territory.

Without waiting for Ken to turn his head, his two hands had moved so fast that they could not be followed by his eyes and had managed to land 17 consecutive punches on Ardy's face and chest.

Ardy, who was trying to cheat, did not have time to land punches to Ken's body and face because his movement to get closer to Ken was immediately detected as dangerous by Ken's hands so reflexively, Ken's hands immediately delivered a series of punches that made Ardy helpless.

Only after the 17 punches had successfully landed on Ardy's body and face did Ken turn his face forward to look at Ardy. "Boss Ardy, are you okay."

Ardy did not reply, as his body had already fallen to the ground from the 17 consecutive punches.

Ardy was used to facing New York City's top UFC and MMA fighters and even if Ardy had lost, but, Ardy lost in rounds 5 and 6 after being hit by many of his opponent's punches, Ardy had never lost in one punch, but, he was experiencing that this time.

Ardy lost in one punch, and his opponent didn't even have time to look at him when Ardy was knocked out. Ardy fell to the ground. He was very hurt by this situation. He stared up at Ken with soaring curiosity because since earlier, he couldn't make a single punch at Ken.

The employees began to enter the fighting arena to see Ardy's condition and there were some women who wanted to get a closer look at Ken, the cleaning service that made a scene today.

Some employees approached Ardy with the intention of taking him to the hospital as soon as possible. They tried to lift Ardy's body.

But, even though he was already weak with pain from his face to his whole body, Ardy was still reluctant. He didn't want to look weak, so he immediately brushed off the weak employees who were trying to lift his body. "I'm okay. This is normal for me."

This made the employees leave Ardy and could only look from a distance at Ardy to wait for instructions from Ardy.

An employee who was also a YouTuber, who had been covering the fight between Ken and Ardy and Ardy's 3 men, asked Ken for permission to take content for his channel, so he asked Ken to stand right in front of Ardy.

Ken also agreed to the youtuber's request, he stood right in front of Ardy who was sitting and was struggling with pain but was too proud to be taken to the hospital.

At that moment, when many employees were standing on the grass where Ken had fought earlier and were talking about the fight, unbeknownst to anyone, Heri, who had a grudge against Ken, was walking among the crowd of people in this former fighting arena.

Heri had a grudge against Ken because his hand was in pain and felt like it was about to break. While Ardy was fighting alone against Ken, Heri had disappeared into the warehouse to look for weapons.

In the warehouse, Heri found an iron chain from a motorcycle that was the official motorcycle chain of one of the employees in this office. When he found this motorcycle chain, Heri immediately intended to use this motorcycle chain.

Heri had imagined a good plan by using this motorcycle chain. Even though his right hand was still very sore after the fight with Ken earlier, Heri was sure that he could still use this motorcycle chain.

Heri was sure that she could still swing the chain as fast as possible towards Ken's head. And that's what Heri was about to do right now. Heri was approaching Ken from behind.

Heri saw that Ken had his back to him and there was an employee who was heard giving some briefings to Ken which Ken followed.

Heri knew that right now, Ken was busy doing a photo shoot or some kind of video with every style that Ken did, getting briefed by an employee and this was very good for Heri.

Heri was very happy because this would be an opportunity for her to butt Ken. Heri knew that Haras had previously backed Ken and failed, but that was because Haras only used a hand covered in stone, unlike now, Heri would be swinging a long weapon that would be difficult for Ken to deal with.

Heri, who was now right behind Ken, began to prepare with the motorcycle chain in his hand. With all her might, Heri began to swing the chain at the back of Ken's head.