
The Accident

River had been distracted all morning. His best friend and business partner,Eric Curtis knew how important this meeting was if they were going to take this app global. They had spent months developing and tweaking The Looking Glass. This app is set to change the world. Basically it connects to any electronic device and can show the person using the app, any transaction going on in the area where the app is being used. If you're a police officer working a case, your CO can live stream what you're seeing through your bodycam in real time. If you're a parent leaving your children with a new babysitter, The Looking Glass app can access your child's tablet or your home television to show you your child in real time. The possibilities are essentially endless. This had been River's baby for years. It was his idea to bring Eric aboard as his media tech company was just getting off the ground. "Knock! Knock! Mr. Whitaker the police are here to see you. Where should I set them up? River just caught the last few words from Etta's sentence. I'm sorry Etta, I was lost in my thoughts. What did you say? Etta tried not to let her annoyance show. She repeated that the police were here and asked River where to send them? "Oh uh send them in here." Shortly after, two uniformed officers from the Nashville Police department came through the door. River stood to greet them. Good morning officers. I'm River Whitaker, the CEO of TekSav Enterprise, how can I help you? Mr. Whitaker my name officer Derek Spencer and this is my partner Morgan Reilly. We understand that Eric Curtis is your business partner is that correct? Yes he is Officer Spencer. Eric hasn't been in the office yet this morning.Is there something that I may help you with officers? Mr. Whitaker, Eric was found dead in a parking garage this morning. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but we can't seem to find any next of kin to notify. I hear a loud ringing in my ears. Dead? Eric is dead. I can't breathe, the air refuses to go into my lungs. Eric is dead. My best friend, my business partner, Emma's dad! Oh my God who has Emma? Officer, was he alone? He has a 2 year old daughter. No other family. Was she in the car? Is she dead too? Mr. Whitaker, "try to calm down " said Officer Morgan. We found the little girl's daycare information on his phone, the child is safe. We are trying to locate her mom or anyone that can watch her. " Well Officers, Emma's mother died during childbirth and Eric was an only child as was Emma's mother Allison. I am actually named as Emma's guardian , should anything ever happen to Eric. Buzz buzz, the interoffice intercom buzzed again, Excuse me officers. Is there something you need Etta? Mr Whitaker, James Sullivan and his partners are in the lobby on their way up for the meeting. The meeting. I forgot about the meeting with The Sullivan Corporation. Officers, excuse me for a moment please. Eric and I had a meeting set up to launch our newest App, Looking Glass globally today. Let me go explain what has happened and I'll be back momentarily. Etta had shown the Sullivan Corporation to a Conference room just down the hall from my office. I stopped her as she was returning to her desk. Etta, I need you to call Journey Steele. Something has happened to Eric. He was found dead this morning and I have to speak to Mr. Steele about Eric's affairs and Emma. Upon hearing the news of Eric, Etta began to sob. I hated leaving her in the hall but I needed to get to the conference room.