
Chapter 22: Everyone Should Get Dirty Now and Again

Say something! the voice in my head says. Keep the conversation going! If I'm going to stay here, then I need to be able to talk to him without having images of the Night That Shall Never Be Mentioned flashing in my head the whole time.

"Uh, I've never slept in a bed that big," I blurt. "Or stayed in a room this fancy. It's a little intimidating."

He chuckles in that deep, rumbling way of his. "Intimidating? It's only a room."

"And I'm a girl from Haverton. They don't have rooms like this back home." I look up over my shoulder at him. "Can you honestly tell me that the first time you set foot in this place you didn't feel...well, overwhelmed? Or out of place?"

He rubs his chin, his thumb brushing along his stubble. "Maybe a little. But not enough to refuse to stay here." His blue eyes drop to my face. "You'll get used to it, Mae. I promise."