
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

Charles_Nwafor · perkotaan
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Olivia became Worried

Olivia has seen how Jonathan and Harper ave always spent their time together and has done all she could to stop them, which was in vain. She then wants to overlook.

Will she really keep silent and see Jonathan moving around the room with another lady? The question became much of her concern. She gave it a try. And on a faithful day, when Jonathan returned with Harper from an outing, Harper was with a bag full of gifts and items. Harper opened it before Olivia, just to make her feel bad, and started laughing and hugging Jonathanaround, appreciating him for the gifts. Olivia looked at them and remained silent, yet her heart was seriously burning like fire. She said to herself. "Am I not being a fool watching this lady do this with my husband right before me?She said and made an attempt to go stop them but had to remain calm and go to her room. She got to her room and started crying, shielding tears around. "I have lost it all; I have lost my darling and caring husband because I have believed he is simple and can condone my attitude regardless how I might have hurt him, and more but now he has had enough, and bringing a strange woman into my house became the way he wished to pay me back for my nonchalant attitude towards him." She was so bitter, sitting on the bed.

Jonathan , although he felt for her, sat Harper down and spoke to her silently. "Don't you think we are overdoing it? My wife is there in pain, and I am here with you, adding more to that, Isn't it better we end it here?" He asked Harper.

"Then you are not ready to change her; if you will work with me, you have to take off your mind from her now until we are done with this. Besides, she has started regretting what she has done to you, her manners. And now, Learning more of becoming a good wife." She told him. Him paused a breath and continued with her; they kept laughing and making it so loud that Olivia was hearing the sound of their laugh in the room.

Olivia who had not been preparing Jonathan meal, stood the next morning, made him his meal, and placed it on the dining table. When Jonathan woke up from his sleep and dressed up for work, Harper already in the kitchen making his meal. and ready to serve it to him. He got to the table and saw a meal ready for him to eat.

He realized that this was the plate Olivia had being using to serve him meals for two months after their wedding before she ends her role as a wife. He opened it; it was his favorite meal, and he was almost drawn to eat it. But have to ask Harper how she got to know his favorite meal. When Harper arrived to serve him coffee, he asked if she was the one who had prepared the food on the table and how she was able to know his favorite food. "That should be Olivia who prepared it and not me." She answered him and told him not to eat it. "You better not eat from it; no one knows what she is up to this time around.So I will advise you to stay away from the meal." She spoke, Olivia coming out with a smiling face. "Good morning, darling," she said, kissing his chick. "I am the one who prepared this for you; I know you will like it; it tastes delicious; just taste it." She fetches the chicken rice to serve him, as it is chicken and rice she have prepared for him, that morning. "Sorry, I am not ready to eat this; beside it is morning, I should be taking coffee. So you have failed by trying to serve this to me this morning. It is my favorite, but I can't eat it from you anymore. Think about it; when last did you serve me meal in the house? You barely have my time, only to do it today. What if you have the intention of killing me—I mean poisoning me? Please take your food with you; I am not ready to eat." He shouted at her. and focused on taking the coffee prepared by Harper. Olivia felt pain; she left the food there, looked at Harper, but couldn't know what to do since Jonathan had her back and she was doing everything to please him, so putting up a fight with Harper wouldn't count as doing her good. She swallowed the pain and went into the kitchen all alone, crying. Jonathan was done with the coffee. He picked up his office documents and everything else necessary and left for work.

When Olivia realized that he have gone to work, she came out of the kitchen, drew Harper on her cloth, and began to yell at her. "You husband snatcher, you have come to destroy my home. I will advise you to leave now. I can't take this anymore." She said. "Sorry, young lady, you served your bread to the person who is wide open and ready to consume it the most." What I mean is this: I am going nowhere; this is where I pin; you have successfully handed him over to me due to your attitude. I think you have to go check on yourself to know if you are under a curse." Harper advice her.

"I won't have you insult me in my husband's house. Yes, I wasn't handling him well; I wasn't doing my part as a wife, but now I'm ready to amend my ways, so I advised you to leave us alone, you homebreaker." Olivia said.

" Well, if you may know, am going no where just as I have said, we have agreed to get married and when we are done, you will be pushed out from this house, and you know what that mean. It mean you are not officially his wife any more." She said so to make Olivia get more angry and bitter. Although, in hearing the word, getting married with Jonathan, Olivia became confused. She ran to her room, moving round and thinking of what to do. " Is it under this roof will I watch him get married to another lady.? Harper what is wrong with you, who have done this to you, you always lost every opportunity that comes your way." She kept asking herself. Scattering the whole bed, the pain became more unbearable, even though she had planned overlooking, which wasn't possible. " I think the solution is to cancel the divorce I have plan, and let him know am no more serving him the divorce papers, with this he will consider me back. Guest that's is his reason for trying to pick another wife." She thought to herself, and stated be in hurry of cancelling the divorce by putting a call to her lawyer, she called but he wasn't picking, he had his phone in his room while be in the bath room taking shower, he had little headache from work and decided to rest for the day.

Deborah could see that what Harper had told her touched her heart. Olivia remains awake until Jonathan returns. When he returned home, he dropped whatever he held in his hands. Harper gave him a nice hug but didn't kiss him because it wasn't among their plans. He had his showers, seating in a sofa and with Harper, having some words when Olivia came in. "I will like to have some words with you." she said to him.

"Can't you see we are having fun? You have to excuse us." He replied to her. Olivia saw how he have developed a strong heart to the point of not listening to her. She sat in between them. "Since you do not want to do as I said, there will not be peace in this house tonight." acting as one who is ready to kill.

Harper stood, dragged her up, Harper be so light in her Harper hands. "Do you really know what you are doing? You are pushing me up from my husband's side. Even after trying to share him with me." She said and kept looking surprised at Jonathan . "The last time I checked, you are almost done being his wife.The distance between you and him is far; trying to be closer to him now is what I can't explain." Harper spoke. Olivia was unable to challenge her back. She made an attempt but was unable. "I do not have your time; when I do, I will return to handle you in the best way that will fit you." She left there, sat on her own, and was just watching their manners.

"No, I can't continue looking at them; this really upsets me. "What will I do to send this heartbreaker out of my home? I am tired of her being present in this house." She said alone in her heart. Jonathan saw the mood in her; he felt pity, but not to the extent of leaving Harper at that point, since he has learned to get his own share of respect after the act.

Later everyone went to bed, with Olivia watching to know when Harper will be going in to her room. As for Jonathan, he wants have planned lying passing the night in the parlour..

While sleeping in the parlor, Olivia met him, she tapped at him to wake him from sleep. "I will like us to talk." she said to him. He stood up without asking her reasons for requesting it at that hour of the night.

"You are now being wicked to me; you act more than I have acted towards you.I have tried be innocent; I wrong you, yes, I do, but that shouldn't mean you should act to this extent." She spoke. Jonathan, acting to be tired, but with sleep in his face. "Now you want to right your wrong. I am sorry to inform you that I am always ready to receive your divorce papers whenever you are ready to serve them to me. Please do so." He said. She shielded tears for the very first time he had married her; he felt it, yet he ignored the tears. "I have withdrawn from serving you the divorce papers; I am sorry," she pleaded with him.

"Sorry to let you know that I am always ready to sign them, and I need them in two weeks time." He answered her.

"That was the reason why you have decided to replace Norah in my place as your wife, and you might be surprised at how I got to know about it. But I did; she told me everything." She drew closer to him, kneeled before him, and held his legs. "I'm sorry; please forgive me,". Jonathan was so shocked. He had no discussion with Harper on how to replace her in place of Olivia, hearing it was a different plan and needes to act on it, using his responses to make it seem real to Olivia.

"Yes, of course, we have decided to settle down with each other. I don't think I can continue with you. Moreover, I gave you all it took to please a wife, but you dashed them out to the dog. You haven't seen me as someone to be loved, but rather as the man you have rejected, Charles. which won't work out." He pointed at himself. "This is Jonathan and not Charles, so take me as I am." He added. Her whole life remained in serious peril at that point. Looking at it as one who has just been divorced by her husband. She pleaded, but her pleading at that point yielded her nothing. "There is no need to plead; I pleaded at first, but you didn't give me your attention; now that the table has turned, I will do likewise." He spoke.

The next day, Isabella visited Jonathan at home; she really wanted to hear from her son and get some feedback on how the plans were really going. "She must have started changing now." Isabella said that, since Olivia wasn't around when she visited, Olivia had gone to purchase some food items that she thought would be used to attract Jonathan after preparing the meal. "This will serve her better." Jonathan said. "I really appreciate your effort, mom. The ideas you brought up have really helped me in rebuilding my home. By the time I am through with her, she will realize I am her husband and give me the attention and respect needed." He answered. Harper, beside him. "He is a good actor; I never know that Jonathan will hold his ground on this; he is really a hero." Harper speaking. Her involvement also counts for the family and is appreciated by Isabella, which is what Isabella did at that moment the more.

Olivia returned from the market; she saw Isabella laughing and having words with Isabella. Instead of acting normal as such to gain favor from Isabella, Olivia became so hungry. "I know all this was your plan; you plan pushing your son into divorcing me and replacing me with this lady." She yelled.

"Till this time, you haven't been a changed person; you have the gods to speak to me in such a manner. What a sturdy human being." She replied to her. Renee became more ferrous. "This is my house, and no one takes it from me, not even you."

Jonathan and Harper, imagine how deceitful Olivia lives.

They were surprised. "I am ashamed at you, Olivia; you almost convinced me to forgive you, but here is what you are doing. "Speaking back at the woman who has done you nothing," Jonathan be surprised.

"You should be surprised at yourself right now, because I, Olivia, can't condone your mother here; she is hurting me even more." Olivia answered him. He paused for breath. realized that she wasn't truly sorry for what she had done.

Well, she was so annoying that she believed Isabella is the one behind her problem, the insult she had been receiving from Harper. Haven destroyed everything in a few minutes. She pondered and spoke to herself in her room about how to plead with Isabella.