
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

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Jonathan Had sweet sex with Olivia

Jonathan began to have an urge for sex, and since it had been so long since he had sex he told that to Harper, and Harper suggested he look for a way to disclose it to his wife, Olivia, "I have promised to be faithful to her; yes, she might have offended me, but even with that, there are reasons for me to love her because she is my wife. Disclosing to her that I am in need of sex will not help in this matter, and I can't go out there and have it with a harlot." He spoke. To them how will he go with it without disgracing himself before Olivia. OHarper then came up with a plan.

"I will take a leave to your mother's place; I will spend some days there with her. Possibly two days; that will help you go about that, and off course with the same feeling she has, you both will as well have fun with each other, and once that is done, I will return to continue with the mission until I have seen changes in her." Jonathan gave ear to the idea. He accepted to give it a tried, meanwhile he is scared not to eat whatever she have cooked when Harper have gone to stay with his parents.

"You must not eat her food; no one knows what she is up to.Regarding the sex, I would have asked you to stay away from her and control yourself, but how long will it continue when you have a wife? again, I would have allowed you to have me, which is not acceptable. So you take the risk and lay with her. I pray the outcome should be pregnancy."

"I love my wife. Satisfying ourselves now is what I am after. I don't mind kids; they will come at the right time." He replied to her. As agreed, they related the matter to Isabella, but she at first refused to do. "You have to give it more than two attention , remember; you might not know what she is up to." She told him and wanted to suggest he have it outside his matrimonial home.

"I know you would have suggested I have it outside my matrimonial home, which is impossible. Mother, don't worry. I will be careful and clever not to be hurt by her."

Isabella still insists that Harper be available there, which will give her the fear not to attempt anything evil rather than have her spend the whole day alone with him in the room.

"Mother, please, I have accepted doing this for you and for the betterment of my cousin brother, but your suggestion that I be around while they have sex is something I will not accept." She misunderstood Isabella.

"You misunderstood the whole thing here; this is how you both will go about it. Be smart enough and don't always allow an old woman like me to suggest things for you." She paused for a breath and continued, "You should be with him in the same room, but before that, Jonathan should first speak to her about his feelings, hear her reaction, and then come to a conclusion if she has agreed, because I know she will. You should pretend not to know about it and leave the door open; by then, they both will have already set a time to meet. And after that, he should quickly return back to his bed." She suggested it to them.

"Mother, you speak right, but I doubt if she will accept that; besides, she has watched him be around me for so long that she might think he has come to mock her." Harper spoke.

"Don't worry, she will like it; in fact, she will see it as a great opportunity to get her husband back if she is truly sorry. So give it a try, but be careful."

While Harpe remain awake, he

Harper, your ears should be open, and watch carefully with your eye in case she makes an attempt to stab him." She added

Harper and Jonathan agreed to do as she had said. They got home and added to what Isabella has suggested, whereby they acted to have a misunderstanding; and have kept intentionally enemity whereby, Harper doesn't welcome him back from work with such a exciting mood as she do, She only prepares his food, which he eats in silence. Yet they were aware of what they were doing; they both spoke better whenever they were in the alone.

Olivia saw the new development and thought to grab it as an opportunity. She started coming closer to Jonathan and prepared him a meal, which he didn't care to eat.

"Must he be at enmity with everyone? I have tried satisfying him with his best meal, but he doesn't care to show concern.I know this is a great opportunity to get my husband back. Don't you think I go sexually? Yes, that will be even better?" She suggested it herself.

Luckily for her, Jonathan was in the mood to have sex with her that night. He saw how she was dressed so seductively that he couldn't hold himself, so he then approached her, with Harper absent. As planned. Olivia accepted what he said, just as he had agreed with Harper, and Jonathan got ready. Before that, Olivia had acted strongly; she asked questions, requesting reasons why he would want to make love with her that night instead of Harper.

"You are my wife; I love you; I know we are not in good time, but I see this as a great opportunity for us to reconcile; please let's do this together, and I promise not to hurt you." He promised her.

"I have for a long time needed sex from you; the urge kept coming on a daily basis, and now that you have spoken up, I will make myself available, and I pray that we reconcile fully after this." She replied to him. They concluded and left there.

"I won't let him leave me tonight without impregnating me; with this, I will get him even more; I need to carry his baby now and am ready for that." She agreed with herself.

When it was time for Olivia and Jonathan to lie together, Olivia wore a nice dress; she got her room so romantic in such a way that the nice smile from the room raised the sexual feelings of any man who might come across her that night.

Jonathan, after receiving advice from Harper to keep watch and be careful, left the room as planned with Harper, and as soon as he opened Olivia bedroom, she was already in her transparent gown, showing her body and lying on the bed. He drew close to her, had her romance, and finally had a sweet sex with her. They enjoyed the sex in such a way that neither wanted to leave the other at that moment. And for Jonathan, he has forgotten that he was warned by Harper to be careful. Although Harper was just at the door with her ears placed on it, she waiting to hear Olivia say words related to murdering him. But she didn't; rather, Harper kept hearing Olivia cumming and repeating words to have more sex with Jonathan.

After the sex, still on her bed, Olivia asked him to return to Harper before she might become angry with him. To her, she had gotten what she wanted; she believes that the unprotected sex has already given her a baby.

The more she pleaded with him, the more Jonathan refused and asked her to promise to have the same experience with her when he returned from work.

Olivia agreed, and with that, he left the room. As he got to meet with Harper, he started by telling her how good Olivia, has been sexually more than ever before, and this time around, she allowed him to have it done with her in any manner he wanted.

"That is more reason.You need to be careful; and know how you play your game, and I believe you are sexually satisfied?" She asked him, and he replied her yes, he was satisfied already without telling her of his agreement to meet with Olivia during the night again.

At the rising of the sun, when it was time for Samuel to attend to his work in office, Harper wanted to hear when Harper would be mad at him because she believes that, with the long time have spent in her room, Harper should be aware that he is already with her. Unfortunately, her expectations didn't come to pass.

However, with the eagerness to have Jonathan impregnate her, in addition to her belief that the last night's sex must have yielded her a baby in the womb, she had doubt springing up and decided to follow him to his office. As she arrived, she requested to see Jonathan from the secretary, who was amazed to see her be so nice. The secretary went in and informed Jonathan about Olivia visit to his office. He let her in. When she got in, he stopped what he was doing to find out why she was in his office. "What must be that which has brought you to my office at this time of the day? I believe I am saved?" He asked.

"You are save my darling husband; just that I need you to be around me.I enjoyed your touch last night and am here for us to have it again." She requested. Jonathan pleaded that she wait for him at home, but before he would be done talking, she sparked the urge in him by romantic touch. He got attracted to her and had sex with her in the office. The same was repeated at home during the night; it was all about Jonathan and Jonathan sexual activities.

A day later, after the second day they had made love, Olivia visited him in his office. She wanted to know how he had gone with the plan. "Mother, it was successful," he replied and told her the numbers of times they had the sex. This surprised Isabella. "You mean she allows you to penetrate her the way you want, without force, and again be the one requesting more even in your office?" She asked him. He answered her yes. "Now I see that she is truly sorry for all she has done, and it is time we start planning on how to reveal to her who Harper is; nevertheless, I pray she should be pregnant with what you have told me." Isabella praying such and being happy. "She will mother, but that isn't much of my care, just as I have said children come from God." He replied to her.

"From God through the coming together of a man and a woman, which you both have done. I should be congratulating you in advance. You will soon be a father." She became so excited the more. In addition, she got to hear from Olivia that all Jonathan has told her is nothing but the truth, Olivia been submissive to him, and Samuel played a perfect role. She also told Isabella how Jonathan sneaked into Olivia room without informing Harper; she saw him leaving the bed, but decided to pretend as someone who had gone deep into sleep.

When Jonathan got to hear this part, he became so surprised; to him, Harper wasn't aware of that, and hearing it now proves to him how smart Harper is.

With the constant sex Olivia has been having with Jonathan , she got to realizing that she is already a month pregnant. The signs are all over her body. She felt weak and sometimes overslept.

Jonathan noticed it, but since it wasn't in his field of specialization, he took it for an ordinary illness. "I think you need to see the doctor." He told her; by then, Olivia had stayed longer in bed, leaving what she was cooking to get burnt in the kitchen.

"You almost burned my house; I have been watching you sleep all the time; what is really wrong with you; why not go and see the doctor?" He added.

Olivia responded to him been so weak that her voice was barely audible as she answered him. "I have heard you." He left her there untouched and went to the sitting room. Harper coming out, rushing to see what was really burning, only to find out that it was Harper Rice that had gotten burnt which have been brought down by Jonathan.

"She almost burned down my house; imagine Olivia sleeping all the time." He sounded like a husband who has built long-term hatred for his wife Olivia.

"She is pregnant," Harper said. "Yes, I have been observing her in the same way you have, and as things stand, there is no need for a doctor to tell what is really wrong with her.Olivia is pregnant." She added.

"Yes, I am pregnant. I am a month pregnant, I was able to see the doctor earlier who told me that I am pregnant. I am a month pregnant." Olivia answered him, coming out and hearing them talk about her constant sleeping.

"Then who owns the baby?" He asked her.

"You, of course, own the baby." She responded, "The constant sex we have been having, here is the result." She pointed at her stomach.

"I remember hearing you said, of not be ready for pregnancy; how come you allow this to happen?" He asked. She walked beside him, laid her hands on his chest, and said "I once became carried away with the pursuit of political power; I wanted to be without anyone calling me a mother until am done leading Alabama, not knowing that I was endangering the respect of my womanhood. Now I have realized that children are among the essential needs at home. So I beg you, please forgive me; let's raise this child together." She humbled herself.

Jonathan , standing with her alongside Harpee, wants to know how humble she has become. "Isn't that too late? I have gone so far with Harper; we have things in common; I don't love you, Harper is the love of my life. And for the baby, I don't know where you got it from."

Olivia heart beat in pain; she reminds him how they had been making love unprotected, alongside their desperation for sex. "The child in my womb is yours; I am not forcing you to take your responsibility, nor am I stopping you from making Harper your wife; at least I have done my part in every area I could to make you see how sorry I am in my previous life.My love, I can't stop your decision; I will take care of the baby and even promise to tell him or her who the father is. meaning the child will forever know you as the father." She sounded nice.

Jonathan became so weak that he sat on the cushion in the sitting room and thought to himself. "She is now a changed person, and I have to say the truth: now I will be enjoying my wife, the woman I married.But how sincere is she? Should I keep acting this way or should I be lovely to her?" He asked himself. Later, he went to meet his mother.

"This is the hour to show her love; at least Olivia has shown how sorry she has been, so I beg with you to stop every act we have put into motion and attend to her. Even with that, I know she won't use her pregnancy to deceive us. So on second thought, I suggest that Harper be around; she should act to be closer to you than before and drag you along with Olivia, while you claim to love your wife. She will then notice your love for her." She suggested.

"Mother, I am grateful for all you have said. As it stands, I will do as you have spoken." He stood to leave and turned to his father. "You are not saying anything, father."

Hudson smiled and replied to him. "Son, I have nothing to say, but rather to say this: you have done a perfect job with Harper. Now, Olivia, we come to know that she is married and has much to render to her husband. Not just be about political pursuit. She will get to her dream career when the appointed time come."

"Yes, father," he replied, and begged to take his leave. Jonathan got home and met Olivia already moving out of the house with her belongings. He pleaded with her to stay back.

"What am I staying back for when the man who got me pregnant has denied being responsible? Aside from that, how will I continue to watch you move around with Olivia in this house with be hurt?".

He encourages her. "I didn't denied be responsible for the pregnancy; I know quite well that the baby belongs to me; the action I took was to see how mean you are about it; Please stay back; my life can't be completed without you. I might be sharing the feeling with someone else, but that didn't stop me from loving you."

"There is no need to stay when am not staying as your wife. I have a mother, whom I believe will welcome me back home. Let me go and keep wiping at my parents' house." She put her belongings inside the car. Harper, coming to hug Jonathan, she has been watching them right from her room. She has seen how pity-filled Jonathan has been towards his wife and Olivia refusal to stay back. Harper thought to go with the act of being kind to Jonathan, whereby Jonathan in return would yell at her before Olivia, "Don't hug me; Olivia is the only one in position to do that, and I can't live completely without her." He said to Harper.

"Am I not your love any longer?" She asked, pretending.

"You are not longer my love, but she.I beg you, Harper, go back to where you are coming from."

Olivia watched what was happening and believed that Jonathan still needed her, so she spoke to him.

"My love, I shouldn't be the one to cause you both enmity; let me go while you enjoy her more." Olivia speaking to hear his opinion

"Then I will go with you." He replied to her. Harper insisted he was going nowhere, but he was able to convince Olivia to stay back.

As planned, Harper always acted before Olivia and Jonathan;by dragging Jonathan out whenever he was with Olivia. The more she does that, the more Jonathan tells her how much he loves Olivia before she even arrives, still acting with Harper, to proof how he loves Olivia. Olivia notice it, she realized that Jonathan love for her is real, she herself have being the one taking her love for him all this while.

"What then do you intend doing with Harper, my darling?" she asked him while with her legs on his laps to be romance.

"Don't worry, I will handle her myself," he responded.

It then got to a point where he had to be spending much time with Harper; he sleeps and wakes with her, and she is always happy with that. For two months, Isabella had not stepped foot at her son's house to congratulate Olivia on being pregnant; she makes it look as though she didn't hear about it.

That kept disturbing Olivia until she told that to Jonathan. "I should believe that your mother is aware of my pregnancy, though I am the one in a position to tell her. But am scared to Speak with her, because she have often be mad at me and I don't know what her reaction will be next, I think I will tell her later, probably when my belly has started pushing out. With that, she will believe that it is for real." She spoke.

" She is aware of it. So that shouldn't be a problem. I told her." Jonathan replied and continue "Again, I think you are right in your decision; even with that, she needs to see the evidence in you, only with that will she believe you, so also your mother knowing about it." He advises her. Olivia thought of how she would face her angry mother, Regina, who has been annoyed with her for breaking the bond that connects the family with William. She thought to take her time in creating a method through which she would be able to reach both parents with Jonathan assistance.

Jonathan was relaxed with her and asked her how she was able to come up with the sexual style she has been using all this time during sex time with him. For he have loves them and wished she maintain such.

"I have known this before, and I know how to give it to you the way you want it. But to tell the truth, I got to learn much of it from my doctor and the internet. That doesn't mean I watch pornographic videos, but once in a while, I go through an academic orientation on how to make your man feel happy during sex. All this I put in to get back my man, because I love him." She explained to him.

"I really love them, and I wish to have at least one among them tonight." He didn't mind if she was pregnant; instead, he agreed that she also needed it, especially now that she is pregnant.

Olivia, in return, granted him his heart's desires that night; she allowed him to have her the way he wanted, giving him the styles he had noticed about her and how she would make him request for more. There, Harper got to know that her days in Jonathan house have started coming to an end, she need to start preparing her things, waiting for the D-day when Olivia will get to know the truth about who she Harper is to Jonathan.