
The Billionaire's Twist of Contract

Joan is an ambitious woman who was forced by her mother to abandon her career and dreams into marrying a billionaire, as a contract wife in order to save her family from financial ruin. Joan, being a strong willed child, protested against her mother's action but in the end she succumbed just to please her mother. She got married to an arrogant billionaire whose father needed him to get a wife in order to take over the family business. Derek wanted a wife for just few years for business benefits. So Joan's mother ceased the opportunity, forcing her only daughter into agreeing to be a contract wife. Joan suffered in the marriage but got fed up and fled to another city to start a new life, but only to find out she was pregnant with twins. The billionaire missed her absence so much when he realized he was madly in love with Joan. He went in search of her and uncovered her with twins. It was indeed a tough one for Derek. But who could be the father of the children? Will Joan ever forgive him? Will they find true love this time? Let's delve into this captivating story to find out what really happened

Vivian_Ugo_2442 · perkotaan
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2 Chs

Chapter One

Joan's POV

"So, Mum, I was wondering about that gentleman who was sitting with you at the other table during the party." I asked my Mum curiously.

"Oh, that must be Mr. Myles, an old friend of your Dad's," Mum replied.

"Really? Well, let me tell you, he was ogling at me the whole time you went over to talk to him," I said, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, my dear, you're a captivating woman, and it's only natural for men to take notice," Mum replied, laughing.

"There you go again, Mum, teasing me. I'm not in the mood for it" I said with a sigh.

"Just remember, your beauty can bring good fortune to our family," She said, removing her bracelets.

"I know, right? That's exactly what I need. Once I've saved enough money, I will start off my own restaurant and become the most renowned chef in this city," I exclaimed excitedly.

"Things have changed, Joan. You need to be prepared to do something meaningful to save our family from financial struggles," Mum said, her smile fading.

I looked at My mother with a frown, the excitement draining from my face. "What do you mean, Mum?"

"Come, sit here next to me, my dear. We need to have a serious talk," Mum gestured towards the seat beside her bedside.

Reluctantly, I took a seat and faced her with a questioning expression.

"Well, during the party, I had a lengthy conversation with Mr. Myles. I got to know him better this time. 

It turns out he's the CEO of De-Myles Automobile Manufacturing Company," My Mum began.

"Mr Myles wants to hand over the company to his son, Derek. And let me tell you, Derek has done exceptionally well with his father. He's made waves in the company and achieved remarkable success, now he needs to take over from his father" Mum said.

"Okay Mum, what has that got to do with me….with us"

I questioned my mother still confused.

"You see Joan, we have been in so much financial downtimes, you finished college by hook and crook, we couldn't keep up with the family expenses"

"But Mum I've been trying to help us, I do little menial jobs to help"

"That is not enough Joan, for how long do we keep feeding from hand to mouth? I want more"

"You want more? How do you intend to get more and why do you want more mum?"

Mum got up from her sitting position, paced towards me and placed her hands on my arms.

"You see Joan, I learnt from Mr Myles that his billionaire son, Derek, needs a wife as he's about to take over the company and this contract is just for 3 years and voila the compensation will be handsome"

She continued, "This is a good opportunity for us, marrying the Billionaire will be a huge blessing to us"

"These opportunities are rare and doesn't come aften, we need to grab this opportunity Joan"

Then almost in whispers, My mother lowered her voice looking into My eyes, she said,

"Marry the billionaire, Joan, be his contract wife for just three years and he will in turn make us wealthy"

"What?" I Screamed

"Obviously I can't do that mum, I've got dreams and career to chase and build and not this"

"There's no better time to save up money for your career than now, this is the best opportunity you've got, it's just for few years and you will be alright"

"Okay mum, why don't you go get married to the Billionaire and get what you want, why force me into this?" I said.

"Mum, what about my boyfriend Richard? We've been friends from childhood, we have a lot of good plans together, how would I face him with such decision, he will be so heartbroken" I said with shaking voice.

"Oh, keep quiet Joan, the last time I checked Richard was as broke as you are, what can he offer to the betterment of this family, huh?"

"You have known Richard for two decades what has he offered with his broke ass"

"Mum, I understand you may not like Richard but please don't belittle him, Richard isn't lazy, he's got his hands busy and hoping for a better tomorrow and I love him"

I said with tears welling up in my eyes.

"My dear daughter, you see, Love can't pay our bills, get me gold, cars and a mansion nor offset my debts"

"Mum stop being unreasonable already, think about this decision you want to take for me"

"Decision is already taken and that's final, you have to do this Joan, go sleep on this, by dawn you will get a clearer vision of what I'm saying"

"But Mum…"

"No buts Joan"

I fumed, got up and badged out of my mother's bedroom down to mine,

Almost hitting my feet by the doorstep.

"How can Mum make such a decision for me, what about my dreams and career, am I keeping them on standby for good three years just to satisfy my mum's desire for wealth?"

 I thought to myself.

" I need to find a way out of this, No, I can't do this"

"Even Richard will be so disappointed at me, no, I can't do this"

"How do I pretend to be the wife of a total stranger I've never met in my life, for a whole three years? I agree that the benefits will transform our finances but yet at the detriment of my own happiness and career?"

"How do I make mum understand that I'm not ready for this, she went ahead to make an agreement on my behalf, even without considering my feelings" 

"When has Mum suddenly become materialistic?" I thought to myself.

All this and many more questions keep popping up in my mind, but I've got no one to give answers to me.

While in the midst of my thoughts, there was a knock on my door, I snapped out of my thoughts immediately but couldn't answer the door.

"Joan you need to come down to the dinning for dinner, please come grab something to eat, dinner is ready"

Said My mum from the door.

"I'm not hungry Mum, please go away, I want to be left alone"

"It's okay if you don't want to come for dinner, I can actually bring something to your room for you to snack on"

"I don't need nothing right now mum, just go away"

I said almost in screams.

My mum walked away from the door without saying another word.

Then I stood up and looked into the dressing mirror, "I have an idea" I said to myself.

I picked up my cell phone from the bedside, dials a number and places it on My ear.

"Hello Richard…"