
The Billionaire's Surrogate

After a one night which leaves haunting memories, a depressed teenager on the verge of giving up on everything; including living: her crumbling world gets intercepted by a billionaire husband in dying need of a child. A twisted surrogacy story with a burning plot.

Sarcastik_venom · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

What keeps us together.

I remember one time when Sophia had been cheated on by a guy she was seeing. We were in high school and I was a very problematic child. Back in the day, all it'll ever take was dust to enter her eye for me to punch someone, anyone in the gut for sweeping dust her way. She'd left school without telling me. I went crazy looking for her. I had no idea why she'd disappeared but I had a bad feeling she was in trouble. After hours of searching, I found her by a stream, soaking under the rain. At first I thought she had gone crazy. But she hadn't. She had been crying under the rain to hide her tears.

She said the rain washes away her pain as soon as the left her eyes. She told me about her heartbreak, she poured her heart out to me. One minute I was listening to her, and the next I was fuming in anger. I felt her pain almost as if it was mine; like right inside of me. I wanted to bash the face of the idiot. But more than that I wanted to hug her, cuddle her under that rain, I wanted to take it all away from her; the pain, the heartache and all. I just wanted to be with her.

Just like how right at that moment, when I saw the pain and the sorrow she was going through as she made her luggage's. She swore she was leaving me for good. She promised I would no longer have any problems after she's gone. She said shedwish me a happy life with my mistress and hoped I had all the children in the world with her.

It broke me; shattered my soul; the words she spoke. I wanted her to share her pain with me but never to the point of leaving me or feeling she was the cause of my sadness.

I loved Sophia with my heart and soul and could never picture my life without her. I had to put in my impossible to keep her.

The kind of love we shared was like a rocky

I begged, begged, at some point cried, knelt, and almost crawled in front of her to not leave me.

After almost five hours of the same routine: she'd take a few of her suitcases outside, of bring them back, she'd take them back out and I'd bring them back in, all this atop pleading and arguing and finally, we were both cuddled up under a duvet blanket by the chimney. Sophia slept soundly in my arms while I caressed her soft blonde curls. I couldn't take my eyes off her peaceful look. Her makeup was all messed up, a clown looked better but still, she still looked like a new born sleeping. I closed my eyes for a minute to savor this moment but then...

(ring, ring)

I prayed the lord helped me to not murder whoever it was that was calling at that time of the night. Sophia was already fast asleep so I just gently let down her head on a pillow.

I picked up the phone to answer my call and it was from the hospital. Dr. Seuss was being really persistent so it must have been important.

"Andrew! Is there a problem?" I asked,

"She left! She was in there sleeping but immediately the rain storm started, she left. She just disappeared." Andre said in a hurried tone from the other line.

"What!? How could she have left and no one noticed? You told me she was mentally unstable! You should have kept a closer eye on her damn it. Where is her friend, Issa?" I could feel the sweat building up on my forehead. This day was beginning to weigh too much on me. I had barely finished pacifying my wife now I had to do same with a deranged teenager who was carrying my child.

"I had to call you first. I still have to inform Miss Isabelle."

"Did no one really see her leave?"

"No one Mr. Shenko! Like I told you, I checked on her last and when I did she was sleeping soundly. I can't even explain how she disappeared! I'm truly sorry Sir." Dr Seuss was at least a decade older than I was but the respect he showed me was heartening. I understood he couldn't have done anything to change the situation; the girl was mental and he had a crazy number of other mentally stable patients to attend to.

"It's OK Dr. But get Issa to call me as soon as possible. Maybe she would know where she went. I'll just go road searching around the premises for the main time."

"Road searching for who?" Sophia soft monotone voice got me from behind.

"Cara! Why are you up? Was I too loud?"

"You weren't Jared and I wasn't that deeply asleep. Who are you going road searching for?" she insisted on the same question. I couldn't lie to her. She already knew the truth and we had just amended our relationship and promised complete trust and devotion to each other. A lie would just put it back in a fix.

"Maraïda!! The girl! She ran away from the hospital, the weather outside is bad for her to be out and the girl is mentally disturbed and pregnant and..."

"I'll go with you." she said cutting me off. I thought I might have heard her wrong so I stopped talking to get her right and she said it again,

"I'll go with you. It'll be easier to find her that way; that is if you give me a description of what she looks like." she continued. I wasn't quite sure on how to react to this. I mean, why would she even be thinking of helping me find my mistake; she was my wife!

"I know you must be asking yourself why but I also know it was a mistake. The consequence of that mistake is important to you and I can't stand either hearing or watching a mother harm herself and her own child; knowingly or unknowingly. No way." she finished and kissed me on the cheek before retreating upstairs, "I'll get my blazer and one extra."

"Cara mia!"


"She's blonde, about 5.8 tall and thank you." I had to say it. Because I really felt it.