
The Billionaire's Pretend Bride

What happens when a one-night stand between a billionaire and his mysterious bride turns into an unexpected journey? Meet Rhys Alastair, California’s sexy heartthrob, who falls into temptation just days before he’s supposed to meet his arranged bride. He fears his marriage is doomed from the start, but he’s in for the shock of his life when he discovers his one-night stand is none other than his bride, Celestine. Celestine is thrilled to find out the man she’s been dreaming about is now her husband. But her joy is short-lived when Rhys, disgusted by the sudden change in his life, treats her coldly on their wedding night. Just as Rhys begins to open his heart towards their union, a surprising twist threatens to tear them apart: Celestine’s unexpected pregnancy with another man. Can their marriage survive the storm, or will these secrets and betrayals destroy their chance at happiness? Dive into the captivating tale of Rhys and Celestine, filled with heartbreak, passion, and unexpected twists.

Folakemi_Adeyinka · perkotaan
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5 Chs


The wedding was a grand affair, attended by the elite of society. But for Rhys, it felt like a farce. He stood beside Celestine, his expression stony as they exchanged vows. He couldn't forget the betrayal he felt, the anger that simmered beneath the surface.

As they were pronounced husband and wife, Rhys barely managed a smile. He took Celestine's hand, feeling nothing but a cold detachment.

The reception was a blur of congratulations and forced smiles. Rhys kept his distance from Celestine, exchanging only the bare minimum of pleasantries. He couldn't bring himself to look at her, to acknowledge the hurt in her eyes.

After Maverick came to talk to him about forgiving his daughter,As the night wore on, Rhys finally approached Celestine. "We need to talk," he said, his voice low.

Celestine nodded, relief flooding through her. They slipped away from the crowd, finding a quiet corner of the garden. The moonlight cast a soft glow over them, adding a surreal quality to the moment.

"Rhys, I'm sorry," Celestine began, her voice breaking. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't know who you were that night at the bar. I was just… trying to escape, for a moment."

Rhys looked at her, his expression softening slightly. "I believe you, Celestine. But it's not just about that night. This whole situation feels forced. We barely know each other."

"I know," Celestine replied. "But we can try, can't we? We can start over, get to know each other without all the expectations and pressure."

Rhys sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I want to, but it's not that simple. There's too much history, too many emotions involved."

"But we have to try," Celestine insisted. "For our families, yes, but also for ourselves. We owe it to each other to at least make an effort."

Rhys was silent for a long moment, considering her words. Finally, he nodded. "Alright. We'll try. But let's take it one step at a time."

Celestine smiled, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Thank you, Rhys. That's all I ask."

They returned to the reception, a tentative truce between them. As the night continued, they found moments to talk, to laugh, to begin the process of getting to know each other. It wasn't easy, and there were still many challenges ahead, but it was a start.

As the guests began to leave and the night drew to a close, Rhys and Celestine also decided to call it a night as it was their wedding night .

They got into the car and rode in silence to his estate. The car stopped at the entrance of a villa and Rhys got out, leaving Celestine behind.

"Rhys," she called after him, her voice breaking. "Please… can we talk?, and try to get to know each other more?"

He turned his expression hard. "There's nothing to talk about. To me this marriage is just a contract,I had to marry you to fulfill the clause in my grandfathers will, everything I did at the wedding was all an act, because your parents were watching us , 

Also let me make it clear whenever we are outside we will act to everyone like loving couples ,but whenever we are alone i expect you to respect my space and Don't expect anything more".

He walked away, leaving her standing there, tears streaming down her face. As he entered the house, he ordered the butler to help Celestine and show her to the guest room.

Rhys felt a pang of guilt, when he saw her wiping her tears as she walked into the Villa,but he shoved it aside. He couldn't afford to let his guard down. Not now. Not ever.

The villa was a cold and unfamiliar place for Celestine. She followed the butler through the grand, yet impersonal hallways, her heart heavy with the weight of Rhys's words. 

The guest room was spacious and elegantly furnished, but it felt more like a prison than a sanctuary. As she sank onto the bed, exhaustion overcame her, and she fell into a restless sleep.

Morning came too quickly. Celestine awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. She dressed in a simple, yet elegant dress, her mind filled with thoughts of how to navigate this new life.

She was about to head downstairs when she heard voices coming from the living room. Rhys was speaking to someone, his tone curt and business-like. Curiosity got the better of her, and she quietly descended the staircase.

At the bottom of the stairs stood a tall, impeccably dressed woman. Her presence was commanding, and she seemed to hold Rhys's full attention. 

Celestine recognized her as Avery Lang, Rhys's personal secretary. The two of them were deep in conversation, their faces serious.

"Mr. Alastair, the board meeting has been rescheduled to next week," Avery informed him, her voice smooth and professional. "Also, there's an urgent matter regarding the new project that requires your immediate attention."

Rhys nodded, his expression unreadable. "Thank you, Avery. I'll take care of it."

Avery glanced at Celestine, her eyes narrowing slightly before turning back to Rhys. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, that will be all for now," Rhys replied, his tone dismissive. "I'll see you at the office later."

Avery nodded and left, casting one last glance at Celestine as she exited. Rhys turned his attention to Celestine, his expression hardening.

"Good morning," she greeted him softly, hoping to break the ice.

"Morning," he replied curtly. "I trust you slept well."

Celestine swallowed, feeling the sting of his cold demeanor. "It was... fine. I was hoping we could talk. About us, about this arrangement."

Rhys sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Celestine, I thought I made myself clear last night. This marriage is a business arrangement. Outside, we play the part of a loving couple. Inside, we keep our distance."

"But Rhys," she pleaded, taking a step closer. "We can at least try to understand each other. We owe it to ourselves to make this work, not just for our families, but for our own sake."

He stared at her for a long moment, the conflict evident in his eyes. "Fine," he said finally. "We'll have breakfast together. But after that, I have work to do."

Celestine nodded, grateful for even the smallest concession. They moved to the dining room, where breakfast was laid out in a lavish spread. They ate in silence, the tension between them obvious.

After a while, Celestine spoke up. "Rhys, tell me about your work. What do you do at Alastair Industries?"

He looked up, surprised by her question. "I oversee various divisions of the company. We specialize in real estate, finance, and technology."

"That sounds impressive," she said sincerely. "I studied business and finance, but I haven't had much practical experience."

Rhys seemed to soften slightly. "It's demanding, but I enjoy the challenge. It was my grandfather's legacy, and I'm determined to uphold it."

Celestine smiled, hoping to bridge the gap between them. "Maybe someday, you could show me around the office. I'd love to see what you do up close."

Rhys considered her words. "Perhaps," he said cautiously. "But for now, I need to focus on the current projects."

After breakfast, Rhys excused himself and went to his study, leaving Celestine alone with her thoughts. She wandered through the villa, trying to acclimate herself to her new surroundings. She found solace in the library, a room filled with shelves of books that provided an escape from her troubled mind.

As the day wore on, she couldn't help but replay the events of the past few days in her head. The night at the bar, the wedding, Rhys's coldness—it all seemed li

ke a surreal nightmare. Yet, she was determined to find a way through this. She had to.