

  The cool breeze fluttered through the curtain at the bedroom window, bringing in a welcome draft of fresh air. Today would be perfect if only Annie could get out of today's plans.

  She had agreed to meet with Damien after work. They were going to have a quiet dinner at his house and probably talk about a few things that concerned them like work.

  Two hefty men dressed in black suits were waiting for her downstairs in the living room when she came down. She glanced over her shoulder at them, surprised.

  "Who are you and how did you get here?" she asked them. "Naomi!" she called out. Naomi wasn't home, she had left before Annie woke up.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked again. She was a bit frightened.

  They gave no response but one of them simply handed a cell phone to her. She took it from him with trembling hands.

  "Hello, Miss Gilbert. It's detective Steve. I see you've gotten your present. Sorry it's coming late, it took a while to get them there," Steve said.