

  Damien was rushed back to the house after hearing what Steve had said. He tried to reach Esme on the phone to warn her but she didn't pick up.

  What if they have gotten to her? he thought. He increased his speed as the thought of Esme being in danger flooded his thoughts.

  "Slow down, Damien. You're going to kill us before we get to her if you keep driving like this," James yelled.

  Damien ignored him and continued driving. They arrived at the driveway of his house and he climbed out of the car and stormed into the house.

  "What's going on? Is everything okay?" Esme asked, frightened. "What is he doing here?" she pointed at James

  "You're okay, thank goodness," he said, heaving a sigh of relief.

  "Steve probably meant your other house. They must be there right now raiding the whole place," James said.

  "What is this bastard doing here?" Esme asked. She rushed to grab James but Damien held her back.