
1 The meet

Nathan's pov

I woke up by hearing my alarm clock go off. I went to the washroom and did my business. I wore a black suit with white shirt and black tie . I don't have time for breakfast. I climbed into my rolce royce and ordered the driver to drive to knight enterprises. Hello ! I am Nathan knight. I am 24. I own one of the biggest companies in the world . Knight enterprises. I reached the company. Many people started to bow infront of me . I went to the 24th floor, where my office is situated. I called my secretary and told him to cancel my meeting with Ace woodwords . After working for 3 hours . The coffee break started . I walked to the nearest coffee shop to have a coffee.

I was walking when I felt something bump into me. I looked down and saw the most striking pair of blue eyes with a hint of green in it . A very fair face with cute bulb nose and pink plump lips . She was an angel. My angel. I heard my angel mutter a sorry and run away. After having a cup of black coffee. I walked back to my company to work. For the first time I couldn't work . Because of the blue eyed angel. Who was she ? this question ran through my head a hundred times. After finishing my work I left to my house. I took a long cold shower all thanks to my angel.

I lied on my bed thinking of my angel. And I drift off to my beauty sleep.