


/"Alex! Look at me! I can do a flip!/" Eve said

/"I can see you princess/" he said with a chuckle

/"Ma! Look at me/" Eve yelled

/"Princess, your mommy saw you couple of times, you should just let her enjoy, you can show me again love/" he said as he kept an eye on me

I gave him a small smile as he returned it before Evelyn started showing him her water flips

/"good job baby!/" Alex said as he clapped his hands for her /"come here/" he soon took her up in his hands and dropped her slowly into the water as we laughed

/"ALEXXXXXX!!/" she yelled as he kept laughing

Soon enough icecream was served

/"ALEX! EVE! Come here!/" I yelled as they looked towards me, as soon as I pointed at the ice cream, both of their eyes widened

/"Icecream!/" Both of them said loudly before Alex picked up eve on his shoulder and he started running towards me