

Twenty four year old Carryl is tired of his life...The struggle it took to get his degree only to enter a jobless job market has him hanging by thread. however, one day after his part time job he mets the most handsome man he has ever seen. a day later he mets the woman of his dreams. While still reeling from having met two likely sulfates, he receives the last blow. His possible soul mates are not only billionaires they are married to each other. What will happen when all his dreams are presented to him on a golden platter. Is the price worth the dream.

Roylex_Lovelace · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Keep calm

Carryl's P.O.V

I woke up with my a toe splintering head ache. The next door occupants decided that it was the best time to bang their door causing my head to throb viciously. I smelt like a Hobo's brewery, my stomach was a churning zoo of bees, painfully nauseous.

Eli was fast asleep in my arms, the only way to sleep in my single bed. I knew she would wake up complaining about her sore body from an uncomfortable night. She hated discomfort and the fact that she slept in my bed, had to be the greatest proof of affection I could get from her. Sleeping innocently in my arms she looked childlike, less of the manace she usually embodied. She shifted snuggling closer to me and i couldn't help but wrap my arms around her.

I had quickly come to learn that Eli was the more dominant one in their relationship. She was as reckless as she was controlling and more often than not ended up getting what she wanted. At work she was a risk taker, but only in the fact that she was always willing to explore the unexplored and put her money where her mouth was. She, however did not accept failure as an option and was beyond aggressive in her ambition. This meant that while her prowess in her career as the C.E.O of the largest realtor and construction company, was phenomenal. She was mostly disliked, a fact that she thrived in.

I gently removed my hand from underneath her head and made my way to the bathroom in time to vomit into the toilet. I took a quick cold shower before heading back to my room. I spotted my phone charging, greatful for whomever decided to charge it for me. I looked at the time and almost dropped my phone. It was a quarter to three, meaning we had spent pretty much the whole day in bed. Missing classes was one thing, but I was sure Eli had missed several important meetings and calls. I did not want to wake her, content to watch her sleeping figure, but I had to.

Waking Eli up was an extreme sport. She hated being disturbed on the account that she was almost always working. Being the C.E.O, turns out, was a more demanding job that I thought. I cleared a path to the door and then gently prodded her shoulder with my finger, feet wide apart, half of me already in flight. She made no move at first only grumbling. I poked at her again, this time with more force and made a run for it. I saw her arms swing at the spot I was before, her feet following suit. She only opened her eyes after failing to come into contact with anything.

"Hey?" I gave a shy wave slowly approaching her as if she were a dangerous animal. Which in all honesty she was.

" What are you doing all the way over there. Come give momma a hug" She said in a soft throaty voice that almost made me forget to frown at the title she gave herself. Almost.

" Momma? What is it with the two of you and calling yourselves momma and daddy."

"It's sexy. It's your fault for being so cute and cuddly. You make me want to smother you in my bossom, feed you, bathe you and protect you from the world. You are my little pet."

" Pet! Is that your way of telling me you are into pet play because I will not be dressing as a cat for you."

"How about a puppy. You would make the most adorable puppy."

"Eli!..I am hungry go shower so we can grab a meal."

" I am not getting into a communal bathroom and I sure as hell am not eating in some fast food joint I am sure surround this campus. We are going home so we can get a decent meal and a hot bath and a bed instead of that cardboard we slept on."

"I have classes early tomorrow."

"I have an even earlier flight, plus you can take one of our drivers so that you get extra sleep on your way here."

I wanted to argue but had no counter point. Even if I did, Eli was not known for her ability to change her mind. We drove out of campus catching a few glances probably because of the metallic green Lamboghirni Eli has driven to campus in.

Truth be told, I envied their fleet of luxury cars. Their huge mansion, their mountain castle( yes, castle), their beach villa and their lake cabin. Each one of their buildings was an architectural marvel that boasted of an excessive lifestyle. It was something I had trouble wrapping my head around. Both Park and Eli had come from influential and somewhat shady backgrounds with Eli's parents holding high political offices and Park's parents running a billion dollar, hospitality company which he Inherited. Their families were rumoured to have ties with several criminal syndicates and with their attitudes they most like founded said syndicates. Money had never been a problem to either one of the whereas financial freedom had been a pipe dream for me.

She took my hand dragging me from my depressing thoughts. I gave her a warm smile greatful to have her in my life. She and Park came into my life like a dream, promised me the world and did their best to deliver. Even if it were just a dream, I hoped I never woke up. I would enjoy this fantasy for as long as could and a minute more. I squeezed her hand and hoped she felt just how much she meant to me.