
Chapter 41

                          Jacob Mackay

It's his wedding day. Never in his wildest dreams did he think a day like this would come in his life. He still feared commitment. Jacob Mackay stood at the window of his apartment building and looked down at the busy streets of New York. It was just seven am, but everywhere was already alive with people milling about on the sidewalks. Jacob was supposed to be at the church by nine for his wedding, but here he was still thinking about what the future held for him. He was getting cold feet. He had foreseen a lot of his future for himself, but none of it included getting married, none of it included Sutton Price. 

Jacob hadn't spoken to or seen Sutton since the last time at their home.  He didn't know where he stood with her. Truth is, not hearing from her had affected him more than he realized. His heart was heavy.