
I Will Have You! One Way Or The Other...

Because Tanaga was so exhausted taking care of Ashley in the hospital for many days, he was almost not sleeping. He quickly had fallen asleep while Ashley was in his arms. Ashley in the end fell asleep also when she felt her husband sleeping peacefully. 

Everyone in the household didn't dare to disturb the two. Instead, they all left except Inday, the nurse, Tiny and Tanaga's bodyguard. 

It was already night when the couple woke up and both were hungry. Tanaga accompanied Ashley to help her take a bath, put on her clothes and even dried her hair. Ashley was so pampered that she didn't know what to think. 

Every time she stopped Tanaga, he always said to let him do it for her as it might help him regain his memory. Because of this, she just let him do whatever he wanted and followed what Tanaga was saying.

After Tanaga finished clothing her and drying her long hair, he put his own clothes on and then carried Ashley downstairs.