
The Billionaire's Bargain

Katie had a one night stand with a strange man,noticed she was pregnant, went back in search for the strange man sees him,but she only gets humiliated by him which led to a change of city and job,she becomes an undercover police,discovered the billionaire she was told to investigate about was the person whom she had the one night stand with. What was fate trying to do? What was the bargain? Find out in this interesting novel.

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Chapter 2

Over the next few days, Katie struggles with what happened. She felt guilty and ashamed, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. She tries to forget about it, but it's wasn't easy. She starts to avoid her friends and family, and she spends a lot of time alone.

A week later, Katie begins to feel different. She's tired all the time, and she's not feeling well. She decides to go to the doctor, and she finds out that she's pregnant. She was so shocked and scared, and she didn't know what to do. She thought about having an abortion, but she knows that it's not what she wants.

She finally decides to confide in her best friend,Claire, about the situation.Claire felt so bad that this is happening to her friend,she consoled her and assured her everything was going to be fine. Claire told Katie to inform her boyfriend,John about it and know how's he going to feel about it instead of avoiding him.

Katie decided that she has to tell John the truth, even though she's terrified of what he'll say. She dreaded the conversation, but she knows that she has to have it. Katie calls John and asks him to meet her at a coffee shop. When he arrives, he looks angry and confused. He sits down and waits for her to start talking. She takes a deep breath and starts telling him what happened. At first, he doesn't believe her, but then she shows him the doctor's report. John was really shocked and hurt, and he couldn't believe that she would do something like this.

John was so furious with Katie. He started to yell and say terrible things to her. He says "I never want to see you again neither do I want to have anything to do with the baby." after that John walked away from there. Katie was so heartbroken, and she began to cry. She didn't know what to do. She just felt like her whole life was falling apart.As Katie sat there, crying, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and sees a woman sitting next to her. The woman smiles at her, and she says, "I've been where you are. I know how hard this is. It's going to be okay." Katie looks at the woman, and she feels a sense of relief. The woman tells her that she can help her. The woman introduces herself as Mary, and she tells Katie that she's a counselor who specializes in crisis pregnancy. She offers to help Katie figure out what to do next. Katie was hesitant, but she knew that she needed help. She agreed to go to Mary's office for counseling. Over the next few weeks, Katie and Mary talk about Katie's options. Mary helps her to see that she has choices, and that she doesn't have to make any decisions right away. Katie felt more hopeful and less overwhelmed.

Mary encouraged Katie to look for the stranger and tell him about the pregnancy. Katie was nervous and confused because she didn't know how it was going to sound,she fully remembers the stranger's face,but she wasn't sure he was still going to remember that night because it was just a one night stand but she knows that she has to do it.

Katie went back to the club where she met the stranger,She wasn't sure if he'll be there, but she had to try. She didn't see the stranger there,She was so disappointed, but she decides to try again. She went back the following week, and this time, she sees him standing at the bar. She takes a deep breath and approaches him. She moves quietly to where he was and says "We need talk."

She introduced herself,and then tells him about the pregnancy, he laughs and says, "You've got to be kidding me. I don't remember anything from that night, and I certainly don't remember you. Are you sure you're not just trying to scam me for money?" Katie was hurt and angry, but she tries to stay calm. She tells him that she's not lying, and she's not interested in his money. She just wants to talk about what's going to happen next. She kept explaining herself to him,but he grew so angry and shouted "You're delusional if you think I'm going to believe that story. Do you really think I'm that stupid? "I don't know what kind of person you think I am, but I'm not a charity case. I'm not going to fall for some sob story. You're just like all the other gold diggers who come after me. If you think I'm going to feel sorry for you, you're wrong. I know exactly what you're trying to do. You think I'm some kind of sucker who will just hand over money to anyone who gives me a sad story. You must think I'm an idiot."

Katie was so speechless at that moment,she stood there shocked while tears dropped down freely from her eyes. The stranger picked up a bundle of money from his briefcase, without warning, he throws the wad of cash at her face,and left without looking back,he seemed totally uninterested in what ever she just told him.

Katie stands there, frozen in place, and she feels like she's in a daze. She didn't know what to do or how to react. She looks down at the money, and she feels a rush of emotions.

As Katie stands there, a thought starts to creep into her mind. What if he was right? What if she really is just a gold digger? She tries to push the thought away, but it won't go, because she knew this decision she made was a funny one,and who would ever wants to believe her. As Katie was lost in her thoughts, she hears a voice. It's a woman's voice, and it's coming from behind her. She turns around, and she sees a woman standing there, looking at her with concern. The woman says, "Are you okay? You look like you're having a rough night." Katie looks at the woman, and she's not sure what to say.

Katie gathers her things, and she heads for the exit. She walks out into the night, So, as Katie walks down the street, she replays the events of the night over and over in her mind. She can't help but feel embarrassed and humiliated by what happened. She also feels angry with Arthur for making her feel that way. She wonders if he does that to other women, and she starts to wonder what kind of a person he was.

Katie realized that she needed to make a fresh start. She had to leave this city and all of its memories behind her. She didn't know where she'll go, but she knows that she can't stay here. She thinks about all of the possibilities that lie ahead of her. She feels a little bit of hope at the thought of a new beginning.

She thinks about all of the things she'll need to do to make this change. She'll need to find a new job, a new place to live with her child she was pregnant with, and new friends. The thought was scary, but she was determined to make it happen. She felt like this was her chance to start over and do things differently.

Katie goes home and starts to make a plan. She makes a list of all of the things she'll need to do to make her fresh start. As she writes the list, she feels a sense of hope and possibility. She knows that it won't be easy, but she's determined to make it work. She imagined what her new life will be like, and she feels a little bit happy.