
The Billionaire’s Contract Wife

Gina is a young, hard working lady who gets heart broken on realizing that her boyfriend had been cheating on her ever since they started dating. Single and determined to take life as it comes, Gina comes across Henry, a good looking billionaire whom she misunderstood at first glance – which led them to part ways on the wrong foot. Unfortunately for her, where she ended up finding a job, was owned by Henry– and he refused her from getting offered a job immediately. Gina desperately apologized for the previous time they met because she desperately needed the job at that moment. Henry finally throws her a deal, for her to get married to him for a certain period of time, before she could get offered a job. Gina thinks that was the most absurd thing she’s ever heard, but that didn’t stop her from agreeing to get married to him when she saw the amount of money that was involved. Along the line, plans gets ruined, feelings gets hatched unknowingly and both individuals would come to realize just how fast and hard they were falling for one another, unhinged.

Josiexoxo · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


There were a few moments of silence while we looked at each other. Even though we were not saying anything to each other, his blue eyes seemed to be speaking stories to my heart.

It was not that I was being overly romantic. I could swear that this guy knew the power of his looks especially that of his eyes and wielded it expertly.

"Gina." I said in a low voice still in wonder over how this guy had captured me in minutes when I had already swore to not give my heart to a guy anytime soon.

"Uh?" He tried to shift closer so he could hear me properly.

"I said my name is Gina. I am Gina Georgia."

"That is good. The first letter of both your names is just so resounding. How about I call you Gee?"

I folded my hands over my chest slowly so it would not be obvious how my heart was thumping up and down so hard in my rib cage.

"You are making it sound as if you and I are friends already, Ken."

His expression showed that he was acting hurt by what I said. He put a hand on his chest.

"Ouch. So we are not?"

"Five minutes of pleasantries do not make us friends."


"Don't dare say you rendered me speechless." I said, giving him a warning look.

That earned another peal of laughter from him that never failed to make butterflies dance over every inch of my skin and not just in my belly.

"You already know I like to capitalize on my advantages. That makes us friends."

I chuckled. "That makes you a charmer, Ken."

"Well, you are single and that is why my charms are not lost on you."

I shook my head in amusement as I looked out through the window. The rain had lessened considerably to become just drizzling. People were now seen outside hurriedly walking to their destinations. "Smart way to confirm if I am single, Ken Harrison." I looked back at him to say.

"Now, you know three things—my name, that I like to use what I have and finally that I am smart. Even friends know less than that, you know."

"Hmm." That was I could mutter.

Did he want to be my friend or was he really capitalizing on the fact that I had been visibly struck by him. I was in that place in my life that I didn't want to have anything with a guy. In my twenty four years, I have gotten a lot of bulshit from guys. It makes no sense, considering the kind of woman that I was who had to depend on anyone but herself since childhood.

I rather cut my hands off than make it seem that I was depending on any person for anything. I had grown up that way. So it was funny how easy it had been for people of the male species to actually play with my emotions. It was weird I was captivated by them.

My mind was shouting, no, no, no to all these games Ken was playing with me. It was not up to twenty minutes with him and he was clearly trying to ease his way up into my life because he thinks he can.

That shows he was up to no good for me, right? That he didn't mean well in any way for me.

But even as my mind was telling me to stand up and leave now that it was no longer raining that much outside, that I should forget that this man with these damning blue eyes does not exist, I couldn't.

I was rooted in place on my stool. My body was compelled to him. Listening to him was a source of pleasure I did not want to deny myself even though I knew I should.

"I should be leaving." I said, hating that my voice was lacking all the confidence usually have.

"Why?" He said looking bewildered as if the thought of me doing that was preposterous.

Oh, he was a charmer all right. It would do no good to be here. But was I listening to myself?

I realize why: I was strongly attracted to him at first sight. Perhaps, I was in love already.

He was asking for friends even when I already wanted us to be lovers…to be partners. Even when I wanted to memorize all the stories in his blue eyes, to know how they lit when he is happy or sad or moody.

One would think that with all the man disasters that have happened to me, my heart would be very extra slow in triping for another guy. Here, I was being stunned by another guy. On first sight. And in an obvious manner.


I knew already I wanted to be his woman but I said, "Friends?"

Hopefully, that would give me enough time to regain my senses. Hopefully, something…anything would make my heart realize this was a bad step coming in close with this man.

My words made the most beautiful smile to bloom on his face, making him look like a teenager.

Oh shit. Being friends was also a bad idea. Absolutely no way could I be friends with this guy.

I wonder if he knew that already. I am sure he would already know.

Eyes twinkling, he said, "Deal. Should we shake hands on it, this new friend of mine?"

I rolled my eyes, trying so hard to bit back a smile of my own but failing so badly at it. "Oh, please, don't be silly, Ken."

People were already leaving the studio now that the rain had completely stopped and the noises from their footsteps disrupted our conversation. Ken clothes and clothes were already dried half way.

I looked outside, watching as people jumped over the small puddles of water on the ground.

I looked back at Ken only to find him intently watching me.

I became uneasy, then uttered the first thought on my mind. "So are you with wife and children, Ken?"