
The Billionaire’s Contract Wife

Gina is a young, hard working lady who gets heart broken on realizing that her boyfriend had been cheating on her ever since they started dating. Single and determined to take life as it comes, Gina comes across Henry, a good looking billionaire whom she misunderstood at first glance – which led them to part ways on the wrong foot. Unfortunately for her, where she ended up finding a job, was owned by Henry– and he refused her from getting offered a job immediately. Gina desperately apologized for the previous time they met because she desperately needed the job at that moment. Henry finally throws her a deal, for her to get married to him for a certain period of time, before she could get offered a job. Gina thinks that was the most absurd thing she’s ever heard, but that didn’t stop her from agreeing to get married to him when she saw the amount of money that was involved. Along the line, plans gets ruined, feelings gets hatched unknowingly and both individuals would come to realize just how fast and hard they were falling for one another, unhinged.

Josiexoxo · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


When I remembered all that I had done to help this bastard, anger began to heat up tremendously in me, taking the place of the pain that was tearing my insides to bits.

I would work my ass out in King Restsurant every fucking day besides Off days so I could get enough money to take care of both of us since he became unemployed.

I was the one paying the rent for the apartment we both shared. The taxes, the electricity bills and every other bill, I paid them with love in my heart, waiting for the time that Ken would finally get a better job than the one that had laid him off. I thought there was a future in both of us and so I invested in it with everything in me only to have it all crashing around me.

Thinking about the sacrifices I had made for this cheating son of a bitch made every part of me ache.

I looked at him. The fact that there was not even a single drop of remorse in his blue eyes, that his attitude was so casual as if he didn't just shatter my heart to pieces made me want to go clawing at him till there were bruises over him.

I wanted him to feel half of what I was feeling. I wanted him to tremble.

To know the hurt of the highest height. To know the agony of the greatest gravity. To know the pain of the deepest depth.

As I was about to start shouting and kicking him and making a scene, something made my glance go to Kate who was looking very stressed out by what was happening and was using her free hand to rub her stomach that was protruding out from the rest of her body.

I widened my eyes. She was pregnant.

Remembering how my elder sister, Emily, had had two miscarriages because she had been in a toxic marriage, I paused in mid way from hitting Ken in anger.

I was not about to be responsible for making a woman lost the child in her womb because I was angry. I knew too well how it had shattered Emily. For days, she had cried that the stress from being in constant fear of her husband's emotional assault had never been healthy for her unborn children to thrive.

Seeing Emily tears in my mind eye was what stopped me from making the scene I wanted to make.

I breathed in and out trying to calm my spirit.

I would cry later. I would mourn how gullible I had been falling for this cheating bastard later. I would feel all these emotions rioting in me later.

Without looking at the man who had made me like him for the two months of being friends before being his lover for the next six months and then had finally shattered me today, I fixed my gaze at Kate who grew more uncomfortable with every second my eyes were on her.

I pasted a stiff smile on my dry lips and outstretched my hands forward as if for a hand shake before letting them fall flatly at my sides.

I made sure that my voice was not going to embarrass me by trembling before I finally spoke.

"Let me properly introduce myself here. shall I, seeing as Ken here could not do that? Or rather, should I say he was not specific?"

Kate did not say anything to that.. Rather, she drew her child closer to herself and visibly swallowed.

"Well, I am Gina, as Ken rightly said. But I am not his friend. I am his girlfriend. No, not am, make that was. I was his girlfriend for six months as of two hours ago. So that means your husband has been cheating on you, maybe not just with me. Who knows he may have been cheating on another person with you. Someone he met before you. Someone after you. Trust me, this son of a bitch can do that. He said I am his friend who helps him a lot. Considering that I was dumb enough to literally take care of his needs because he was laid off from work for about four months now, I guess he was right. Foolish me thought I was in love. That will never happen again."

I was so damn proud of how I was speaking without my voice breaking.

I could feel Kate tremble slightly beside Ken as she looked at me. I could not believe that Ken was standing there, not saying anything, not even to his defense.

I continued, "Am I angry with you even though I suspect you play a part in your husband treachery? No. Rather, I pity you and your children, both the one in your arm and in your womb. Any person who is stuck to this son of a bitch who calls you his wife is bound to be miserable forever. Not a curse or a threat. It's just facts. "

I looked at them both when I took a pause. Shame only bloomed bright red on the face of Kate. Ken was now standing, arms akimbo.

"Is that all?" He asked calmly

"You had the gut to ask that? Man, you really have a lot of nerve, Ken. I regret the day at that studio where I had met you. I regret the last eight months of knowing you."

I wanted to start insulting him with the nastiest curses flying to my mind left and right but I suspected that it would not shake him or do anything to the situation. so it was pointless. Besides, his son was there. No way, I would make Ken make me stoop so low to start swearing in front of a three year old child.

"I don't want you at the house until I am gone by tomorrow. I would have told you to pack out instead but the house would contain too many memories of you that would make me feel sick to my stomach. So keep the house for you and your family. I doubt you can renew the rent when it is time, anyway."

I turned on my heels and left them. Since it was darkness and nobody would really see unless they come very close, I let the tears fall.