


  Augustus Martin’s surge of eruptions about my dad brought my psyche to a furore. Though I challenged him about my father’s innocuousness, there was in some corner of my heart a fear, an unquenched agitation about the possibility of truth in his words which could shake my existence to bric-a-brac. My father Mr Robert Evans is a loving and caring patriarch but the other side of him is an ugly and a cruel mafia leader who shambled many people lives without a blink.

  Taking a cab I rushed home immediately and confronted my dad about everything I heard from the malicious billionaire a while ago. With every question that fell out of my lips, I notice his expressions running havoc from radiance to a sheer torture. Slowly he reveals everything about my family’s past starting from Xavier Martin’s involvement in breaking my parent’s happy marriage to my dad’s incarcerated acrimony towards the Martins for shattering our lives to bits and pieces.