


  Pulling the covers off my body I got out of the bed with a huge smile on my face. Today is my Angel’s birthday. The anticipation of seeing her brought heebie-jeebies all across my body. I had been following Angelica from the last ten years but today I am going to meet her personally. The thought itself brought an unknown jubilation covering my extinct.

  My smile doesn’t seem to stop an undefined exultation goes seeping in my blood stream. My employees are lucky, for today there won’t be any yells and instant hand over of pink slips. Packing up from work early I reach home exactly at six in the evening. Tugging my hand inside my pant pocket I removed a blue coloured square box and clicked on the lid revealing a platinum bracelet covered in diamonds. A grin occupies my countenance looking at the appealing ornament. Placing the box on the dresser, I remove my clothes and toss them into the bin.