
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 36: The Serpent and The Pilot

A few years have passed and many things have changed. However, Roger and Dorothy are still Negotiators, only now they manage a household of kids and the Survey Core Alliance. They’re also form the Omega Team that protects Paradigm from unknown threats. Beck and Yumi form the Faust Team, piloting Big Fau. But Big Duo has yet to find a team to work with.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: A Somewhat Normal Night

The next few days were spent getting the Bigs ready for an oncoming fight. Beck and I took a submersible down to explore what we could of the sea floor to see if there was any sign of the beast we were looking for was hiding, or to see if there was something underneath the column that it was attracted to on the sea floor. But our search was in vain. I also contacted Big Ear to see if he had heard any rumors of any scientists deciding to try their hand at playing creator, but the Paradigm Science Foundation, now christened the Paradigm Electric Research Group, had been under the watchful eye of Angel and Vice President Batter. While it was frustrating to not get any leads, it was comforting to know that the Madam President and Vice President were working together, along with Lucy, to keep them under their watchful eye and no one had gone rogue.

When the SCA was founded, we created a system in which any of the founding members had the power to invoke the emergency clause. Beck has invoked it four times already, three of which had been him being a worry wort. On the other hand, it was Dastun who came up with the threat scale. Level 0 being something I could handle in negotiations, Levels 1, 2, and 3, being something that either myself or Dastun could handle. Levels 4 and 5 were basically beyond our control and required Big O or Big Fau to be summoned.

Beck and I were assigned nicknames to keep our status as pilots covered. I chose the name of Griffon as I had the symbol on my patch on my pilot suit. Beck chose Kraken, from a book he was reading about gods and goddesses in a faraway land that he won at auction. He said it was a multiarmed serpent capable of great destruction when summoned. I found it odd and when I asked why he chose it, he said it was because he felt like at times, he was multiarmed serpent himself, slithering his way in life trying to keep his business afloat, doing research for the SCA, fixing the megadeuses, and that he piloted a God that could be used for destruction, but wanted to use the destructive power to protect others. He also said it sounded funny and he liked it, especially the design he made for his patch. To each his own, I guess.

Big O was christened the Omega Unit while Beck christened Fau as the Faust Unit. He found the name from a German legend. Apparently, the man was a protagonist in the legend and struck a deal with the devil for unlimited knowledge and pleasures of life. Beck felt at times he had made a deal with the devil, whom he regarded as Big Venus, with his newfound fortune in this reset and that was why he strived so hard to use his fortune for the power of good. When I asked why, Beck said at some point, he was going to have to answer for what he did as a criminal and that by doing good with his fortune and improving the lives around him, he hoped whatever fate had in store for him as punishment for his misdeeds would be directed at him and not those he cared about, and hopefully lessened for him in some regard. Maybe there's some truth to that or maybe it's just superstition.

While we had recovered the megadeuses, Big Duo was still pilotless. We were having a hard time trying to find one that he could sync with. Countless pilots have tried and failed, as Big Duo would go haywire. The last test required me in Big O and Beck in Big Fau to submit him before Dorothy found a way to power him down remotely. Dorothy still has no idea how she did it, but she attributes it to the memories from her father, who had sealed them inside her all those years ago when she was still an android. Having Big Duo provide air support while we engage the beast would be nice, but until his pilot was found, Big Duo was out of the fight until further notice.

On the other hand, I had more pressing matters at the dinner table to worry about…

It was the beginning of the weekend once again and the Smiths and Norman were at their weekend retreat. Roger was pecking at his dinner with his fork absentmindedly. His mind was on the case he had accepted from the SCA, but he was missing a big moment in the household. It was Daniel's first spaghetti dinner and while Roger was trying to enjoy himself, his latest trip to Big Ear had been unsuccessful again. Roger felt a gentle nudge and found Norman, smiling at him.

"It seems your son feels you should wear his dinner, sir," said Norman, pulling a piece of spaghetti out of Roger's hair.

Roger laughed. "Sorry Norman, lost in thought."

"Don't become so lost you miss out on this moment with your son, sir. Would you like for me to freshen your plate?"

"Yes, please. And thank you."

Dorothy was entertaining the twins and Robert, showing them how to twist spaghetti on their fork.

"No, no Tim… you have too much. Look at your sister. See how she's doing it? And for goodness sake Robert, chew your food with your mouth closed!"

It was at this moment Daniel had an innocent moment. It was Roger's turn to feed him, but as he had been distracted by recent events, Daniel had taken a large handful that his tiny hand could grasp of his dinner and threw it at Roger, landing all alongside the left part of his face.

Dorothy clasped her hands over her mouth, trying to hold back her laughter. But it was the look on Roger's face that added to the hilarity. Partly calm, partly twitching his eyebrow in annoyance, partly emotionless, the twins and Robert had erupted into laughter causing Norman to turn around. He smiled, grabbed the camera and positioned himself the best he could in front of the lens, taking a few pictures of the entire dinner table. Dorothy couldn't help herself anymore and began laughing, hard. Roger finally broke down and began laughing too.

"Norman, a towel please?" he asked, shaking his head.

"Yes, sir, coming at once," Norman replied, still chuckling.

"Kids, this is a valuable lesson. NEVER let your guard down," said Roger, accepting the towel and wiping his face down.

"Like in self-defense!" exclaimed Tim.

Roger nodded. "Especially in self-defense. Good job."

Roger had found Tim spying on him one time while he worked out, and so, after talking to Dorothy, they had decided to teach the twins and Robert some basics, in order to build their confidence. Tim and Robert had responded well, but Rose, who had always been a quiet child, was still finding her confidence. Roger said she would find it in time.

Dorothy began collecting the plates from the kids and took them to the sink. The kids took off to go play in the living room. Roger was still trying to get Daniel to eat his food.

"Open up… ahh ahh… and in goes the food. Good job…"

Dorothy smiled at the sight before turning around and began helping Norman wash the dishes.


Once the dishes were clean and her hands dry, they all sat down and played a board game at the table. However, the kids got bored and kept begging Roger to play with them. So, they headed to the living room. Dorothy prepared a bottle for Daniel while Roger wrestled with the kids on the living room floor. Norman sat down, occasionally taking pictures and sipping tea. These were how many nights in the Smith household ended, whether at their retreat or the mansion. Tim and Robert had Roger in a neck hold while Rose sat on his legs.

"Go down, Dad! You're no match for us megadeuses!"

"Ah! Oh no! I'm defeated!" Roger laid on the floor, eyes tightly close, tongue stick out of the side his mouth, feigning dead.

"Oh no, the monster's dead! Whatever shall we do with the body?" asked Norman, chuckling.

"Please don't bury me alive," whispered Roger.

Dorothy shook her head. She heard the clock go off.

"It's 10:00. Time for bed…"

"Ahhhh! Come on Ma!" Tim groaned.

"No backtalk," said Roger firmly, sitting up, "Besides, isn't it story time?"

Robert eyes lit up. "Yeah! Grandpa Norman! Story Time!"

Rose smiled. "You were telling us about the giant toy robot bomb last night and how Dad helped Uncle Dan! You said today would be about the first Heaven's Day between Mom and Dad."

Roger cringed. "That's not my favorite one…"

"Don't worry, sir. I will stay true to the events."

"That doesn't help, Norman. I was… not the best that year…"

Dorothy had risen from the rocking chair, successfully rocking Daniel to sleep, and going to place him in his crib for the night.

"I believe the word you're looking for is 'louse,'" she said quietly with a smirk.

Roger shrugged, as he helped Norman prep the kids for bed. Roger was in charge of making sure they brushed their teeth while Norman turned down the beds. Dorothy tucked Daniel into the crib. Roger ushered the kids into their playroom where Norman sat down in a rocking chair as they gathered around him.

"So, as Rose told us, I will now tell you the tale of your father giving your mother the most lovely gift on Heaven's Day. Your father had a case with a businessman in what used to be the market dome district. Your mother had secretly gone shopping for your father…"

Roger leaned on the doorway, smiling when Dorothy came up behind him, slipping her hand into his, listening to Norman. He squeezed it.

"You wanna stay and provide commentary?" he whispered.

"I was actually wanting to sit on the porch with you, if that's alright."

Roger nodded. Norman always told his stories in great detail, so the kids would be distracted, and hopefully sleepy enough. Sitting together with Dorothy on the rocking swing seemed like a wonderful way to end the evening.


Roger awoke with a start. He looked around. He was sure of it. He felt a vibration, a large one. He knew the sounds of his kids, Dorothy, and Norman. This was not them.

Roger sat up, looking around. Dorothy was still asleep. Did he dream it? He felt it again. Something hit the cliffside. Dorothy began to stir.

"Rroger… what is it?" she said sleepily, waking up and stretching.

"I don't know," he whispered, "Stay here."

Dorothy felt herself become more alert as Roger got up. He didn't even stop to put on his robe or slippers as he left the bedroom, going down the hall, walking past the living room and stopping at the front door. He looked outside. There was nothing there. He then found his answer when he heard a large splashing sound and a roar. He opened the door and stepped outside, running to the cliff to see what had made the noise.

He saw the massive body of sea serpent. It looked so much like the one he fought in the reservoir of Electric City all those years ago, but the eyes were more distinct, yellow with black slits as irises. It was moving away from the cliff and heading to outer portion of the harbor shared by Paradigm and Electric City.


He ran back down to the house, where Dorothy was standing at the doorway. He caught his breath for a moment.

"There's no time! Get Norman, tell him to take you and the kids to the base. I need to summon Big O!"

"You're not even dressed!" yelled Dorothy as she ran towards him. Roger held her steady for a moment.

"I got a suit inside Big O, thanks to you. I'll be fine. I need you to get the base. Get yourself safe, get the kids and Norman safe. I love you, but I have to go," he kissed her on the lips, "I promise, I'm coming back!" And he took off running as Dorothy went back into the house.


The watch began flashing blue as Roger ran down the path leading off the mountain.


Beck had stayed late into the night, finalizing maintenance on Big O and Big Fau for the day. Yumi was with him finalizing notes on the repairs.

"You should be in bed," he grumbled, as he typed away, double checking the list of things he had checked over with Norman earlier.

Yumi smiled. "Fat chance. I'll be fine. Besides, I can't sleep anyway. Anna's kicking up a storm."

Beck looked at her belly and shook his head. She rubbed Beck's arm while she went to go check on Marcus, who was asleep in a cot. A few others were in the control room as well, monitoring progress of the checks.

"Mr. Beck, sir, the Arc Line system checks for both Big O and Big Fau have been completed," said one man from his station.

"Thank… WHAT THE!"

Big O suddenly overtook the screens, flashing red with "SUMMONED: R. SMITH" appearing across them.

"What? Damnnit!" Beck pulled his sleeve back, showing a comm similar to Roger's but on a yellow leather band, "Crow Boy, come in! What's up?"

"You were right! I got eyes on a sea serpent, moving fast, heading toward the harbor. Where's Big O?"

"Mobilizing him now. Are you wearing pajamas???"

"Shut up, Beck! How long?"

"Five minutes at the most. I'm mobilizing too! Where's your wife?"

"She's on her way! Roger out!"

The comm link died. Beck grimaced and turned around.


He turned to run, only to find Yumi blocking him.

"Forgetting something?" she asked coyly.

Beck sighed and gave her a kiss. "You'll be fine, being in charge until Crow Bird shows up?"

"I'll be fine, but know that Dorothy will be pissed at you for leaving me in charge while pregnant."

Beck huffed a sigh. "Whatever, I gotta go! Just make sure you're sitting down. I got this! More than likely, I'll have to save Crow Boy again since he's wearing pajamas and didn't even bother getting dressed! The damn moron!"

And he took off running for the hangar and to Big Fau.


Roger was running as fast as he could, keeping an eye on his watch. Time to intercept Big O was less than twenty seconds, counting down in his comm link. His feet pounded the ground, running hard barefoot. He cursed himself.

Damnnit Roger, you should know better and put some shoes on! Damn, this hurts!

He felt a rumble in the ground and the ground and sea water erupted into the air, Big O slowly rising from the ground. Roger hopped off the cliff onto his hand, cursing once more.

"Dammnit, that's cold!" and he hopped into the opened cockpit, stripping his shirt and pants off, grabbing his pilot suit.

"Damn things are a pain," he muttered as he zipped it up. He grabbed his boots and silently thanked Dorothy for thinking ahead and putting socks inside. He finished putting on his socks and boots and slipped on his helmet, fastening it. He adjusted the microphone. Once dressed he hopped into the pilot seat, CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY, flashing across the center console.

"Team Omega is ready to fall out. Pilot Griffon in position," he said into the helmet's microphone.

"You're clear to engage!" Yumi came on the screen to his right, "Just received word from Chief Dastun. He's tied up on the bridge. The Madam President, Vice President, and Lucy are helping with the evacuation. It'll be me and your wife."

"Yumi? Where's Dorothy?"

"Confirmed sighting. She just past the gate. She'll be here shortly."

Roger breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just don't overdo it. We don't want another…"

"You're just as bad as my husband! I'll be fine. I'm sitting down. Worry about yourself and that monster! Jason's finishing up his mobilization. GO!"

Roger nodded.


Big O took off in the direction of the sea serpent.


"Mistress Dorothy…"

Dorothy was running down the hall, trying to get to the command center to support Roger, with Norman, and the kids running in tow. Dorothy turned around.

"Norman, take them to barracks. They'll be safe there."

"But ma…"

"Not now! I love you, but I have to help your father. Listen to Grandpa Norman and don't run off. Tim, Rose, you're the oldest. Protect your siblings and listen to Grandpa Norman!"

Dorothy veered off to the left, skidding to a halt into the elevator, pressing the button for the floor for the command center. Rose turned to Norman, who was holding Daniel as they ran off to the right.

"Will Mom and Dad be alright?"

Norman smiled broadly as he adjusted his hold on Daniel.

"Of that, I have no doubt, Lady Rose. They're the best at what they do, and they have your Aunt Yumi and Uncle Beck supporting them. You know, I think it's time for a life lesson, and it actually goes hand in hand with the story I'm telling you."

"What's that, Grandpa Norman?"

"It's a lesson about believing in yourself, in others close to you, and having faith."

Tim frowned.

"It sounds boring, Grandpa Norman."

"Oh, quite contrary, Timothy, it's centered around your favorite character of the story."

"The megadeus? Big O?"

"Indeed, Young Master Timothy. Indeed!" chuckled Norman as they headed in the direction of the barracks.