
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 33: Preservation of the Present

The battle to decide the fate of Paradigm City and the world has arrived. The players on the stage will now have to choose: Shall they remain on the stage forever or choose a life of their own, not predestined by Big Venus? Their decisions from this point onward will determine the fate of their lives, the lives of their friends, and the fate of the world.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Dan Dastun Makes His Decision


Dastun was yelling into his radio in his office.

"One we haven't seen before, sir! It's huge! It's wearing a pointy hat, it's got spikes along its chest, and the face…. It looks like a skull… a glowing skull!"

Dastun grumbled, gripping the radio tightly. Roger hadn't called him yet, but probably didn't have time. He hit the speaker on desk, using the emergency broadcast system to broadcast his message.

"Mobilize this entire station! I want everyone out! We have a megadeus approaching the city from the sea, which means the black megadeus isn't far behind! Make sure anybody innocent in their path is evacuated to the nearest shelter on the double!"

Dastun grabbed his overcoat and hat, jamming it on his head, running out of his office. The station was in chaos. Everyone was running, grabbing their gear. Dastun got into the main area of the office to begin his briefing when someone called to him.

"Chief Dastun, rescind that order!"

Everyone stopped. A high-ranking officer, Major General Gauss, had stepped out of his office, holding a calvary whip in his hand, tapping it occasionally. Dastun turned around slowly.

"Not sure I understand your orders, sir. We need to make sure those who are in the way of the fight are able to get to safety and shelter."

"There's a new order of government now. Our job is to protect what's inside the domes. Outside the domes is an area we don't worry about anymore."

Dastun glared at Major General Gauss.

"I don't distinguish a citizen of Paradigm by where they live, sir."

"That's always been your problem. You never understood who really to serve. Rescind the order."


"Chief Dastun, if you continue with your insubordination, you will be removed from command!"

But recent events finally took their toll on Dastun, and he quickly drew his gun as Major General Gauss withdrew his from his holster.

"I'm in no mood for anyone's bullshit right now. I have a job to do. You can either get out of my way and let me do my job, or you can kill me now. To hell with you and your new government," he said calmly, but with a fierceness in voice that made the Major General Gauss step back.

It was at this moment an officer behind Major General Gauss picked up a chair and swung it hard into the Major General, knocking him out, causing his gun to go off. The bullet missed Dastun and went into the corner of the wall. Everyone crouched low to the ground, then slowly stood back up, but Dastun remained standing. Dastun lowered his gun, looking at his men, who looked at him.

"I'm sorry sir, but I hated that guy," said the officer, panting, "You're right. Paradigm City is Paradigm City. Regardless of where you live. What are your orders, sir?"

Dastun, who had been feeling down for the past week, now felt a sense of hope and pride as he stared back at his men. Something good happened from the transfers at least, he thought as the radio crackled once more.

"Chief Dastun, sir! There's been an update. Robotic-like creatures are now closing in on area outside the domes close to the sea!"


"Close to 72nd street!"

Roger's place! They're probably trying to find Dorothy, or stop Norman and Beck from helping Roger.

Dastun grimaced and looked at his men.

"Listen up! Today's going to be a long and hard day, but well worth it in the end when we win! Our jobs are protecting the area around 72nd street and supporting the black megadeus! Some of you know that area well because we have mutual friend. I know he's out there fighting. And if he's doing that as ordinary citizen, then with the pride and honor the Military Police on the line, we'll do the same and protect Paradigm City!"

The men inside cheered and roared in agreement. Dastun yelled at them.

"QUIET! I'm not finished! You do understand that we'll be fighting our own today. If the major general is any indication of what's to come, we'll not be fighting robots, but our own. They'll be fighting for what they believe in, believing their cause is just and right. On the other hand, we'll be doing the same. If anyone wants to leave now, I understand, but for those that stay, understand in their eyes, we're committing treason, and that penalty carries a death sentence if we lose. But that is why we will win the day! Unless they threaten the lives of you or others, we'll show them the true justice and compassion of our Military Police!"

The men stared at him, no one saying anything for a moment. Dastun looked around the room, waiting for a response. The officer who smacked the major general with the chair, finally spoke.

"No one's leaving. We're in this to the end!"

Cheers erupted again and Dastun gave a rare coy smile. He yelled once more.

"Alright then! What squads I have today?"

"Addison, Mulberry, Kirby, Webster, and Pullman. You also have Michaelson who's already out," said an officer from the back corner.

"Alright then! Squads Addison, Mulberry, Kirby, and Webster, fall out immediately and head for 72nd street, setting up a perimeter around the Smith residence! There's something there that they want, but they won't get it, not with us around! Once that has been established, Mulberry's unit will remain behind while Addison, Kirby, and Webster will push the enemy back and force them to retreat!"

Dastun grabbed his radio.

"MICHAELSON! Come in!"

"Yes sir?"

"Abandon your post by the bridge. Did the target come through?"

"She did a while ago sir, she should be across the bridge by now."

"Good, take your men, stay along the waterfront. Keep an eye for the black megadeus. If he starts struggling, you help him. Give that other megadeus everything you got! You'll be joining Pullman's squad," he clicked off the radio, "PULLMAN! Join Michaelson's squad ASAP! Same orders!"

"Understood sir!" yelled Pullman as a group of men ran with him outside to the weapon's cache.

"Where's Webster's squad?" yelled Dastun.


"We're falling out now! We need to get to 72nd street on the double and kick some robot ass!"

"Yes sir," said Webster, with a smile at his boss' remark.