
Chapter 16

The flames of the great bonfire lit in the middle of the esplanade reverberated on the walls of the surrounding ruins against the dark background of the jungle that seemed to be crouching at night to swallow that small redoubt of security that humanity had built in remote times to house some population whose memory had been lost in the night of time.

The five explorers were as usual in their round of conversations, the only space of the day in which they had the time to share ideas, reflections and aspirations.

“This jungle does not stop giving us surprises.” Said Aylen to open a topic.

“I feel that it is revealing its secrets to us as we move inside it.” Replied Jean Luc. “It is as if every day a new and unexpected face appears to us.”

"What happens is that we are looking at a series of isolated trees and we do not see the forest." Added Xiang.

“What do you mean?”