
Chapter 67

Chapter 61: Reminiscing the Past.

Saturday 10 am.

Stella's POV.

<< Stone cold, stone cold

You see me standing but I'm dying on the floor.

Maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore >>


Lying in my King-sized bed early in the morning on a Saturday.

I didn't feel like standing up as I just felt very tired and stressed.

Lucia had gone over to Lucy's place early this morning, she was picked up by their driver at 7.

I didn't even know when she called to go over, she had gotten so attached to the little girl that she can't even stay a week without seeing her.

Being alone now I can't help but remember everything that happened in Little Jemmy's one-month birthday celebration.

How I bumped into Rick and how he reminded me of what happened in the past.

To be honest I felt very hurt.

Those memories were ones that I desperately want to forget but I just can't help it.

Seeing him makes me remember everything.

How I was stupid enough to fall in love with his beautiful face and his lying lips.

How he deceived me and made me a joke among my peers.

I gave him the priceless gem that I had been preserving for my husband for my wedding night all because of what we call love.

I was so stupid!

I became a disappointment to myself and my parents.

I could never forget the disgust I saw in their eyes when I came home with a baby bump.

I was raised as a princess to get married to Someone dignified and respected but what happened?

I shattered it all for love.

It hurt.

I remember being mocked by my mates for being pregnant and how I was often bullied by them.

This I suffered quietly, I never shed a tear in front of them why because I don't want them to see my vulnerable side, I don't want them to think I am weak.

I put up a strong facade till I knew I can't do it anymore.

I became tired of pretending to be strong when I am not.

I remember after telling Rick that I had gotten pregnant with his child.

He looked at me Straight in the eye and told me to abort the child.

At first, I thought I was hallucinating because how can he who claims to love and adore me ask me to abort our child?

I told him he was joking but what I saw in his eyes told me he wasn't.

I begged him not to say that, I pleaded with him to accept our child but he didn't.

He shoved me away like I was trash.

I felt hurt, I never felt so hurt before.

His eyes carried no trace of warmth as it was dead cold.


Where did this monster come from?

Just weeks ago he was telling me how much he loved me while we were copulating so why?

What changed him?

I never got my answer till the next week.

I caught him and a very beautiful lady in the Accounting department kissing beside his car.

They weren't ashamed to be doing it in public.

I was behind them but they paid no attention to me.

I felt like my heart was breaking into a million pieces.

It felt very difficult to breathe.

It felt like my heart was being pricked by a thousand needles.


Why did he have to do this to me?

I don't deserve this so why?

<< Stone cold, stone cold

You're dancing with her, while

I'm staring at my phone

Stone cold, stone cold

I was your Amber but now

She's your shade of gold. >>

What's so special about her?

Why did he have to choose lily Jun over me?

She isn't some innocent girl, alright?

She is famous for being a playgirl ... Not sure if you've heard that before so why?

Did he claim to love me with all his heart and soul so why?

What happened to that love?

Did it evaporate Into thin air? Or was it never there as I thought?

Did he love me truly as he claims or was it a ploy to break me?.

I entered college as a lady with sound moral values, discipline, and focus.

I didn't let anything or anyone distract me from my studies.

I topped my class during my first year and I was very proud of myself.

I never attended night parties as I saw it as a waste of time and could make me lose my focus.

But once when one of my closest friends was about to celebrate her Twentieth birthday I couldn't refuse and just had to attend her party.

I didn't know that I was going to regret my one single decision.

I wished I had listened to the tiny voice in my mind and didn't follow my logic.

I wore a casual outfit to the party as I didn't want to attract much attention.

The party went on normally much to my relief but then.

A girl suggested that we should play a game, it was named truth or dare.

I accepted to Join after moments of Hesitation, I wish I stood my ground and didn't give in to peer influence.

My turn came, I chose Truth and I was asked a single question one which changed the course of my life.

<< Are you a virgin? >>

That was the question.

<< Yes >>

That was my answer as I was indeed a virgin.

From then on.

I started seeing Rick around me.

It didn't Dawn on me in time that he was only with me because of lust and not love.

But by the time It dawned it was too late for regret.

I was already one month pregnant and I couldn't abort it as I don't want to commit murder.

I kept it and I ended up on the streets, I lost everything.

My parents, My education, my inheritance.

Everything is all because I fell stupidly in love with a jerk.

Over the years I have grown to forgive Rick for what he had done.

Because who am I to count sins?

I am also a sinner too so why not?

<< God knows I try to feel happy for you.

Know that I am

Even if I can't understand. >>

When I heard that Both he and Lily Jun were getting engaged.

Though it hurt I tried to feel happy for him.

Though I tried to deny it I saw the love in his eyes whenever he was with Lily Jun so well...

I wasn't so Suprised to find out that lily was his first girlfriend and they just had some misunderstandings during the time he was with me and well the misunderstandings had already been cleared up.

I forgot about him and moved on with my life so why now?

Why did he have to come from nowhere and start threatening my peaceful life?


Didn't he reject Little Lucia when she was still a mixture of blood and water so why now?

Is it because he saw the talent in her?

Is it because he saw that we are living a good life now and he isn't?

But no matter what I'll never let him take my daughter away from me.


With this newfound determination, I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to consume me.

[ Good night or Good morning, Stella, sweet dreams. ]